Place your bets on how Brigitte is going to be nerfed

We all know it’s coming.

No one who gives beloved Tracer this much of a hard time is going to be around for long (because heaven forfend Tarcer actually has a decent counter).

My money’s on either/both;

  • Shield bash cooldown increase
  • Something stopping you chaining hits and abilities together

How do you guys think Brigitte is definitely going to be nerfed?

(To clarify I don’t want Brigitte to be nerfed, i just know that she will be).

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I don’t want a nerf for her, but I think they will increase a bit all of her cooldowns. Whip shot is currently 4 and Bash is 5.


Longer animation cancel for shield being put away?

I’m a Tracer main and I love Brigitte just as she is. Your generalizations are unwarranted. I vote for no nerfs.


Armor given to allies during Rally is reduced or is distributed more slowly to those within range.

For an extreme nerf, I imagine the armor received from Rally is no longer permanent, degrading over time like Domomfist’s shields.

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She’ll go live as-is, either with or without bugs.


They’d have to buff the range by a lot if they decided to do that.

I like her as is
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She barely counters Tracer, and she synergises fantastically with her.

Any nerfs she receives won’t be due to Tracer. If she does get nerfed I think it’d probably be due to how miserable she makes playing tanks. I’ve basically given up playing them when fighting her.


Oh, I have another idea… just deleting her altogether!

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Guys, don’t get me wrong. I don’t want Brigitte to get nerfed.

I have literally never had more fun in Overwatch than I do when I play Brigitte. I’ve always been a healer main so it’s great to be able to heal, but also to not be completely easy prey for flankers.

Sadly I’m a realist and know that she will undoubtedly be nerfed. Blizzard has made it clear on many occasions that everyone must play second fiddle to Genji and Tracer, and Brigitte is simply too good against them. Genji and Tracer’s flanking ability must always be absolute so make the most of Brigitte while you can.


I think they will buff her healing as it’s far too weak now

Animation cancel gets removed and shield bash hitbox gets nerfed to actual size of the shield itself.

Accuracy for such a powerful ability


might get like a 1 or 2 second increase on her shield bash

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I really hate how she is literally impossible to kill in 1v1 once she is close enough. And you can’t avoid her getting close to you a lot of the time. she just goes into God mode as she spams her abilities and it literally takes another person to help you survive. That’s terrible design. Even moira has a 2sec window of time when you can kill her, even mei,etc.

I actually don’t mind her healing being as low as it is. She brings so much utility in other areas that if they make her healing better she would be genuinely OP.

Not to be THAT guy but are you seriously complaining about a melee hero being hard to fight 1v1? Easy solution switch to Pharah or Junkrat and laugh as you blast her to death.


My money is on the shield itself. Not sure how yet, but I think it’s gonna be the shield.

And they will compensate with damage.


I am sure she will be nerfed just as much as Moira has been. :wink:

Honestly, She will probably have her Passive buffed a tiny bit, but I don’t really see them nerfing anything except maybe her shield bash hitbox.

I would actually like them to nerf the hit box so it is easier to determine which hero to stun when the enemy are grouped up.


they will kill her combo by adding a delay after shield bash and nerf the damage of the whip shot.

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