[Pictures] Elaborate suggestion for Role Queue

Besides Open Queue we need a simple version of 2-2-2 Role Queue with only 3 roles as well as no role restrictions during games. To counteract that freedom there will be a special report category for fake-queuers. For a start Role Queue lobbies will be able to play against regular queue lobbies, but that might change if the winrates show significant advantages by either side. Groups can also use Role Queue. And if queue times are too long Blizzard could always add a Flex role option or a secondary role choice later on.

If you like what you see please comment and leave an upvote so maybe the devs will see it. And if you dont like it please let me know why.

Two examples how a simple Role Queue function could look like in the menu:

In my opinion the most important part of a potential Role Queue function is convenience. If its too complex it will end up like the already existing LFG system with hardly anyone using it. Thats why I believe in these following points:

Only 3 Roles
Some people make the argument that there are more than 3 roles in Overwatch. And they are right. Off-Tanks, Off-Healers, Flankers, Brawlers, etc. are all different roles filled by different heros. However, a Role Queue will only make sense if the queue times are at least somewhat close to the regular matchmaker and if the actual team-composition is consistent every game. Meaning there is no flexbility regarding how many players of a given role can be present on the same team. If the matchmaker were to be flexible in that way the entire concept of Role Queue would be undermined (balanced role distribution). So if there were 6 roles (Brawler, Flanker, Tank, Off-Tank, Healer, Off-Healer) the matchmaker would need to find one of each in a reasonably close SR-range, which would most likely result in terrible queueing times compared to just 3 different roles. So there needs to be a compromise made between convenient queue times and balanced team compositions. Another point that should be made is that only 3 roles are specifically defined. Things like Off-Healer or Off-Tanks are often interpreted differently by different people. Some consider Hammond a main Tank, others say hes a an Off-Tank. Some say Moira is an Off-Healer, others say shes a main Healer. And dont get me started on Brigitte. If there were more than 3 roles Blizzard would have to define what those roles are and what heros fill those roles, or else there will be many situations where your main Tank is a Hammond, because the player queueing for main Tank thinks Hammond is just that.

2-2-2, but not locked ingame
2-2-2 is objectively speaking the most balanced line-up, albeit currently not the strongest. Thats why I think the Role Queue matchmaker should put 2 Offense, 2 Tanks and 2 Healers on one team, without locking anyone into a role during the game itself. Especially considering sometimes the only way to beat a cheesy enemy is to cheese yourself. And that sometimes requires more or less than 2 heros of one role.

Unique Report function for Role Queue
Given I dislike the idea of locking roles during matches I obviously should have a solution for the probable issue with players playing roles they didnt queue for. Now firstly, when you Role Queue it should be visible for every teammate who queued for what role. However, if at the start of the round someone asks “Can we go one support and 3 DPS instead?”, don’t instantly report them for that. Give them the benefit of the doubt. As long as it works out, who cares? But (!), if they pick a different role and things arent working out there should be a extra report category (limited to Role Queue) for players playing roles they didnt queue for. Of course a single report shouldnt do anything, but if a player consistently fake-queues they will naturally gather more reports and end up getting punished. First a warning, then a temporal ban from Role Queue and eventually an indefinite ban. A very straight forward example would be a player queueing for support and then instalocking DPS without any consultation with the team.

Role Queue vs. Open Queue
Again, for the sake of convenience (aka faster queue times) I believe Role Queues should be able to get matched against regular teams. That being said, Blizzard would need to keep an eye on winrates. If those show that Role Queue lobbies have a considerable advantage over regular lobbies then this would obviously be changed to Role Queue vs. Role Queue only.

Groups using Role Queue
Groups should be able to also use Role Queue. If a group wants to use Role Queue everyone selects a role and once everyone picked the leader can queue. If there are 3 or more in one group it will show when one role has already been choosen by 2 others at which point you can no longer pick that role. For 6 stacks Role Queue would obviously be disabled.

Alternative Flex role or secondary choice
Although I firmly believe Blizzard should start out a system like Role Queue as barebone and simple as possible I do acknowledge that perhaps a Flex role or secondary role choice could speed up queue times. But these things should only be considered once queue times have shown to be a little too long. So lets start out with only 3 roles and only 1 choice.

Potential use for endorsement levels
This is gonna be a rather controversial aspect and Im not too fond of it myself, but perhaps Role Queue could also add a little more meaning to endorsements, by only allowing players at (or above) a certain level to use Role Queue. However, for this to even be considered the system would have to be redesigned into a sort of trust factor rank. Everyone starts out at the rank that allows for Role Queue. Getting endorsements increases that rank whereas reports decrease it. If they went a route simlar to this they would also have to make sepperate ranks for quickplay and ranked, as well as remove the XP reward for handing out endorsements. There would have to be A LOT of finetuning to ensure its working properly and Im not sure if its even possible to design such a system without an abusable aspect. So again, this is only a vague possibility and nothing I would specifically ask for.

Ultimately, what is Role Queues goal? Its to make ranked at least a little better. Theres no way to make everyone happy, but theres a sweet spot where you make as many people happy as you can. And that sweet spot is achieved with simple and accessible approaches. LFG failed because its inconvenient to use. You spend a while finding a group that fits your needs. Then you hope enough other players join as well. As youre waiting you see players join and leave without ever actually getting 6 players together at the same time. And once there are 6 players present the leader happenes to be afk and by the time hes back someone already left again. Thats why we need an automatic matchmaker that quickly makes for more balanced teamcompositions. No, its not gonna be perfect. There will be times where you have 2 Genji one-tricks as your DPS or 2 Off-Tanks. But generally speaking, a system like this will make for better games overall. Not every game team will feel good. But more than with old matchmaking. And that sounds like an improvement to me.


This combined with this

Make me think this is a bad idea. As much as people should give benefit of the doubt, there will be people who abuse that power and report people regardless of whether they win or are being cooperative.

I like the visuals though. But there’s already a message for long queue times by the way.

If it shows that too many people abuse the system Blizz could still give locked roles a try later on. I just think we should start out with an open approach and hope for the best. Because, again, sometimes you really wish to have 3 tanks or 3 DPS. Admittedly one more often than the other.

Fake reports are a thing either way. Even outside of Role Queue players are getting reported for things they didnt actually do. And as far as I can tell this doesnt seem to be much of a problem because for reports to have an impact there needs to be a considerable ammount of them. So if an innocent players is getting fake reported for allegedly picking the wrong role its probably not gonna have any consquence. But players who consistently abuse the system will rack up those reports in no time and end up with due punishment.

God yes. I have only been playing Overwatch for a few weeks but I am dying for a system like this. They already use one in World of Warcraft.

I would rather not play at all than play in a game with 4 or more DPS players. And this seems to happen FAR too often.

Either a system where we could Q as a certain type (and I agree simplifying it to just Tank, DPS, or Healz would be probably be more practical than subtypes, even tho playing with multiple sharpshooters or multiple flankers is annoying), or a system where we could lock a class after 2 or 3 were already chosen.

The one thing I would want to leave room for is allowing 3-3 comps or 3-2-1 etc. I’ve never complained about too much support, just a lack of it. I could also live with 3 DPS players but no more.

Thats why I hope they dont lock roles, if they ever were to do a Rolequeue function.

As i’ve been playing many competitive games in role que, i’ve realized that tanks and supports lack in skill. This may be due to the fact that they are awarded for play tanks and supports. People who don’t know how to play those roles can get free credits without ruining the placement they care about. Since many people play DPS, skill level in DPS seem to be very substantial compared to the other roles. Another reason may be that people simply try other roles they aren’t skilled at because they have nothing to lose. Because of the placement system, these people are placed way above their skill rating in specific roles. This is a crucial issue for Overwatch players so it must be resolved.