Pink Mercy - Near $10 Million Raised

Well don’t use game skins to use for charity that is kinda messed up.


No what I think is petty is that they put a skin behind a paywall just for a charity.


Messed up is what EA do with their dlc and transactions, or to take the worst example, Konami where you have to pay for a save slot.

Blizz is doing this for charity and no pressure aside fro m the skin game that doesn’t give much advantage in game.


I agree. Congrats to BRFC and a huge thank you for all the hard work they’re putting into getting rid of breast cancer, which would be a huge door opening for getting rid of all the other types of cancer, and congrats and thank you to Blizzard for their efforts and the love both are putting into this. :heavy_heart_exclamation:


For no reason? Are you all there?

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They give us a insentiv to buy the skin… deal with it. They could even made high quality skins (higher then legendary) in the future that you only can buy with real money. Deal. With. It.

Please google the word “paywall”. You don’t need the mercy skin to play the game.

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No it’s not.

Charity drives use purchasable incentives all the time.

You’re salty because you can’t afford it but think you’re entitled to the skin.


Yup! It includes streams as well. QueenE alone was able to raise over 2 thousand dollars in her stream to the cause! It was quite amazing to watch. She’s actually streaming right now for anyone who wants to farm for some cute mercy sprays!

They are going to do this more time just like they do in their other games for charities, as long as it is done sparingly and for charity i would love to see it again

Maybe Blizzard will take this and run with direct-purchase skins in the future.

No-RNG > RNG any day of the year.

Customers’ happy, Blizzard is happy. Everyone is happy.

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Its not, its incentive, and you are kidding yourself if you think a business isnt going to look at 10 million dollars and go ‘hmm thats a nice little revenue stream there’.

There will be more, you can count on it.

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Is a bit of a understatement

Jesus christ people. We raised that much money in the span of barely 2 weeks?

This is something to be proud of, people. Wow, just…wow.


Definition of petty:

  1. of little importance; trivial.
    “the petty divisions of party politics”
    synonyms: trivial, trifling, minor, small, unimportant, insignificant, inconsequential, inconsiderable, negligible, paltry, footling, pettifogging;

  2. of secondary or lesser importance, rank, or scale; minor.
    “a petty official”

So no. What Blizzard is doing is not petty.

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I’m sorry to hear that. Much love for you and your family and take good care of yourself.

Certainly it would depend of the charity, you are right. Each person’s individual life story plays a part into it for sure. I would still donate if the skin was for any other character, though, I used to play Mercy a lot before the rework but I don’t play her outside of Arcade anymore.

I don’t have a long story of cancer in my family, though we had some cases. My grandfather died of pancreatic cancer when my mother was twelve, I lost a 2-years-old cousin to Leukemia when I was a child and my aunt had breast cancer last year (she survived, she is all well now!). I donated mostly because of my aunt, because her struggle is so fresh in my mind. I’m already supporting a local charity that helps cancer patients in general (I donated all of my hair last December to them), but I was glad to see this event for breast cancer in particular and jumped right into it :slight_smile:


On a more positive note, can you believe how much good they will be able to do with this money! We did a good thing ladies and gentlemen of the gaming community!


Yes great job all who donated! Don’t mind the salty people trying to undermine a good thing :slight_smile:


There is a reason. Just because you don’t agree with that reason, it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. The reason is a very good one too, imo.


Wow! I had been wondering if the OW community would break the $1M mark. We really came through! :heart: :angel:


I gotta admit I’m surprised at the total. I didn’t think the charity was badly handled or anything, but ten million is nothing to sneeze at either! Overwatch community, y’all can be pretty dumb sometimes, but ya done good. Ya done good.

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