Add role limits to Overwatch

But Your Overwatch (A youtube channel) is constantly bugging them about and wanting dont get your hopes to high it maybe coming

I know what your overwatch is, i doubt blizzard would implement role q just because freedo and eddy want it

To be honest, I think this might be better:

  • max 4 DPS
  • max 2 Healers

*max 4 Healers
*max 2 Tanks

Look I can arbitrarily hate specific hero classes as well

Good thing we don’t have to worry about it because there won’t be any maxes on any class, at least not any time soon

Actually put quite a bit of thought into those specific numbers.

Can’t really make a comp with more than 4 DPS.

Triple healer is pretty lame.

And tanks are mostly self limiting, because of their lack of DPS and heals.

I think maxes and maybe minimums would be preferable to Role Queues.

And they are probably going to do something in that direction in the next 3 months.

Eh we’ll see, they’ve already talked a lot about role queue and hero bans and it didn’t really sound like it was something they wanted to do

But they understand the demand for better team compositions.

And the current situation of having to say mean things at your teammates if they go outside the minimums needed to form a decent team.

They don’t even make a separate mode to at least try it out!

Stop being so scared, Blizzard, worst case scenario would be it’s a mess and you can just delete it and move forward ._.

Something tells me that you just hate Brigitte. She would never be used again in the pro scene if triple Support was banned

They’ve certainly heard the complaints, the question is will they act on them or will they leave competitive in its current “casual” state like how it’s been for years. I guess we will just have to wait and see

What’s the reasoning for limiting DPS in particular to only two? There’s several hybrid-ish heroes in the category that can potentially fill in as a quasi-support/tank and triple DPS comps haven’t exactly ever been a balance problem.

Honestly, if any (and I’m not saying they should be necessarily) would need limited to 2 only, it should be Supports.

I think if Brig is too weak after a lack of Triple Healer, then buff Brig.

I think GOATs is an existential threat to the game.

OP is anti DPS clearly

No one will ever except major Brigitte buffs. The forums will riot

Well, probably the first one she’s need is some sort of selfregen that doesn’t require hitting things.

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Outside of LFG groups there shouldnt be any limitations to roles. If they were to restrict roles to such arbitrary numbers the first thing that would happen is people finding out the best ways to exploit the new system. Creating strategies that require more than 2 dps to counter or maybe even more than 3 tanks.

As an alternative I give you this:

I don’t see anything wrong with role queue if it gives you full control over what team comps you want and your preferred role in each.

As much as I would like this suggestion so that teams don’t run the unbeatable 4 DPS 2 supports meta all over your face (which I’ve yet to win against over at least 25 games of enemies just completely ignoring the tank role), this isn’t a good idea.