Pink Mercy - Near $10 Million Raised

I think the original goal was like 250k? I don’t think they officially stated but I think their attitude was that even if it didn’t raise that much, they would fill in the rest. So I imagine it was somewhere around there.

New goal is to get 10 million because they are close.


I guess we got a little crazy with it huh?

40 times the minimum goal… Whoa…


Well, at least this would also draw other charities to partner with blizz as well.

Reminds me of the Ice bucket challenge that the warframe team did, that was fun.


I hope that one comes back too, it’s likely a still very underfunded illness. If Blizzard keeps doing these I’ll definitely do my best to support them!


That’s amazing! I absolutely LOVE how Blizzard took the time to turn our attention towards an important cause. It was a neat contribution to the fight against cancer, and a nice way to unite the playerbase.

Plus, it’s a nice skin as well! XD

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Re: the point of whether or not a non-Mercy skin would do as well: I expect it would. I play a lot of Mercy (ah, the life of a fill player), but I wasn’t especially in love with this particular skin. I still got it, though, because a) I liked the cause the money was going towards; b) I like throwing my support in a visible way to encourage other people to do the same.

I’d only hesitate to buy a skin if I was truly unplayable-level garbage at the hero (i.e. Doomfist), but even then, I don’t mind picking up a free skin as a benefit for donating to a charity that I’d be happy to donate to anyway.

I really like the way this event played out, because it benefits the charity who gets the money, the people who get the skins, and the streamers who host the event (I’ve started following two of them).


Its not a skin behind a paywall, its a prize behind a donation.
Learn the difference.


Im debating if I can afford to buy the skin myself but Im happy to hear that wasnt the case for most people. 10 million to charity. Thats awesome!

The way you responded to our responding to the troll was just as spammy and derailing, but whatever.

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Good job Everyone!


Wow that’s about 666,667 people who donated!

How much money do you think blizzard would have made if Light Tracer was the Cancer fund racer skin LUL

I like it when you get something back for donating. Also, everyone needs to step up and fight for the breasts that we love.

I understand we all don’t agree with Ketara (i personally don’t) but please don’t insult or be aggressive to him/her, plus I do believe this money has been raised for a very good cause. It would be exciting to participate in one of these promotional skin events every now and then.

I play Mercy sometimes but I bought the skin because BCRF is a good charity, Blizzard put a lot of work into it (little customizations like the Lunar New Year highlight intro) and 100% of it goes to charity – this isn’t the kind of thing where the “charity” is just a marketing gimmick the money potentially raised isn’t capped.

Wow, that’s like 15 McLaren’s for the coordinators of the “charity”

This seems like a good spring board for blizzard if the whole loot box issue blows up in their faces.

They can start just straight charging for skins in the same way fortnite does.

Different medical topics would be nice.