Pink Mercy - Near $10 Million Raised

It doesn’t have 40 million players though really, since there are a lot of people having multiple accounts. Considering the factors of people having different tastes in heroes, not everyone willing to spend such an amount on the cause/a skin and the actual active players, I think 500.000+ purchases is pretty huge. Of course just compared to the number of overall OW purchases it is rather tiny but that’s not how one should look at the numbers really.

screenshots or it didn’t happen B)

You know what, I will gather all your posts concerning Pink Mercy and upload that collection into r/choosingbeggars. How about that?


I guess you hate the blizzcon skins aswell then.

But really, theres alot of charity that give you something for donating. WoW has done it plenty of time aswell where the prize of pets go to charities. Being upset of this is just bad.
First blizzcon skin you even had to fysically go to blizzcon to get. Pink Mercy skin also costs less then ordering home one pizza, so basically nothing.

Bottomline. Its a skin that is only cosmetic and its for a good cause. The money they got only from skinsale is proof enough that they need to do more stuff like this.

This means nothing. Yes they are poor and underdeveloped. Funding the cure in a more advanced organization actually means it will likely be developed SOONER.

Yes, so it’s understandable they’ll have interests with OTHER US oranizations.

Once again. WHERE they operated never mattered to me. Their cause is important, not where they’re based.

I’m speaking of blizzard, not the research organization. They are welcome to do what they wish with their profits and company.

I will have to say I approve of your donation, regardless of it’s motivation it’s still money towards a commendable goal. You can donate however you like, which is why complaining about someone who can donate how THEY’D like is whining. The case here is blizzard has organized and event to fund something worthwhile and gotten responses like “you should have funded othercharity” or “THIS SKIN IS TOO EXPENSIVE! IT NEEDS TO BE price”. THAT rankles me something awful.

They should give to whomever they want. We don’t get to decide how any company decides to help others. If you don’t like it, don’t contribute. They owe us nothing.

I believe you already know that breast cancer is one of the most curable cancers already, right? Also, the main problem with Breast cancer is the funded frequency of prevention tests by the health care systems, and sometimes the ignorance of people on that matter. Never mind that, I’m not here to argue about the cause itself.

In general I’m against involving marketing in such causes. Ok, I gave that money but personally I would like to see Blizzard give people alternatives to get that god damn skin. For example, 24 cumulative hrs in stream and donate at least 5 dollars? This is something of personal preference, so I cannot “accuse” Blizzard for that.

Here, I completely disagree. There are donation campaigns like “For each facebook like in that organization, the company will contribute X money” and so on. Since the sole instrument of the donation is the community itself, they owe to provide us the best possible organisation. It’s self evident that it is a better choice to donate for an organization that operates globally, or at least a university that has global reputation, than a national non government organization. It’s all about transparency and ethics. In practice it’s us – collectively – who contributed, not Blizzard (they).

Then YOU can contribute to someone you want. Their event, their resources, their choice. They put up 250k as a minimum donation which they were willing to cover if the event didn’t hit it, they invested their design team, sound team, modeling, testing and voice actors time into the mercy skin, sprays, and player portrait. They needed to make sure the skin purchase scheme worked and organized all the designated streamers to have drops working in twitch. This wasn’t just “hey! donate and we’ll give it to these people”. This was an organized happening.

I fail to see how they owe us anything other than what they advertise: a functioning event.

In practice you can donate to whatever you want at any time, don’t make it someone elses responsibility to direct donations to something you want to support.

I understand you feel it would be more effective or “fairer” to donate globally, but that’s your choice to make for yourself. They decided what they were going to support and it’s your choice to participate, which I have to say I’m glad you did.

Its a great skin. $15 well spent on every level.

#!@$ Cancer. Don’t be Cancer.

It’s not a skin that costs $15 and all that money happens to go to charity, it’s “donate $15 to charity and we’ll give you a free skin”.

Get your head out of your butt, it’s not all about you. Just because you can’t afford it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be in the game. Obviously at least 660,000 other people could.

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I think people exaggerate that the game is “dying”. However people are right that the game is declining in popularity. Partially due to age and partially due to the design choices the developers are making.

Large swaths of the playerbase were unhappy with the Mercy meta, a large chunk of the playerbase is unhappy with Mercy now, a huge portion of the playerbase hates Brigitte, large swath of the playerbase hates the amount of CC in the game, large swath of the playerbase hates that the game is being made more causal.

The vision of casual and seasoned fps hybrid mechanics is what drew a lot of attention to the game in the first place. Everyone had a place depending on their playstyle and level of competency. Since Mercy 2.0 and on they’ve been betraying that vision.

I hope your mom gets well soon. Cancer is a terrible thing with a terrible treatment, but maybe with enough funding eventually we will be able to have less aggressive treatments that are more effective and nobody will have to go through that anymore. Much love for you and your family. I hope you showed Pink Mercy to your mom!

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And rightfully so, anyone who expected OW to win GOTY after 2 years of it release was dreaming. Given modern day gaming cycles, OW has very likely hit its peak in everything, playerbase, new accounts, money generation capacity you name it, thats just how things work. Now its just a matter of maintaining what is there as best as possible as Blizz slowly pulls resources from the game onto new projects. The game is no longer in its honeymoon phase, it passed that a long time ago, most people who played from start experienced everything there is, got to their peak ranks and now any marginal effect the game has is more likely to be negative than euphoric as how people felt 2 years ago. Its just how life and games work these days. COD releases a new tittle every year, you think they also don’t want a cash cow that will earn them top dollar each year for over 5 years while they just sit and tweak a few numbers every few weeks and release new guns? Even then people are increasingly getting tired of it, (don’t quote me i never played much COD since like 10 years ago on PS2).

Do yo see the dichotomy there? By the very nature of OW being this :point_down: …,

… makes the game a lot more difficult to manage than any other genre specific game. It brought the fps types, the moba types, casual competitive types together and this is why people are so angry right now. There can never be time when all these fan bases can be put in one sub-set together and be all happy. Mercy was OPAF for what felt like forever until she got a real earth shutter nerf but now the Mercy sympathizers make it feel like its the end of the world that she is in that state, but is it? I absolutely hate that spawn of Torb they call Brig, but she is in over 80% the games i play with players who have lots of hrs on her, so some have to be enjoying her right. So i will never make the mistake of thinking the way i feel is the way any sort of majority of this community feels.

I have not agreed with a lot of things the devs do but one think i will never do is think that they are stupid, after all they made this game i play so they must at least have a good brain on their shoulders. I think they have actually done a very good job managing this game this far even though i absolutely loathe some of the decisions they make. I think of the last time i tried to manage a group of 20 angry people arguing in groups of 5 each for their own POV, its nearly impossible, human nature. One thing they could do is just come up with a position and tell everyone who doesn’t agree to f-off but then again that would leave us with a moba or a FPS or a casual game or a hardcore competitive game. IMO the middle ground is what wen have now.

At the end of the day these are just one mans opinion and view. We are all different in our own ways and will live by that.

In the beginning of this game’s life cycle I’d say it was exactly that. I think it would take a very willful ignorance to not realize that it has been a deliberate attempt to play up this game’s casual aspects starting with the Mercy buffs.

From the Junkrat double mines(to the point that they’re still nerfing him now) to releasing Moira and then Brigitte both strong support characters was a direct response at casual player complaints in regards to the flankers. Compare the direct power of a Moira/Brigitte to a character like Ana who the devs do not want to buff. Their choices are purposeful and it’s at a point where they are alienating people. I can pinpoint the exact moment that I started to feel frustrated with this game.

People are picking her because they want to win. Listen to the complaints that are going on. Even when Mercy was a non-meta pick her players enjoyed playing her. That is the difference. We are approaching a stage where people feel unhappy playing as and against characters. Metas will always shift but the game is literally frustrating to play with CC and easy to hit mechanics. This is the first time I’ve seen tank players and particularly Reinhardt players complain about anything. They usually would remain neutral in the dps vs support wars, but they are now dragged into it because of Brigitte.

I’m sure some do find these things fun but for most people what made them fall in love with Overwatch in the first place was not things like this. The current state of the game is not a middle ground by any means. The spam, CC and shield portions trump everything else.

If they release another skin, it would be another 10 million dollars lolol

Please just quit Overwatch. If you’re going to whine about a skin that has a price tag when literally 100% of the proceeds going to cancer research then I’d rather not even see you around.

If you don’t want to buy it then just don’t buy it. If you can’t afford it that sucks, but you shouldn’t undermine a charity for it.


Just like some people are waiting for Noire Widowmaker to be added in the future

Happy waiting.


Any word on the total yet?