Place your bets on how Brigitte is going to be nerfed

Agree to disagree that’s exactly he problem I don’t want noob on my team picking some mobility low Healing no range support thinking they are helping the team by trying to shield slam people. Maybe it’s better if I jump on the nerf bandwagon so I never have to have her in my team. Her heal is just so bad the only way she does effective healing is brawling and sorry I don’t want to have to build my team around a support because it only works with certain strategies and get dumped on by parhas all day. I can see it now trying to snipe parah and heal my team as ana as the brainded stunlords try and dps as support and end up just suicide bombing as a support player…

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Brigitte will probably receive buffs before nerfs… I predict a slight increase in her rate of healing on landing an mb1.

Also, she has already been nerfed. They increased the charge necessary to gain ult by 25%. She used to gain 12% ult charge for a boop kill. Now she only gains 9%.

I’d imagine they nerf her vs tanks. Maybe shield bash can’t go through shields. Maybe it can’t stop Reinhardt mid charge.

Which is kinda broken.

Having a CC abiliy that puts someone out of it and extremely vulnerable for a full second is a little broken to have on a 5 second cooldown. Especially when it does 50 damage and is near instant.

Not to mention her Animation cancel allows her to shield bash + whip for 120 damage in less than a few hundredths of a second without any real counterplay.

While they may indeed make it so her stun doesn’t go through Rein’s shield, I highly doubt they will change the interactions between her stun and his charge. It already stuns her if she bashes his charge head on.

I don’t know about nerfs… People are still crying out for Moira, yet there are none so… :man_shrugging:t3:

They’ll probably give her a movement delay if she misses a shield bash

Or like you said, increase the cool down on it or something to stop you comboing, like a damage reduction.

It’ll probably like they did to roadhog’s hook but IMO any nerf like that will just destroy Brigitte since she’s not even OP or anything right now :unamused:

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Ye, that’s why I think she will receive these nerf.

IF they do nerf her utility, they will need to compensate by increasing her healing/armoring capability imo. Most likely it would be her passive.

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True, but Moira doesn’t have the ability to completely shut down Tracer and as we all know, it’s the law of Overwatch that Tracer mustn’t be allowed to have any counters.

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Just focus her down with a Discord or even without and she’s good as dead. She’ll only wreck if there’s no one to call out the fact that she’s in your back line.

If she is in your back line, then she is out of place and deserves to die.

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Love playing her but honestly her shield bash hit box is bonkers and more than likely needs to be tightened up a little

I got a potg yesterday and I completely missed a bash on widow and it still got her, my model was nowhere near her and that was pretty bonkers

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True, true. But how else is she going to go for the supports? :thinking:

The same can be said of Genji’s deflect, and that’s gone unchanged for nearly 2 years now.

I plan on Maining Brigitte and I really, really want them to nerf the hitbox. I want it to be more precision based. This would make it a nerf to lower skilled players, but a buff to people with better aim as they could hit the intended target easier in team fights.

Well considering Rein and Hog mains are joining in on the crying along with pro Gengu’s Blizzard will do something like this.

Shield bash has cast time of 2s to aim.
Shield bash cooldown increased to 12 seconds.
Brigitte movement speed slowed by 15%
Shield Health reduced to 300hp
Damage reduced to 10 hp with 5hp/sec heals

Flail swing speed reduced by 50%.

This should make her fair so she doesn’t feel oppressive to everyone lol.

I think the shield bash might be slightly more powerful than deflect

It’s pretty much using Mccrees roll and flash bang at the same time and the stun hit box is huge af

yeah as it stands it’s way way more forgiving than I thought it was going to be