*placement matches complete*

IIRC around 2300 is smack bang 50th percentile.

25% is the amount of the playerbase that IS plat. At least according to the rank breakdown Jeff posted ages ago.

Bronze - 8%
Silver - 21%
Gold - 32%
Platinum - 25%
Diamond - 10%
Master - 3%
Grandmaster - 1%

No real idea if it’s still accurate or nah, but it’s probs close enough.

“Ze party iz oveur.”

I’ll reply with my score once I finish, its been pretty horrible though ran into a lot of toxic dps mains d.va mains and mercy mains

I got so toxic and salty I just lost all focus at the game and lost as a result of it. The temperature where I live is over 30C which is very high for late April/early May. I was so sweat it made the experience even worse.

But yeah, wishing you the best.

90% sure they spread the curve out more and top 25% is diamond or above now… and pure average players are actually just mid platinum.

Yeah, that list is from like Season 3. I doubt it’s still accurate, and SR isn’t a zero sum game, so there’s nothing keeping those placements the same.

Actual season 9 mood right there

Yup I’m looking forward to getting placed in the 2400 range and then calling it quits for the season

I wish I could be in plat.

With 5 wins and 4 toxic losses and a draw I got 2399 SR…

Didn’t they update this list around S8ish ? I’m pretty sure it’s still the same with a few percentages changed ,like gold being 34% ,I’ll try to find it

I’d be interested in seeing where it falls. Overwatch isn’t a zero sum game when it comes to competitive, our team might gain on average 20-22 SR for a win but the enemy might only lose 18-19, or they’d lose on average more, and it’d be neat to see if it skews the playerbase upwards or downwards.

Oh wait ,sorry I was wrong ,the stats are the same as you listed ,though they were also posted this year on February ,so I guess nothing changed : Competitive Mode Tier Distribution

Seems like Bronze is the third least common rank, 2% lower than Diamond. Interesting…

According to this website (which popped up when I first googled it)

It seems to have remained fairly accurate, with higher ranks expanding (According to them, GM is 1.4% of the population, Master is 3.8%, Diamond is 10.7%), while lower ranks shrink (Bronze is 7.1%, Silver 18.5%)

Middle Ranks seem pretty stagnant at 30.8% and 25.4% for Gold and Platinum respectively.

I think what’s interesting about Overwatch is that rather than use a ladder like other games, where most of the playerbase sits around the bottom few ranks, is that they use a bell-curve and have a player typically enter at around a mid level rank, rather than a lower one.

I wonder how different the game would be if an average player could expect to start the game at around 1k-1.5k SR.

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got my usual 2800… after playing placements against team with 3500+3200+3400

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I’ve always been wondering ,is it even possible to place in bronze ? I heard that the minimum you can place is mid silver.

It’d have to be, right? Like isn’t that the point of performance based SR in placements? So a good, but unlucky player can still expect Gold or Plat?

Surely there’s got to be someone who threw all of his placements on statistically they did so poorly they landed in bronze on a fresh account.

Considering you can’t do placements and hit GM on a fresh account ,I wouldn’t doubt not being able to hit bronze on your first placements

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