🏝 Pharah needs a fun skin and a Vacation (There's always next year :c)

You can’t grapple in a bikini either.

OR how about rolling a duck floaty in a straight line?

Oh, but it’s OK that a dragon can walk on it’s hind legs and use a gun…

Sick and tired of this “no” BS…

You can grapple in bikini. That is ez.
No is the answer here. If they release an unarmored pharah skin it should be a junker pharah.

Says who?


Not a wannabe fan art for sure.

I’d like to see a fairytale outfit where her rocket barrage appears as sparkles coming out of giant poofy sleeves like these:

EDIT: Masculine version, which might fit Pharah’s current silhouette better:

Now that’s a nightmare if I’ve ever seen one…

Pharah is a warrior and never take offs her battle gear.

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I’d at least like 1 ‘fun’ skin before we get genderbender skins. Otherwise that’s an awful slight to Pharah, as she’s had the safest skin designs out of all of the heros.

At least 1 fun one, then the genderbender skins can come.

Which is why she needs a vacation so she can clean out her sweaty armor. Dva at least gets a breath of fresh air every once in awhile.

no she dont we need to a speedo hog

Swimsuit, watery propulsors and nerf-gun bazooka.

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I saw in Instagram a Biker Pharah concept , it looked very nice

These are literally insane :heart_eyes:

Next year, Tracer needs a swimsuit skin with Mercy.

You will Always Get a like from me, if Dragons are involved. o-o

Yes i’m that Basic.

How did i not see this thread earlier?!

You holding out on me, Pharah? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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News clip? Is that the one where that guy says: “And it starts right now!” ?

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This might be the single best “fun” skin for Pharah I’ve ever seen

  • just wish I could link directly
    Delete the #

I now need that dragon pharah skin.

Pharah is in desperate need of some kind of beach skin. The devs have been neglecting her for too long. This is a good way to make up for it.


I agree. We haven’t really seen Pharah’s casual wear but based on her dining wear and fishing with Rein… She’s not ready to be a “perfect lady wear” runway model. Even if she has the height of one lol.

Easy route: Diving gear (not snorkling like Sombra’s outfit).

Otherwise they have to try to match her hurtbox with robes/excessively sized clothes/etc.

Her torso:

  1. Swimming trunks and T-shirt, XL for bulk.
  2. 2 piece or a one-piece with a beach robe for bulk.
  3. Tropical wear, meaning a 2 piece, a beach skirt, and tied off beach robe.
  4. A shirt and puffy fishing/hiking vest. Billowy shorts that barely fit, held on with a belt.

For her head:

  1. Helix baseball cap.
  2. Straw fedora.
  3. Sunhat with a shorter-than-usual rim.
  4. Just have her hair over-humidified and barely tamed with hair-clips or a pony tail.

Bonus points if her hats are just Helix wear of some kind.

For her feet:

  1. Bulky tightening-straps-galore/velcro sandals, with or without socks.
  2. Sandal (Platform) Wedges to simulate her combat armor’s boots.
  3. Bare feet (off model for her hurtbox tho).
  4. Flip-flops (somehow worse than bare feet for the beach).
  5. High boots with even higher socks to go the fishing/hiking summer route.
  6. Sneakers with medium or high socks as an alternative to the boots.

Fixed the voiceline for you

Nifty skin theme for Pharah, in seriousness. Every hero needs a beach theme now that the precedent has been set.


says the privacy fence