Pink Mercy - Near $10 Million Raised

Cancer has hit my family in the past - I lost one of my great-aunts to breast cancer and an aunt to uterine/ovarian cancer - and a friend of our family lost their oldest son to leukemia when he was around 10 or 11. Cancer is awful. Beyond awful. So stop fighting, please guys. Let’s be happy that organizations like BRFC and St Jude and other charities exist and that companies like Blizzard care enough to bring awareness and love to these foundations.


I did my part…bought the skin and 2 shirts.

Thinking of buying the skin for two of my alts…

Its not a charity if your buying stuff. charity is all about giving with out getting anything back in return.

That’s huge! Does anyone know if that number Is just from the skin generated donations, or does that include twitch streamers donations raised too?

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I never knew that $15 was so hard to get in this world.

And then I came here. :confused:

I guess I should’ve been more clear that this was more of a minimum. And that’s also why I said ballpark. It doesn’t really seem all that low to me once you consider the actual player count is likely much higher.

If I gift you the skin, would you feel better?

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I like how Blizz did an amazing thing and managed to raise nearly whopping 10mil $ to charity and then there’s this one super salty broke af dude who doesn’t even main mercy whining about how they can’t get one skin in the game. Just how entitled can a person be.

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One of my best friends as a kid lost his mom to breast cancer that spread to other parts of her body. No kid should ever have to grow up without their mom!


Please gift it to someone in this thread who is not the entitled person calling other people entitled.


This would actually be a nice way to show them what the words “petty” and “entitled” really mean. I’m kinda itching to gift the skin to people myself just to spite them.


If you want to gift someone the skin, gift it to someone like Lemon (a few posts back). I would but I bought it to three people already and it is getting expensive on my country’s currency.

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a company perfectly can compensate donators for their support. They are not obligated to give something in return, but that doesn’t means they can’t give it as thanks

And if anyone even THINKS about wanting that kid to be able to grow up with their mom, whoops! Guess they’re “entitled” now!


My head literally hurts trying to understand the logic of the people who are ACTIVELY against this charity…

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It isn’t buying anything. It is a gift. It is Blizzard’s way of thanking people for donating a specific amount for breast cancer research. Huge difference.


Not really. Give them something clearly inspired by anime, and the otaku crowd will eat it up.

Just like what happened here.

Yep. Genji, DVa, easily could pull in millions. Maybe not 10 million, but millions.

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Well I’m off you all have a great day and best wishes to all. Also i hope they reach 40 million.:grin:

This person has trolled all of you and has derailed this entire thread. Please stop responding to them and they’ll have nothing to feed off of. This thread was meant to be about us, as a community, hitting such an amazing goal. Let’s talk about that instead.

(I was not referring to idsurge as the one trolling, I simply hit reply on their comment by mistake)


Anyone knows what the goal is/was?

I don’t know if there was ever an official goal. I just recall that Blizzard would, at minimum, donate $250,000

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