Pharah completely lost her identity

I personally wouldn’t know because I’m just a plat. Played her yesterday and won some Plat games even when the enemy swapped to DVA, Solder and Mcree.

I wasn’t even doing much to begin with but the Plat’s just see Pharah and swap straight away haha. Still won that game easily.

But a Top 500 OW player and OW coach. I would trust his opinion over my own. He knows much more intricacies of this game than I do. One thing he states is to be effective with her new kit, you have to unlearn her old kit and treat her like a new hero. Which is actually a very difficult thing for most people to do. There’s unconscious habits that need to be unlearnt and replaced with new ones. This takes time.

I was a pretty decent Hanzo player (at least for my mid rank standards) back in OW1, I one tricked him for a couple seasons. Then when they nerfed his projectile speed I could never unlearn his old speed and learn the new speed. At all. Just never got to be as good on Hanzo as I was before those nerfs. My accuracy plummeted into oblivion, from consistent games of 40% accuracy to consistent games of 20% accuracy. And I could/can hit Mei Icicles pretty easily, which is only slightly slower than what Hanzo’s arrow speed used to be.

Did you watch Coach Mills’ video or did you just go by what I said? Because I likely did not do the video any justice.

actually lmao if pharah mains think aiming was hard with splash dmg explosives

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Watched her play a few days ago, and it was just loss after loss after loss. The last two days it seems like she’s not even touching dps now.

I think there’s a bit of a disconnect here.

Rank, winrate, and effectiveness in combat as a metrics measured against other heroes is unrelated to the problems being brought to attention here. I could honestly care less about winning or getting elims or how many times I die or my accuracy rating.

The issue here is Pharah’s handling. The changes they’ve made to her mobility toolkit have effectively removed any sense of fluidity from operating her.

If you don’t notice these changes, you’re likely not playing pharah much, so that makes sense. But for anyone who’s dedicated more time than their full time job to playing exclusively Pharah over the past several years, these changes are crushing.

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Yeah I can see that. Going from being able to stay in the air for 75% of the game to being in the air what, 30-40% of the game?

I can see how Pharah enjoyers will dislike that.

Let me re-quote my own words, minus my crappy attitude. You’re not generating value out of thin air by having a pocket. Bad aim is bad aim. It’s just going to enable you getting a kill when you otherwise wouldn’t and be marginally more aggressive, depending on your skill level. If we’re talking an average player, or specifically Pharah, a is more than sufficient at preventing dive. The sacrifice here is that instead of getting a value support like Ana to pair with a defensive ult like Zen or Lucio you may end up with Mercy/Ana which isn’t always the best against high impact ults.

I said if you, not you specifically. It isn’t really my intent to go after people, although the way I’m typing things out isn’t always the nicest. Sorry, I could have chosen better wording. For the rest of the statements on this post, the breakpoints I’m trying to emphasize are like nuances where a mercy damage boosts a sojourn rail, and even though the crit rate is low, those crits are more meaningful because it guarantees a kill. Similar to an Ashe critical against widow. Unboosted it isn’t a kill, but with it is.

Again →

The jet pack refuel boondoggle harm’s the hero’s core ability to scale the map at whim and utilize buildings to minimize noise. In case you didn’t notice, the jets are outstandingly loud.


That’s fair. I can understand that perspective. I mean generally it impedes even platinum players that were otherwise developing the skillset to minimize sound and improve positioning by rooftop gliding. It’s uncommon to see for long since they’ll climb into Diamond+, but I’ve seen my fair share of platinum players that were definitely on their way out of the bracket.

Regarding the changes to the projectile speed – I remember that change. It’s one of the gripes I’ve had with the way they’ve done balancing in the past. They’ll change firing rates, and timers on abilities like ice block and it’ll throw everyone’s muscle memory waaaaay off because instead of easing into it they lightswitch change it.

I have not yet watched the video, I may at another time, although generally speaking without them reverting her jet pack refuel nerf I will likely just stick to Soldier/Widow for the remainder of this season as my go-tos.


A million times this.

Oh man, or using concussive to bump them out of cover and pre-firing their landing spot. This was peak feelgood. I resonate with this whole post.


Ah, drat! I never quite got the hang of conking people into it, my reads were still a bit off on that. I think it’s more my lack of skill with conc and less my lack of intuiting trajectories; I’ve probably gotten about 15% of the boop kills I shoul’ve.

GA-ing Mercies in close range, or flying Junkrats at 20 meters? Oh man, I got GOOD at nailing those. I probably had hit rate of 70% on those targets. It felt REALLY good. I wouldn’t even shoot the rats at the parabolic apex, I’d usually nail them mid-way on the trip down where they can’t DI out of anything.

I can still do it, but I don’t know, it doesn’t feel the same. I’m still making prediction shots, but I can’t SEE both paths on a collision course before the explosion goes off.

Morning bump for visibility.

there is still the good old “stop the payload” voiceline when your team is the one pushing… thats been there almost a year

Can’t forget the voice lines… Those are super important…

you are either speaking of an infinitesimal minority of pharahs or, again, you just think we’re stupid

it was only ever a “vulnerable” position if you switched to the half of the roster that deleted her from the game as opposed to the other half where it was the other way round

pharah can still “scale” any surface she wants, she still has the best vertical mobility in the game- it’s just that, again, she can’t permanently hug the skybox anymore

back up to the top.

where’s the devs at?

Posting a Fareeha quote is not a substitute for making your own argument. I could pull a YZNSA quote stating the opposite, and we’d just be fighting each other with the quotes of content creators instead of actually considering our own standing.

For someone with over 70k posts like yourself mr Falcon, this is low effort. At least present your own view. Fareeha saying something does not make it valid nor true.

Some people like the changes, some people dislike them. That’s not what matters. What matters is the reasoning behind the opinions being voiced.

Pharah HAS lost her identity in most ways. So much about how she used to be played has been flipped upside down, for good and for bad. Some heroes have had their identities been cast out entirely, and then replaced with something else, something less nuanced. Torb is a good example, current day Symmetra too, and Bastion. And now Pharah. Doesn’t mean she’s bad, just means her identity is lost, or at least to a large degree is missing what it used to have.

And it may have elements forming a new identity, but that will have to be seen over the next couple of months because anyone claiming they have found that identity already are hard coping.

Well I did.

3 months ago.

Where the post also suggests 20% less midcombat healing, a Tank/DPS regen passive with a 5sec activation delay, changing projectile sizes, and a focus on reducing burst damage.

I also wrote this over a year ago.

Pharah was rarely good in top 500 pro play, and if anything was someone that acted more like a counter to pick to specific subsections of the player base. Such as to play around doom in 5v5, or to avoid interacting with most tanks in general outside of their barriers.

Right now, she is more or less just sky tracer.

And that is a solid playstyle to have.

Well also, outside of YSNA. (Who has their own issues with public perception issues).

Do the devs see any meaningful social media backlash to the changes, from high tier influencers?

Now add in how other influencers either like playing change, or enjoy not having the character be so frustrating.

Realistically Top500 doesn’t really matter, at all, unless it’s a social media issue. Since 0.1% of the player population doesn’t meaningfully affect playerbase growth or retention rates. So if they lose 0.01% of players over this. Why care? If they gain significantly more than that.

But people got too entitled to the idea that Bobby Kotick’s hard pandering to OWL, and the ladder experience of OWL players, would continue after both Kotick and OWL are gone.

Blizzard Accountants and Microsoft Shareholders don’t care about how good a player is at clicking heads in a videogame. They care about how many players and how many dollars it generates on a Quarterly basis.

So if your opinion is the opposite of “More Players” or “More Dollars”, then the devs could probably care less.

While I understand the sentiment in the rest of your post, this is a bit of a stretch. Kotick only cared about money, and generally sought to tank Overwatch when his OWL experiment fell flat on its face. There’s no connection between seeking revenue from the OWL and balance changes (except maybe dive??). That being said, it’s very common for game developers to seek insight from gameplay by people that are the most experienced which will pretty much always be high echelon players. However, if you’re implying that the advice given by those players is exclusively accepted that’s inaccurate; it never works that way, and is used primarily to probe for edge cases in a new implementation because competitively minded players are going to be the best testers. Given you’ve made the mod you referenced, you’re familiar with the intended use case vs the actual use case argument devs have to face.