Pharah feels like utter garbage

Yeah, counter opposing Hog. Outside of that, not sure what his utility is given the current state of OW2.

Murder! That’s his utility.

The damage amp isn’t even that much overall. Less than 1200 dmg amped over almost 8 minutes. I had that thing up all the time.

Not anymore.

Every dps hard counters him now because that self heal is all he had.

Pharah feels less cheesy just hanging with a mercy, feels more TF2 soldier-y now and I like it

Yeah, I don’t think a hero that invalidates an entire weapon type is healthy for the game, I’m sure you can hit Pharah if you’re some sort of projectile god or just really good, but most people don’t have masters+ mechanics and can’t consistently hit her and have to switch to hitscan

People are really coming in here talking about “cry moar can’t stay in the sky” when the problem isn’t necessarily the aerial uptime but the fact that she still self damages and has a massive hitbox when they took away almost entirely the whole reason both of those were there.

It sucks that she can’t stay in the sky but she can’t even survive in the new play style she has. They literally removed the exact same problems from Junkrat for the exact same reasons.


The entire point of the rework was to remove her title as Headbutting Queen of the Skybox and make her better at horizontal combat.

So… success.

Muahahha good, let her stay buried


Except it’s not. Lol. And no one who knows how to play the hero is camping the sky box, the most vulnerable position of the map.

You ‘horizontal your way in’ and get your 1 team kill and proceed to engage in reaper-range combat because your fuel bar is as plentiful as a salad bar is for an elephant. That’s not appropriate for the hero in any way.


Whatever definition of ‘‘acceptable’’ game knowledge you have personally is kind of irrelevant because Blizz does not balance around Masters+.

The entire reason why Pharah hasnt been really buffed in years is because she enforces hitscans by just existing, on top of hardcountering entire classifications of heroes… for not being hitscan.

Pharah’s design was an issue in OW1 launch.

This is more of a tuning issue than a design issue. The entire reason why they reworked Pharah was to allow her to get buffs in the first place without enforcing the meta into hitscans 24/7 even more.

Ironically, this is how Pharah one tricks play in high ranks without a Mercy pocket. As a flanker who goomba stomps people and then retreats.

Well said. I do think the mobility changes were a great step in the right direction for a fast, agile in and out playstyle, but the hitbox is a giant wrench in the gears of what could be a great change. It doesn’t fit the closer more ground based gameplay, and in the new meta of huge bullets the survivabiltity just isn’t there. Survival by target deletion on dives is also reduced with the loss of 2 directs to kill a squishly.

She really needs a redraw of her hitbox to match the rework. It’s disheartening to see mercy and echos hitbox tighly drawn around the character model (even around each feather of mercy’s wings) and comparing it to the large bulbous monstrosity that is the pharah hitbox.


This is a nothingburger of a statement, considering that the changes are negative for all ranks as it effects survivability and core hero design in a bad way.

That’s a wild exaggeration when you consider Sojourn railgun, Echo, Mei, Baptise, Zen, and D.Va can all effectively mitigate and prevent her from diving in. Not to mention the bulk of immortalities and bubbles in the game. play better.

When she couldn’t stay airborne? Yeah, I remember, I was there. They changed it to be airborne which is the opposite of now.

That’s not what a tuning issue is.

If you goomba stomp, they’re generally dead and you’re not retreating because you focused healers like you’re supposed to. I play in GM+/T500. That’s not a one-trick play, that’s base line competency with a dive hero. Genji and Tracer play the same way.

Pharah is Garbage now!

Since season 1, I’ve been dedicated to playing Pharah, especially during her prime when she was a force to be reckoned with.

She already had counters like Soldier, McCree, and Widow, but as the game evolved, so did her list of xounters. From Ash to Echo, Soldier to McCree, D.Va to Moira, Baptiste, and goes, the counters kept piling up.

With tanks and dps growing stronger, Pharah was barely functioning in the game, relying heavily on mercy and her aerial maneuverability to stay ahead. The only thing that was unique still to her was her ability to use the map in her favour

Now with the removal of her flight ability she lost her unique advantage and the only thing keeping her alive in the game. Even adding this horizontal ability, she remains vulnerable and now easily countered by a plethora of hitscans and now with no way of scaping.

I give up playing her until they fix it


Splash damage is way down, and much less lethal. If you’re doing more damage to yourself than enemies, when you can stand right next to them and shoot the ground and do 3x more damage to them than you… that’s a you problem, not a Pharah problem.

I do agree that not reworking her ult was the epitome of missed opportunity though.

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Agree. She deserves to be in a dump


Soldier really didn’t need to be any more forgiving than he already is, but they buffed him so he’s even more mindless.

No amount of Pharah changes will make up for that lol, like PLEASE stop making Soldier braindead easy. :weary:

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Pharah is now echo is not even the same character. It’s just bad

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How much they buffed him?
And I guess you are phara mainer? Then you deserve to suffer from soldier 100% :smiling_imp:

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I don’t main Pharah! I play both DPS and support but mainly have been playing Ashe on DPS. :grimacing:

His hitscan hitbox is bigger, but that’s just…so weird with the fact he has no spread and one of the most forgiving recoils I have ever seen in a shooter.

Strange, I was always thinking he has one of the hardest recoils. Not convinient at least

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