Pink Mercy in Overwatch 2

Thanks Aaron Keller, I was unsure until you personally confirmed it to us.


Ya do it for charity. Lets do some charity. Go charity!

so why are we keeping up with this insanity if it wont change anything

The reason for why they can’t bring back pink mercy is that the pink mercy skin most likely belongs to the charity. And I doubt a breast cancer charity would like to work with blizzard ever again after all the controversies. I love the skin and would like to get it too but move on please.

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many forum members have made claims like this one, but to date, no one has offered any proof that BCRF has any control in regards to a potential re-release

actually, BCRF has indicated in writing multiple times that they would love for this offer to return

Theres no need to move on

Pink Mercy is a legitimate ow-related topic, and this is a forum explicitly set up for the discussion of ow-related topics

Further, continued discussion of this topic helps keep the decision makers involved aware that interest remains strong in this skin even years after the original offer


as I said… it’s not coming back.


The official statement does not have the same meaning as “its not coming back”


That statement still gives me (a little) hope. It’s too ambiguous and not clear-cut as many make it out to be.

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It does. It’s not coming back.

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edit: opp wrong thread idk how it sent it here

I have already fully clarified that the two statements do not mean the same thing

As such, I will not be continuing this side conversation on this particular item


That’s fine, whether or not you continue this side conversation, the skin isn’t returning.

People asking to bring back the Pink Mercy skin, to raise millions of dollars for BCRF, is like those youtubers filming themselves giving money to homeless people.

Do it off camera. It’s not about being charitable, it’s about getting something in return (YT-views/OW-a skin) which is really gross.

The event happened and I bought the skin, I don’t even really play Mercy, but it was for a worthy cause, so hey why not? I’ve also donated to BCRF before and after that.

Stop strawmanning by saying “it’s only really just about the charity”, just be real and say “I just want the skin”. We know it, you know it.


Pretty much. I no longer care if it comes back or not. I just want people to admit they just want the skin.

Cause some of the excuses of “it’s too hard to donate” (seriously this was an excuse somebody used when asked why not donate directly) has wiped any amount of “it’s truly for the charity” from me.


not at all

this is a simple request for a legitimate item to be made purchasable

no one here is trying to portray themselves as anything other than a player who wishes to legitimately purchase a legitimate ow-related item

Its quite clear that one’s purchase - probably in the 20 to 50 dollar range, perhaps a bit more - is by itself not a huge impact on the fight against cancer. It is only with many of us individually making this purchase that significant dollars are raised. Ergo, unlike the youtuber used in the example, no one player making said purchase is getting any glory, nor should they.

Is some good going to come from it? Yes

Is any one single one of us in the spotlight for doing so, as the example youtuber is? Not at all

There is no camera

none whatsoever

I dont see anything that can reasonably be called gross in asking to legitimately purchase an item one wishes to purchase

Transactions like this occur millions upon millions a time as day, all over this world

This is the same

The proceeds go to charity. Nothing remotely gross about that either…in fact, quite the opposite, it is a good thing

There is no strawmanning here.

One can want to help the cause and want the skin - the two are not mutually exclusive. The presumption that it must only be the latter is simply incorrect

again - there is nothing wrong with wanting the skin

further, BCRF and other charities have long recognized the existence of both groups A and B, and they happily work with group B to maximize donations. I’ve never understood how if the charities themselves are ok with this, why certain forum members cant find a way to even tolerate it


“No plans it’s coming back” just states that they don’t have plans to return it. Plans change, priorities change.



and this seems to be especially true when it comes to Overwatch.

Many plans have been made only to be undone or reversed

With Microsoft taking over, I expect we will be seeing even more of this


But what I am saying is that the Pink Mercy skin was indeed for a good cause and anyone could purchase it for a limited time.

I agree 1000%, there’s millions of things I want as well, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

And that’s what hundreds of thousands of people did! They donated during the limited time event and got the skin. I donated and got the skin as a bonus!

It’s a cosmetic, it’s there to be seen, and funny enough, not by you because it’s first person, only if you get POTG or are in it (or emoting of course).

They should bring back the event, but bring back a different skin. The Pink Mercy skin should be left in the vault. If you didn’t donate back then, well, maybe they will bring in a brand new skin, one that even the people who got the Pink Mercy skin could get something new while donating.

Much like the Twitch drops now, they are old skins from Ow1. The people that have them receive nothing from watching streamers.

Lets say 50% (just an example) of people already have the Pink Mercy skin, that means most likely those people would not be donating to get it, 50% of the people would be.

Now, if they added a Pink Ana skin, 100% of the player base would not own it because it was brand new. That would theoretically double their profits from potential sales with having a brand new skin.

I think if people didn’t get the skin while it was available, then that was totally on them. Whether they were on vacation, just lost their job, had an emergency that prevented them from spending any money, whether it was simply neglect of not logging in to the game during that time or a serious event that prevented them from obtaining it, that sucks and all, but not everything in life goes as planned.

I’ve missed out on plenty of limited time things, but I’m SOL, I move on.


These plans aren’t changing. It’s not coming back.

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If it was a Blue Mercy instead no one would give a flying F about the skin.

I have it, its not even that special. Move on.