Pink Mercy - Near $10 Million Raised

Police D.Va and Oni Genji.


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I’m happy to contribute and glad to see a significant amount raised. Hope to see more charity events in the future.

Pink Mercy and sprays are nicely done too.

Precedent for adding skins that were free to begin with. And precedent doesn’t = guarantee. I’m not saying they never would, just that it would be a very poor idea. Future events would bring in less money for their respective causes because people would just wait till it went in the regular lootbox.

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lol @ the people who thought it wouldn’t make money cus of its price

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hahahahahahaha what

it’s for charity

(on a website) an arrangement whereby access is restricted to users who have paid to subscribe to the site.

Subscription is not a donation. Donation is not a subscription. You donate money and get the skin as a reward. No wonder your thread got locked.

You won’t know what a paywall is until you’ve experienced the 2013 SomethingAwful Dangan Ronpa debacle.

'Sides, why do you feel the need to come in and complain? 15 dollars is a lot? In my country it’s $24. In Brazil it’s $52.

I think it’s wonderful they raised so much. Hopefully it helps :slight_smile:

Those skins got added to loot because some console players couldn’t obtain them. That is literally the only reason. Console players kept asking for them in loot because some didn’t own PCs to play heroes of the storm.

This skin is accessible on all platforms. No reason to put it in the regular boxes.

That is awesome news - plus the skin is beautiful - totally worth it even if it wasn’t for charity.

I’m sure quite a few people bought more than one. I bought two for two accounts.

The basic idea has been done once, hence precedent. At some point in the future, the skin will be added to lootboxes with no upfront separate cost.

… I don’t think you understand how this works. If Blizzard knows anything about incentive and exclusivity, which they really REALLY do: Check the Blizzcon skins and widowmakers NOIR preorder skin. They’re very likely not going to add it. You seem very sure, and hey… maybe in a few years … but not in the foreseeable future of the game. It’d be bad business and bad for the charities involved in possible future events.

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That’s my point. It has a possibility of happening.

… I don’t think you understand how this works.

So does you getting hit by a car or winning the lottery. But planning your life around those things as if they are a certainty is a poor plan. Hope is fine, but a very poor primary plan.

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It’s for charity…that’s not a money sink lol

WOAH so if you do the math, (basically dividing the ammount paid (15) by the amount recieved (10 mil) pretty easy math lol) thats about over 666,666 (rounding up would be 667,000 but whatever lol) purchases
Not saying that over 666,666 people made the purchase, because obviously some people bought more than once. But that’s astounding!

A friend of mine was kind enough to gift me the skin so i cant really say i helped the cause in any major way besides the 100 bits i’ve donated on the twitch streams.

But im glad to have just been a part of everything in what little ways i’ve been able to. Rocking the pink Mercy skin, Watching the streams, Donating what little bits i had from watching ads. I think i even convinced someone to buy the pink mercy skin because i got a play of the game in deathmatch while using it and they thought it looked absolutely adorable in the highlight intro.

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Soldier 76*

The skin is a gift for donating $15 for a good cause. How heartless can you be?

I’m glad to have contributed $90.

Here’s an opinion from a citizen outside of US (Yes there are some of them). It feels discriminatory and awfully bad to spam “donate to “X” country’s organization”. I hope this never happens again. They should have come to an agreement to split the funds according to the region or give it to a global organisation or universities.

I’m from EU, but according to a small research the most renown institutes are located in Australia, EU, US and China. What about World Health Organization and National Cancer Institute?

Why should a Korean citizen give up his welfare for a US organisation? You may wonder what I mean by Welfare. With these funds we are going to pay pharmaceutical companies to produce materials, researchers, managers and marketeers which are located only in US. Regardless the outcomes, we transferred our welfare to US. The goal is to help, not to increase the welfare of a selected caste.

This has nothing to do with US; I would have the exact same opinion, even if those funds were intended for my country’s institute. Despite my ethical considerations, I bought the skin.

However, nobody so far has changed my mind that this crap happens for Blizzard’s taxation and to promote a good will image to its investors.

Just out of curiosity, did OWL stream profits went to BCRF?