I disagree on removing Rez entirely, but overall I agree.
Moira should have never received her “bug fix,” Mercy shouldn’t have received the full rework, and Ana should have received more appropriate buffs to address her problems
I disagree on removing Rez entirely, but overall I agree.
Moira should have never received her “bug fix,” Mercy shouldn’t have received the full rework, and Ana should have received more appropriate buffs to address her problems
This is, very simple.
Anyone who says Mercy didn’t need those nerfs isn’t paying attention to the overall health of the game.
She probably needs more, but we’ll see after the healing nerf goes through.
Mercy is:
She has, too much.
That’s the only problem.
It’s not tempo-resurrect itself.
It’s the fact that tempo-resurrect amplified everything else.
Valkyrie is also extremely powerful.
“She’s really easy to kill”
So that’s why OWL teams struggled to kill a Valkyrie Mercy of relatively equal skill? Got it.
Damage Boost is extremely powerful on it’s own because NOT ONLY does it boost your damage, it results in more ultimate-charge per tick (due to the increased damage per tick). Therefore, a Valkyrie Mercy is extremely powerful using Damage Boost because she buffs her entire team’s ultimate charge gain.
Off-Healers should have utility and bonuses.
Main Healers should have superior healing and minor buffs.
The fact that Mercy has both is an issue because she outclasses everything else on her own.
So… here’s the only problem I have with this whole argument.
Mercy had everything listed above prior to her rework. She was not a must-pick. After her rework, she gained Tempo Rez and Valkyrie. That’s the only difference.
Valkyrie has been heavily nerfed, to the point that it’s not nearly as powerful as you state. It’s not a bad ult, but it lacks the oomph of basically every other support ult. In fact, nearly every aspect of the ult has been toned down fairly significantly, so I find it hard to believe this is making her must-pick.
On the other hand, Rez is… mostly unchanged. Yes, it’s slower, but it’s still available for more team fights than it was during Mass Rez, and its weaknesses can be circumvented by good teamplay.
Do those other things help double down? Yes, but we’ve already seen that they alone are not what makes Mercy mandatory.
Yes. I addressed this. Specifically this.
Valkyrie amplified her damage boost and AoE healing potential.
Mercy had NO AoE healing potential AT ALL prior to Valkyrie.
That was a significant weakness of Pre-Rework Mercy.
That weakness has since been removed.
Context is important.
It was the combination of the two.
Tempo-Resurrect with no other changes could’ve kept Mercy where she was.
Adding Valkyrie
her previous weaknesses.
It’s not a hard concept to understand.
You did not need Mass-Resurrect in most situations, but it was abuse-able for quite some time. You usually needed Tempo-Resurrects on 2-3 targets.
Mercy’s Ultimate charges far too fast.
That’s why people say it has “no bad time to use it”, what they don’t realize is something having no improper timing, means it works in every situation.
Valkyrie removed her weaknesses.
It doesn’t matter how ““heavily nerfed”” it was, it still removed her weaknesses via it’s creation and those weaknesses have not returned in any way shape or form.
Exactly. Thank you for PROVING MY POINT.
I said it was a combination.
It’s the fact that Tempo-Rez AND Valkyrie on top of everything else makes her THE MOST versatile healer in the game.
If she just had Tempo-Rez and Valkyrie, she’d probably be in a better state.
If she just had Tempo-Rez as an Ultimate, she’d be in a weirder (but arguably better) state (if it was sped up a little).
If she just had Valkyrie without Tempo-Rez, she’d probably be in a better state.
It’s the fact that she got both and ALREADY had so much.
Ana and Moira are actually balanced though. Like, every healer has their niche. Their strengths and weakness. Comps their good in and comps their bad in. Except Mercy. Why would we break balanced hero’s to compensate for a broken hero?
This is just another inflammatory Mercy post with nothing constructive in it but just bashing on the rez ability and Ana again. I bet that the next thing I find in the replies is “revert rez back to her ultimate:D” sigh
Totally agree with topic title, There is no reason to select Ana.
For me its about her healing stats. I look at teammates (gold, plat) and they’d be lucky to get 6.5K average heals where I have 9.xK average heals on Moira=no contest.
Also you have to land every single healing shot to be effective, you cant miss a critical teammate. (possibly they could increase the size of teammate hit box even more?)
BUT I dunno why people demand Mercy where Im way more of a effective teammate as Moira in every area.
Ana is one of my favourite characters but shes just not effective enough to warrant selection
If you’re outhealing Ana as Brigitte then the Ana player is just bad. The Ana was probably focussing her shots on enemies rather then to use them for healing.
I’ve outhealed Moira’s as Zenyatta, even in comp matches. That doesn’t mean Moira is a bad healer, that means the player is not playing her as a healer.
But back on topic. I think Ana’s upcoming buff is nice and can make quite the difference. I could see it have potential to change the tight of a fight because you can basically save a tank with the burst heal and I’ve had occasions where I wanted to combo with someone, for example a Genji for the nanoblade but where he takes quite a lot of damage already during his dive. But the extra healing will make the Genji even more difficult to kill meaning he can accomplish more with his ultimate.
Trick to playing Ana successfully is getting value out of aggressive plays with your abilities, especially the grenade. If you can turn 2 or more enemies purple and tell your team to engage at that time, it’s an easily won team fight. Sleep dart of course is still valuable if you can land it. Nothing is more satisfying than shooting a moth out of the sky with that. And nanoboost might not be a Valkyrie, but that’s exactly why you don’t hold it for more than two fights max.
Now sure, she’s still not as good as Mercy overall, especially with the skill difference between them, but she’s very good in the right hands. Also keep in mind that she’s getting buffed while Mercy is getting nerfed.
Exactly. People are so used to the old meta Mercy/Zen, they forgot how powerfull Ana is in the right place, in the right hands.
Almost every games, people are asking to switch my Ana. But when the game ends, I receive congratulations.
" But Ana do not have the same healing outpout"
Last week I did 29k healing on KR. And in average I have the same outpout as Mercy. But I create space with sleeps and off nade instead of Mercy.
But sure, Res is 100% OP and that’s the only thing that makes Mercy so OP
I agree. After her PTR buffs go live, I think Ana will actually be pretty good. She’s already undervalued now. Sure, Mercy is better in many situations right now. But I disagree with OP saying that Ana is a throw pick. A GOOD Ana can be quite devastating.
I think this is more of a perception problem. Ana is better than people think she is. And I think even with no additional changes, eventually she becomes a more popular pick as people start to realize that.
That’s odd I never get complaints when I play Ana or Moira.
It’s almost like the player has to decide to heal. Hmmm…?
I charged ana’s ult last night in the first 30 seconds of the 2nd round in the match. I also basically ruined 2 zen ults with my nade. I had twice the healing the enemy mercy did. How is that throwing?
they’ve done just about everything they can to help her. Anything beyond what she is will be power creep and result in a broken meta once Mercy is finally tuned correctly. Ana herself is alright-- it’s a former ult on a cooldown causing an issue by being the best utility ability within the game.
I kind of disagree with this. While I (some what) understand their reasons for not having a regen and not wanting to give her some kind of mobility, I think there were more, and better, options than what they gave her. First thing that comes to mind would have been shortening her reload some instead of upping her ammo count - since the bigger issue was the downtime of the reload and less the actual number of bullets.
Read the OP pls [20 char]
honestly a speed boosted nano target wasn’t as broken as a rez on cooldown,
Rez should go we don’t need this anymore it’s not possible to balance this
I think Ana should get an unlimited rifle to help her do the healing task without the delay of reload.
I see other forum posts wanting her damage returned to 80 which I disagree with. But this change would slightly help the hero do her job better.
I already did and my point was ana’s utility is amazing even when compared to rez.
read MY comment again plz