Pharah completely lost her identity

Sorry you can’t pubstomp by flying forever with Pharmercy. My condolences.

Pharah is so bad now. The only thing keeping her alive in the game was her ability to evade and use the map.

Now Pharah terrestrial will have to deal with tons of counters.



pharah went from one of the worst designed heroes in the game to one of the best overnight and ow players will still moan abt it

nobody wants to watch you and mercy hug the skybox all game while vaguely pressing m1 in our direction, adapt or play symmetra or smth LOL


I think she still has her identity it’s just better design, you’re still flying around with the new boosters ability you feel more like a fighter pilot then b4, this new design just improves her design by preventing her matchups from being so polarizing


Pharah identity = hardcounter no hitscans heros…

She is far from the best designed hero in the game, and she is farther from it now. That crown has always gone to Reinhardt and Tracer. Not sure where you got that opinion from. Also, because I’m tired of repeating it to people:

What does that even mean lol

You aren’t getting it and calling people who do get it “cope” just exposes your willful ignorance.

Hitting Pharah is not hard. The problem is that OW is about having a wide variety of heroes and Pharah, by existing, reduces the viable options by a massive number. You must pick one of 4 DPS and the one good tank so the rest of the roster rots in games with Pharah. That is not good for the game.

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For me it’s her boring military girl personality. Even if she got a bit flanderised in Overwatch 2, it’s still the same Pharah. Now a Lesbian edition.

Orisa went through more character and identity shift than Pharah and Orisa is a robot.


Okay – I’m glad I’m not the only person that noticed that. I mean the weird military brat kind of off-cuff mean attitude was really jarring because in OW1 she wasn’t portrayed that way at all.


ok I have to backpedal on my original assessment, now i found out about dash, im slowly getting used to her and she really isnt that bad just have to dive med packs more often here is my 3rd gameplay after patch. Was still able to be airborne about 68%
replay code 7Q7ZGH

It’s really noticeable, even though Pharah is one of my least played characters.

It’s still the same character overall, but penned by different writers if that makes sense.

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Ah, yes forum shill parrots creator shill when it benefits them. Removing identity to make the game even worse will always be unacceptable. But hey, I’m sure you’re thrilled. They somehow managed to do everything but the solutions and the game is still unfun and still dead. Truly astounding.

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Release pharah was perfectly fine, this is garbage. I’d happily take release pharah back.


Who is parroting who exactly?

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I hate her new military brat/ dumb jock personality.

They need to rework her personality.


at least bastion didnt 100% lose his identity, his new nade is somewhat reminiscent of his old ult and how some players would use its rocket jump to get to fun spots. new pharah is just nothing like the original other than rocket jumping being more valuable now.

Initial sense is that her new r-click should also restore 50% fuel.

This would give a few ways to chain CDs and get more air time when needed.

Her jump jets need to go back to 10 seconds and the dash should probably be like 6 instead of 8 seconds.

You guys are either being drama queens or lying. I have ALWAYS sucked HORRIBLY at pharah to the point where I probably have 4 or less hours on her. Never even liked her playstyle. Now? I lost ONE game all day solo-queueing, dominating 80% of my games (with the luxury of a mercy pocket for only ONE game). The game that I lost was literally with a rammatra on my team who insisted on long range poking out of bully form, and hiding behind long range cover once his shield went down, never pressing W the whole match against a double-pocketed bastion (double immort).

You guys are straight up overreacting, and need to git gud.

Last match I dominated had 60% airtime, so stop trying to pretend her flying has been gutted.

Edit: Honestly, if you’re trying to travel a great distance, you should ALWAYS launch with concussion blast first.