Picking Ana is basically throwing

I hate to say it, I really do.

I love Ana, she’s a great hero, but in this current meta picking her over Mercy is literally just putting your team at a disadvantage.

It’s sad, 11 nerfs to Mercy and she’s till meta and outclassing Ana and Moira.

Blizzard please remove res so the other healers may actually have a chance.



Remove rez from her base kit? Yes.

Remove rez entirely? Never happening. (They already stated that)


Maybe because instead of nerfing Mercy they should try to bring Ana and Moira up to par. Because nerfing Mercy and leaving Ana in low-tier clearly isn’t working.


Although I agree that she outclasses Ana, I don’t think she outclasses Moira. Many many many many games I have played solo healing with Moira that were way better than solo healing with Mercy. It usually depends on the team and how grouped up they are, as well as the map, but I don’t think you can put Moira in the same category as Ana.


Totally agree. Every game I ask for someone to help me heal (I don’t play Mercy) and 9 times out of 10 someone will pick Ana.

I say “Thanks mate” but inside I’m kinda already saying GG.

It’s a real shame that Mercy has been given an ability that outshines every single other healer in the game. Res was a bad idea for an FPS, both as an ultimate and as a regular ability.

They should give Ana an alt-primary fire like Widow has. Sniper at long range, machine gun at close range. Both capable of damage and healing.


TBH I’ve seen teams win with Moira, Mercy, Lucio and Brigitte as solo healers. The only two I haven’t seen be successful are Ana and Zen. Which says something considering that Ana is designed to be a main healer and I’ve NEVER seen her do her job


I’ve won games with Ana/Zen before but it’s nowhere near the rate of success it should be. On paper they are fantastic together, but Ana is just incapable of doing her job most of the time.

I feel she needs more powerful healing shots at this point. She just can’t keep up with the pace of the game right now.

However i dread the idea of healing numbers being buffed and causing too many scenarios where a character is unkillable. I don’t know what would work for her.


um actually i play with my ana main friend and we can have such decent games together :3 but NERF MERCY. or more like, please give her the right nerf tyvm

goats is so zzz but runaway running ana goats is great

They really need to buff Ana. That’s all there is to it.


Just give all the healers a Rez ability.


Moira is great if your team doesn’t have much mobility and/or you’re playing a map that doesn’t have a lot of high ground.

Yes they stated this but blizzard has lied to us in the past. like saying mercy damage boost Hanzo dragon was a buggy they never fixed in over 2 years.

Ana works better with Lucio. Just like zen and mercy their the best partners in support category. Moira and brig don’t have support partner.

Or, OR, they can put rez back on Mercy’s ultimate where is belongs and give Ana some fixes like regenning a percent of what she heals.


She’s even worse on console, you can (and I have many times) get consistently more heals as Brigitte. It’s utterly ridiculous how awful she is. She’s more of a throw pick than Symmetra now.


What about Ana being able to shoot faster? Or have more ammo? Or even both.

There’s just no comparison to the sustain that Mercy has.

Auto-Self-heal, unmatched mobility and easy lock on healing. Not to mention it takes a lot more clicks / APM to play Ana effectively.

It’s OK though, they’re going to give healing to Nanoboost…lol