Maybe make ana’s no scope shots work like zens orbs and let her crit heal only while zoomed in if u hit a hs? Say 1.5%
Crit heals would be cool, but I doubt they’re going to buff her already strong healing potential. I think she needs some type of mobility/escape.
Agreed with the mobility but it’s the inconsistent healing that will kill her. Have u tried hitting a tracer, it sucks. This way u can get a more consistent no scope heal but maybe drop the heal to 50 and make the crit do her old 80. Makes her more consistent and if u have enough skill you can pump out huge numbers with crit heals.
Well they’re reworking healers in the next patch I believe. If you want to be good at Ana you have to play like gale and ml7 and frag out when you need to
I think making no-scopes like zen’s orbs would make it too ez-mode. Perhaps just make the projectiles a little faster.
Maybe Mercy is outclassing Ana but not Moira
I think Ana needs a buff, no nerf Mercy
I think Moira is fine. The 20% energy regen increase is good though. We’ll see how big of an impact that buff has.
Ya moira is in a good spot right now. Maybe a bit more on her ult but even that’s not really needed.
As for ana it would still make her harder than mercy lol. That and you would still have skill involved with crits.
My thinking behind this is for those below diamond. She will never be viable down there
Maybe if they gave Ana a Ghillie Suit she wouldn’t be so easy to dive. One sniper already has a nest to shoot from. Why can’t the other have some camo gear to stealth from in the back unseen?
Or… they could actually buff them instead? This will be coming up in this new patch most likely launching with Summer Games on the 9th.
Ana by far needs more buffs. She needs more mobility and self sustained heals. The update will give her nano boost a boost but it’s still not effective enough imo for her. If she can’t keep alive long enough to build her ult, what’s the point of that buff? She needs more. Give her self heals plus mobility (or just send her self healing…) and bam, she’s in.
Moira is getting her 20% healing buff so that may change the tide of battle. I personally feel Moira is going to be in a good spot after this buff as she already is picked more than most healers and can do decent healing damage, it’s most people prefer to play her as a DPS, but attacking needed for her heal gauge.
I wouldn’t say it’s a throw, but if you play Ana and your team doesn’t support you, then your better off playing something else.
It’s like that match I was playing on Sunday. A Moira was killing me and chased me to spawn area and the Rein just walk by and did nothing. That’s when I decided to switch to Brig. We won that match, probably cause I was able to shutdown their Moira, Dva, McCree while being able to heal every few seconds. I love stunning Dva and throwing her off a ledge.
Yea. It is kinda depressing how blizzard refuses to acknowledge the brokenness of a baseline rez.
Everything can be throwing if you want it to be
Ick… why do that?
I believe that instead of trying to create “Different flavors of the same thing” we should instead focus on strengthening our Support heroes’ individual boons.
Ana has her greatest contribution locked onto one skill that she has to use to heal herself. When a player slots in Ana, they should be actively bringing Heal-Denial to a match. It shouldn’t be a once in a blue moon effect (which it is unless Ana is heavily supported) or something saved to counter Transcendence. She should be dishing it out almost as regularly as Zenyatta’s Discord. (Obviously, not through her current grenade but rather a rework that puts anti-heals at the forefront of her kit, even if that makes her an off-healer)
Lucio used to be all about the speed boost. 100% extra speed made him valuable – I think he is okay now but I wouldn’t mind putting a bit more power into his Speed because that is the unique boon he brings.
Zenyatta’s Discord kept him relevant and it always will. It is a powerful tool and him being able to focus on targets while weakening the enemy/healing is too perfect.
Brigitte brings extra tankiness to her team plus excellent peel. Slotting her in greatly weakens any DPS that isn’t a burst/sniper and wards off flankers.
Moira and Mercy - let’s call them both the main healers. Moira keeps her allies alive and Mercy brings them back. Moira is independent and can protect herself and give out steady heals to support her team. Mercy should probably heal less overall than a good Moira but be better at reviving her allies. Mercy’s slippery nature and flight allows her to try to survive while the team focuses her because they know she will revive her team. If they buff her revives and weaken her healing output, then I imagine they’d have to weaken her self-heal passive to allow enemies a better chance at killing her before she revives enough of her allies.
Either way, I think nearly every support should support their team primarily in ways outside of just healing. Don’t put Ana in a situation where she has to compete with Mercy because of course the hero that can heal and doesn’t have to aim nearly as much is gonna seem better to anyone that isn’t trying to show off. Make Ana bring something that Mercy can never bring. Let Mercy bring something that Moira can never bring. Let Moira freakin’ heal like the perfect queen she is!
Moira and Brig are their own partners. They’re an extremely resilient healer combination that can resist a dive. Moira fades away while Brig uses her self heal and stun to resist the dive.
P-Picking Ana is… not… throwing…
My best overwatch friend is a bomb Ana, and we’ve won tons of games with him SOLO-HEALING as Ana, including winning a 5v6 with the same solo-healing.
Resurrect is not a needed thing to win the game. You can win games with Moira Lucio, Moira Zen, Ana Lucio, Ana Zen, Brigitte Moira, whatever combo you like and you can destroy a team even if they have a Mercy. You need to remember that it doesn’t matter if the enemy team have “res advantage”, because you can just a) have one of your DPS be a flanker to concentrate the Mercy (if they have a Brigitte this might be a problem, in which case) b) concentrate the Mercy first in team fights, don’t give her the space to res, stuff like that.
Especially with the upcoming nerf to her HPS, you can solidly just not pick her and you won’t be at a disadvantage.
I mean, I dunno. Maybe it’s just my games. I’m always down for a support line up that doesn’t include a Mercy.
The problem with this idea is that there is NO ability that can outshine the ability to bring your teammates back to life at full health every 25(?) seconds. The entire idea of an ability that literally renders high skill plays useless is unhealthy in a game where skill is supposed to be heavily rewarded. A high-skill hook shot by a Widowmaker should not be able to be reversed by a Mercy pressing the E key once. That’s absolutely absurd. Low-skill abilities should not counter-act high-skill plays.
We need to revert Mercy (with removed invunerability and maybe a line of sight fix) and give Ana a few tweaks and minor buffs)
What if the coming nanoboost buff for 300HP… could rez someone with 300HP
So are we reporting OP everytime we pick Ana for false-reporting or…?