Pink Mercy - Near $10 Million Raised

nah, i got the skin, that was enough. you and that other person are the ones who are oddly tilted about getting, or, NOT getting the reward for donating. but go off i guess :slight_smile:

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Again, never said anything to show you iā€™m tilted. Also, you can pay the $15 dollars, you can keep making insinuations all night long, but the fact still remains. $15 is pretty high man.

itā€™s rly not tho. but i get that you canā€™t comprehend this isnā€™t buying a skin but a reward for donating, so w/e ā€¦ just donā€™t buy it and go. itā€™s ok.

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I agree, expecially if you already bought this game.

And by the way if you just gave money for the charity, please do not bragg about it

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Thatā€™s all Iā€™m saying, itā€™s a great cause, and itā€™s great people are donating. But 15 dollars? You gotta wonder who set that price. And then people taking a moral high ground and insulting others who arenā€™t quick to throw money at this is just baffling.

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Sir, I think we are done tonight. I get it, you feel good for donating for the first time. Thatā€™s great! But you can chill.

How to make millions (for any cause) - show gamers shiny new thing and put a price tag.

Yeah, itā€™s pretty bullet proof.

i can same the same to you, youā€™re cheap itā€™s cool.

this is actually true lmao. but hey, itā€™s for a good cause and it works.

Exactly, and say it is for the charity and people throw money from everywhere

Iā€™m cheap? You know what, Iā€™ll go buy the skin and SHOW YOU whoā€™s cheap

likely market research. $15 to your average gamer is very little.
Look at cosmetics in other games and you can see similar pricing.

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thatā€™d explain it. Hi how are you

true but it shows that OW still has a lot of muscle in the industry, to just raise 10 mill i such a short space of time. The way some people talk about OW on these forums you would think it is now going the way of No Manā€™s Sky, just after 2 years.

and make streamers to advertise it! Cause or not cause - gamers are easy to take cash from

Iā€™m sure this is in sarcasm, but do you really think someone raising money for sayā€¦ a particular politicians election would throw this amount of money at them? Sure the shiny matters, but that part where itā€™s to cure a deadly disease eases that wallet open very much faster.


Yeah, ever heard from kickstarters like Shenmue 3 ?

I bet developers are not investing all money which players gave to them to that game

with star citizen money you can build new country

Exactly and notice how long kickstarter projects even take to publish, one was even cancelled if I recall correctly

But if this happens, then why people still give money to kickstarters ?
Well some people are idiots who do not know the value of the money

I mean when someone says that money is for ā€œgood causeā€ suddenly some people lose the value of the money

Now whoā€™s cheap?! Just donated!