Pink Mercy - Near $10 Million Raised

At current trends, the report projects, by 2030, sub-Saharan Africa will account for:

  • Nearly half of the 69 million children who will die before their fifth birthday from mostly preventable causes. […]
    • Unicef report

As I said to my first post, it has nothing to do with US. You were the one shouting “Blizzard IS a USA company”.

We are not here to measure asset prices. They are either labeled as multinational corporations or not. IKEA is a multinational company, based in Netherlands and is Swedish founded. A company’s origins is completely irrelevant with its operations.

How can a chemist with a PhD on drug Polymers design such products in first place? Those people would have had a place in a pharmaceutical company, University research center, or another organization. Otherwise they would be unemployed. Plain and simple.

We all have the power to donate wherever we like. Do you know what’s the difference? In that case I’m indeed a donor, while in this case Blizzard is the donor and I’m the tool for Blizzard to entitle itself a donor. As I said I bought the skin (you can see how much playtime I have with Mercy), even if this charity is a complete tax evation / marketing BS.

Still you did not give a clear answer. Should the next charity be given to a country specific or global organization?

This is the second time i have been overwhelmed by two gaming communities, Sarahs,s mech for MWO pulled 120K plus change. ( A Vastly smaller community but extraordinary as well.) And we the overwatch Community have shown what we can do.

Congrats to each and everyone that donated. though using the skin makes you more visible target. so mine will only be seenin the hero select page.

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I rarely play Mercy. Like, RARELY and I bought the skin instantly cause my mother have cancer too. All this "skins behind paywall for no reason’’ makes me sick.


At least they are honest. Do you know how many bought the skin for the sake of having it and now they believe they bought the right to insult? These people are even worse.

I do not play Mercy at all and I do not intend to play, but I instantly bought it. I disagree on Blizzard organization choice and a swarm of social justice warriors are here to insult me because of reasons.

Yep, it is like
“I donated, I am such a good person, oh you didn´t donate, well you are such a heartless person”

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10 Mill in such a short notice. Imagine how much Blizz is making in an average event. :smiley:

Well all their new event items cost 3x and only engourages people to buy lootboxes, because lets be honest not everyone has 3000 or more for every event

Expecially because you can not get currency by doing quests, no you have to open a lootbox and hope to get either treasure chest or duplicate

I don’t think anyone has said this, I think what most people have said is that the money goes to charity and should not be equaled to Blizzard just putting a steep price-tag on a skin and keeping the profit for themselves.

And if someone feels good about donating, is that a bad thing? I feel good about it, but if someone didn’t buy the skin that’s totally fine - we all have different life situations or issues we care more or less for.

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I was making extreme example, yes no one has said this but you might get the point

I never said this, I said please don´t bragg about it

Sure you can say it once or twice, but please don´t spam it to someone

He was replying to my comment about a group of people who believe that bought the right to criticize or even insult the ones who did not buy the skin. That’s all.

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Thank you :wink: :sunny:

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you want to know something I will always brag about doing the right thing and encourage others to follow as well. It is part and parcel of who i am and how i have live my live these past 60 plus years. if more people did the same a few decades ago the world we live in now would be a far better place.


Yeah but if someone cannot afford it, it sounds insulting

Well, I’ve personally not seen anyone trying to put people down for not buying the skin, but I really hope people are more understanding than that.


It is very promising reading that there are people out there who try their best in their own way. :grin:

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if you cannot afford it then you cannot its a fact of life, but encouraging those that can is something that should be done. Charity drives are not about the person donating but the people that the donations are going towards. Think about them no matter what cause you believe is the most deserving. I personally donate to Cancer charities for the most part. But that is me.


With the recent video saying Overwatch had 40 Million players, that is an absolutely tiny percentage of purchases.

Hey, if you can and you are willing to then good for you. :hugs:

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lung cancer awareness roadhog skin or I riot