Pink Mercy in Overwatch 2

Now you guys know, pink mercy won’t be returning. Atleast not any time soon, or in a couple years. Hopefully plans do change because I know people like you are obsessed about the skin.

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If pink mercy is the appeal to this “group b” then it should cut the crap about BCRF. Don’t use something as monumentally important as cancer research as pretrense to fullfil your mundade desire for an essentially worthless digital asset.

“bu-bU-buTTt iT’s A wIN-WiN bECAusE tHE mOnEY goES tO caNcEr reSeArCH” - Cut. the. crap. you do not care about it. Just say you want the skin you pretentious fanatics


is 15 USD approximately what it costs to buy 2000 virtual OW currency?

(I dont use the shop at all, sorry)

actually, we dont know that

at all

actually, it could happen an hour from now, or tomorrow, or…anytime, really

I havent heard anyone in any Mercy thread indicate that they are “obsessed” with the skin

On the other hand, what I have seen quite a bit of is certain forum members using attacking words like “obsessed” to attack other forum members for merely wishing to legitimately purchase an item that isnt currently available.


So you took my words and twisted it to make it seem negative. Blizz developers did say that they don’t plan on re-releasing the skin. So it should be clear that it won’t come out anytime soon. The context, behind using the word “obsession,” is to claim that people are committed to the idea of having the skin re-released. Don’t add context to the words that didn’t come out your mouth


no twisting of words was involved, actually

There were words that were included in the statement I originally replied to that were (and still are) negative

The statement above includes more of the same - unnecessary attacks on forum members


So you twisted my words and then claim you didn’t twist my words because you want your narrative to inflate your ego. U 100% twisted my words to fit your idea, and I already explained how you added context to someone else’s words.


actually, I didnt twist any words, period.

I’ve already covered all this, and wont be addressing it further in this side conversation

I do ask that personal attacks cease


So you claimed that I’m using words to “attack other forum members” and now you’re trying to be a victim. Firstly, my original response has nothing to do with you. Second, you should normalize not feeling sorry for other people. The original person I responded to and I, had great conversations in the past. He didn’t take offense to my comment and you don’t have to be offended for him.


That’s correct

You have no way to know this…

The skin could return at any point in time…

I’m happy that you’re in favour of the return of the skin but I find your use of the word “obsessed” to be inappropriate here…

Please refrain from derogatory language as above…

“Obsession” is a specific word with a specific meaning…

Simply asking for a skin to return does not make me or any other individual “obsessed”…



There was a link about pink mercy not returning. Also I’ll assume you read the comments above but I did clear up what I meant by “obsession.” Words are subjective and can have different meanings. The obsession, in my context, was used positively

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correct, obsession as it was used here is derogatory, ie entirely negative

on another note, I think that a reissued Pink Mercy will go for at least 30 USD, so that’d be 4000 OW currency from the buyer to Blizzard and then 30 USD from Blizzard to BCRF, if I follow how your proposal works…


So I cleared up your misinterpretation, yet you are still trying to throw attacks at me. You only hear what you want to hear instead of listening to comprehend. Again, I gave my context. You adding words to my comments doesn’t make me incorrect, it only makes you narrow-minded. The word can have a bad and good connotation. Struggling to comprehend is a “you” problem. I’m not responsible for your misunderstanding.

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Obsession is almost always a negative term regardless of how the person using the word might have intended it…

For future, a better word would simply be “interested”…

In relation to short term plans for a specific event yes…


I think that would be a fair offering

I’d like it if the option was there to either pay directly or pay with virtual currency or a combination of both if preferred so for example $15 directly and then another 2000 virtual currency to bring the total to $30

This way players can use coins that they have already purchased or accumulated

While some players will have accumulated the coins for free simply by playing it’s unlikely that this would make up a large portion of their balance given how long it takes earning currency however Blizzard can always at their discretion modify the exchange rate to an appropriate amount of compensation, the key factor being choice in method of payment


The mass delusion over this skin is honestly something genuinely astonishing to witness. You know, I’ve always wondered how things like the Salem Witch trials happened back in the day, how could so many people be so insane, all enmasse. I think I got my answer just from watching people around me or online: People are just…crazy.

I see countless examples of similar insanity from people me as I get older, this is just another one. At least in this case it’s a harmless delusion, unlike those trials mentioned. But this delusion could easily have manifested for something far more…scary, as it all too often does even in some parts of the world today.

Nonetheless, why blizzard won’t ban these people who keep shamelessly quadruple bumping and necroing old threads, I have no idea. Their forum moderation is just as inept as the game development itself, because on any other sensible forum, this thread would have been closed 1300 posts ago.


You’re wrong on that one. Context does matter. The meanings of words do change. I do understand where you’re coming from but when you’re clarified on the context, that should’ve changed your entire perception. Again, words can have multiple meanings. The word was used correctly in the original post, I won’t limit my vocabulary just because you don’t like it


Context does matter - however there are very few contexts in which the word would be appropriate to frame another person in a positive light

Then you shouldn’t be surprised when others take offence

However I’m glad we could clarify the matter and that you did in this case mean the word positively…

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I’m not offended, that’s guaranteed. But it’s bad faith to add your own interpretation to someone else’s words, especially when that person clarifies there original position. I get how mercy players feel, I don’t even like mercy but I can empathize because I want cyber demon genji to return. I’ve contacted support and tried to get in contact with devs but there’s never a clear answer if certain skins will be re-released.

If multiple forum users - including the recipient of the comment, myself - tell you that they interpreted a certain word in a certain way then you may wish to reconsider the use of that word

It is unconstructive and inflammatory to use that kind of language in these discussions regardless of intent

It is also inaccurate since nobody here is “obsessed”

I personally am very much in favour of the aforementioned skin returning as well

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