Place your bets on how Brigitte is going to be nerfed

These changes would instantly put her in the trash bin. Never gonna happen.

  1. She isn’t Doomfist with a possible OHK rocket punch
  2. She isn’t McCree DPS that can delete heroes after her stun (besides tracer)
  3. Uneccessary
  4. Her shield is super easy to break as it is.
  5. It will get buffed before it gets nerfed
  6. 58 DPS is hardly in need of a nerf

The only nerfs she needs are:

  1. Can no longer stun Rein through shield
  2. Smaller hitbox on shield bash

I honestly don’t know, it’s a tough call.

Stun is undoubtedly one of the most powerful status effects in OW, but Deflect can literally turn Ultimates back on their users.

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Oh trust me, if they cry long and hard enough it will happen. Especially if she does something that enables a meta. They dumpster’d Ana, they can do it to Baguette.

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I doubt she would get a nerf before Moira. :stuck_out_tongue:

In any case, the only alterations I feel like would be acceptable are:

  1. Brigitte shouldn’t be able to shield-bash a charging Reinhardt if he’s coming straight for her
  2. Her shield-bash matches its animation, or the animation matches its range.

Lets say Bash will be 6 seconds and maybe whip will also be 6?

I think normally you’re going to get more value out of the stun but deflects got the potential to do more than a stun could

I think you can bash a deflecting genji tho

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Correct. Bash will cancel Genji deflect.

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It is quite literally the only thing in the game that does so.

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Which makes me think it was intentional by the devs, so I don’t believe it will be changed.

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Nerf her ult by removing speed boost and reducing its radius.

There is nothing else ‘wrong’ with her kit. I seriously do not understand this “She makes tanks feel bad” nonsense. Ive been playing Zarya more often and find Brigitte players hilarious.

Couldn’t you have started this thread without the flanker scapegoating and the victim mentality?

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No, because that is the very reason why she will inevitably be nerfed.

Yeah, man it made so mad when they nerfed Moira’s beam because Genji and Tracer mains kept complaining.

What do you mean her beam wasn’t nerfed?
WhAt do you mean she got slight buffs on the PTR!?

Oh the screaming horde of “experts” that are the forums usually get their way…

Uh huh. I give it a fortnight before we start hearing talk of nerfs.

she is just as strong as moira was first. no nerf is coming,

I really hope you’re right. Long live Brigitte.

Don’t think a nerf is needed atm, but if something does get nerfed it’s likely not going to be the shield bash. I’m thinking flail RoF will be the first to go.

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