Pink Mercy - Near $10 Million Raised

Because breast cancer doesn’t care where you come from and a cure would benefit all.

regardless of why they did it, money was still given to research to benefit humankind.

Now step away from trying to be edgy or “skeptical” and appreciate that.

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Yes. The OWL stream profits went to the BCRF.

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Ask Africans if any form of decease cares where you are coming from. Of course it cares. Of course I care when this institute will sell the patent to other countries, because it is not obliged to give it for free. Of course I care if the medicine and the machinery discovered costs 100% more in the rest of the world. Stop being naive that everything in this world is so simple and human beings are pure and benevolent.

Any institute that locates in a specific country, first tries in improve the welfare of its customers. Let Blizzard’s donation aside, this institute is mainly funded by US citizens and government. It is obliged to give results only to US.

Thank you for the clarification… :slight_smile:

It’s going to sell to everyone if it succeeds, it’s not gonna hoarde the cure for breast cancer.

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I do not know about U.S legislation in such schemes, so I assumed the best possible scenario. This is even worse :confused:

The disease cares? hardly. Diseases kill rich, poor, dark or light skinned, young and old.

So donate to your choice of charities, nobody is stopping you. Blizzard IS a USA company and under no obligation to do charitable fundraising for ANYONE.

Complaining about who they did it for is pretty darn selfish and I am constantly astonished that people here are trying to argue that blizzard did anything but good with what was done here.

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Goodbye then. I hope you find a heart o/


You think it’s worse for them to make sure everyone gets it than to hoarde it for themselves?

you’re not entitled to everything. also, please do quit, don’t let the door hit you on the way out…

on topic tho, this is just from the sales right? imagine how much more it is from the streams? i watched the first 2 people who streamed, I think they both got around 10k in donations and another 10k in bits or something like that…I know QueenE said she was hoping she would break like, 500$, she was so surprised …

nice to see so many people supporting this and i hope they do more things like this in the future <3

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I was referring to the “sell” part… I thought that their discoveries would be patent free for US pharmaceutical industry.

Stop playing dumb please. How many % die from Breast cancer in western countries, and how many in Africa?

Can you see the contradiction in those statements? For your information, Blizzard is a multinational corporation, not US. They requested from their customers around the world – thus they used their multinational status – to contribute. If company wanted to promote her US image, then they would donate to different organisations region wise, so US citizens would rise funds for US, EU for EU and so on… Please stop tunnel visioning american eagles everywhere. There’s no american eagle in Blizzard and that’s good for them.

Edit: This is my opinion. With indirect insults like trying to be edgy or skeptical” and “people here are trying to argue that blizzard did anything but good” on my personal ethics, degrades the whole purpose of my post. I am not some kind of animal and I ought to think. Have you ever seen a cat crying? We are doomed to think about the goods and the bads and never compromise. You didn’t come here to tell me why this was a good choice. You are here to force me to ride the blind positivism bandwagon with a completely irrational argument stating “this is better than nothing”. No, I am young enough to cheer and compromise without personal judgement.

Will the cure work any less on someone in africa?

Blizzard originated in the USA and their largest properties are based there as well. I don’t know what your fixation on eagles is, but they don’t have to do ANYTHING and we should be grateful they decided to contribute. I had no idea where the company they were supporting was based and likely neither did any of the thousands of people who purchased skins. They money still is going to research that will benefit mankind as a whole.

You should think, you should think very deeply of what any organization small or big owes anyone. How easy it would be for them to simply continue to make a frivolous luxury product and grow fat and opulent off of it and give NOTHING back to anyone. I’m not forcing you to ride blindly, I’m asking you to think like a person in the real world where nobody owes you anything and you should be happy for what you get.
“Beggars can’t be choosers” is the saying. If you lack the power to get something done yourself you don’t get to complain about how it gets done.
Blizzard has done something great for a good cause and the “but what about…” and "they should have… " posts are absolutely the worst kind of entitled snowflake bull.

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I hope for the next event they try to raise money for animal charity or an organisation that helps plant trees.


Give me 15 dollars then.

They gave their opinion lmao, chill

I agree a paywall for one skin is a bit much.

15 dollars is pretty steep for a single skin. But hey 10,000,000 that’s neat.

Yep, and they said:
“we give 250,000 to charity from our own pockets if players do not donate that much”

heheheheehheeheh, this is nice thing to say but Pink Mercy costs 15 €, so how is it not possible that players donate 250,000 or more ?

I think Blizzard were laughing when they said that :wink:

so don’t buy it, no one is forcing you. and don’t be salty you can’t/won’t afford it, there’s the rest of us who can and will. not everything is meant for everyone :woman_shrugging:

anyway, while i try to donate whenever I can, in my country…it was nice to donate to something else and get something in return, i’m cheap like that, sry.

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You are a special kind of person lol. Good for you, would you like a par on the back to go with your skin? I was agreeing with them, you’re making something that’s supposed to be a good cause oddly personal heheh.

Just take a moment, step off the moral soap box.