Maybe if they gave Ana a Ghillie Suit she wouldn’t be so easy to dive. One sniper already has a nest to shoot from. Why can’t the other have some camo gear to stealth from in the back unseen?
Can we give Ana a ghillie suit – a passive that simply lets her be invisible to enemies past a certain distance. Of course abilities like Widow Sight, Opportunist, Sonic Arrow and some such work as normal.
Firstly this would allow Ana to be a different kind of sniper than Widowmaker in her sniper’s nest. Secondly it’ll allow her to play at range – which at the moment she cannot. Lastly it turns her relationship with dive into a cat 'n mouse game – leaving her that much less susceptible to that meta overall.
Also, it does NOTHING to give her extra mobility – which is perfectly in keeping with her play style restrictions.
Thanks everyone.