Pharah completely lost her identity

It’s how I got into game design.

Built this variant on a server mod. Had it running on 40 servers, with 2 years of tournament play, with 20 teams.

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Pharah can still fly, she still fires rockets.

She has maintained her identity.

This change actually brought her more in line with her original OW1 incarnation. Infinite flight was not always a thing with Pharah. It took them a little while of bouncing back and forth between the idea before settling into it months after launch.

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Tell this to the OTs on my friends list sporting 40% and under w/r. Or to me, who simply won’t bother. Every Pharah matchup I’ve had this season (~60 matches) I’ve handily won. Sure, call it anecdotal, but I’m personally invested. These are the most likely people that would adapt to a good change, but clearly aren’t performing well because it isn’t a good change and only appeals to blender syndrome players or corner spammers.

She already did this.

Not even. Ball is in another galaxy of mobility. She has genji mobility at best. It’s a dash, not a teleport. With statements like, ‘Season 9 is the first Overwatch 2 season that positioning really matters’ from this influencer’s twitter, I’d hardly qualify them as a coach and really just someone trying to be an entertainer. Talking heads =/= credibility, especially if it takes 26 minutes to do.

They weren’t anyways if you played properly. If you made the opposition go dva, double hitscan and they weren’t already, you’ve won the round. Counters are also normal in OW.

Yes, because it was the correct implementation that has been around since 2017/2018 when they introduced the change. Infinite (well-timed rocket jump) flight is a core component of her improved design, and is gutted by an increased RJ CD and a refuel mechanic that requires playing on the floor. Being on the ground is anti-Pharah playstyle.

bastion is a significantly better hero now though… who cares about the identity of a hero when they require a hard pocket to be viable and even then isn’t great once people learn how to aim?

Maybe if you’re awful at the hero? If you’re bad at the game a pocket isn’t going to magically make you proficient, it just raises your baseline and now you’ve tied up a support resource. Bad faith argument.

Well, I’m like 1,000% sure they aren’t reverting the jet fuel change, which is all she really needs back, so I guess her identity has officially transitioned.

I love the changes, excluding the jet fuel refill. There is absolutely no middle ground apparently. You just fall out of the sky like a rock unless you want to burn a second of her ridiculously long cooldowns.

im not the one playing her my man, im the one shes dying to, as a support.

peaked rank 132 back in ow1 my man but go off I guess.

also, it kinda does in the lower ranks.
if a bad phara gets a pocket and goes against other bad dps, the phara looks insane.
her skill floor is so low that its insane how hard she falls off.

Congrats? You beta orbited as a support? Idk if I’m supposed to care or not about your rank considering I’ve probably been in a lobby with you then. Most heroes in the game have a slow skill floor, but scale well with players that reach proficiency. Symmetra and Soldier are good examples of that.

Also, no, it doesn’t lol. A pocket does not make you proficient, it just gives you a bump in damage to bypass health breakpoints. You’re still only going to land X% of shots, it just so happens that those X% of shots are more impactful at the cost of, again, a healing resource. If you’re as good as you’re touting you should know this. If the enemy team regurgitates your strategy and gets a pocket of their own and are better as a baseline you end up losing anyways.

A pocket literally enables you to become more aggressive and make plays you otherwise wouldn’t. That’s not scared rank dependent knowledge…

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youre the one that tried calling me bad at the game dude. im just saying maybe dont assume everyone’s a bot.

edit: I misread. I though you said maybe youre bad at the hero.
I missed the if.

and therefore makes you more effective on the hero.
might not be more proficient but the outcome is the exact same.

yeah… I dont see the point youre trying to make here.

true. I dont see how that is relevant though. who counters phara with phara?
in low elo that would just remove 4 people from the game while the two pharas try to airshot each other while the rest of the lobby plays the game.

I do miss the old Pharah. Is this one better? Eh, maybe, maybe not. It’s not like she couldn’t fight in any skill level, just look at YZSNA.

I just preferred her old playstyle. It actually took a lot of practice to make up for her weakness of being so slow. Once you got the hang of rooftop play, it got pretty fun, though I do wish fewer rooftops had invisible walls.

It was always enjoyable, but I never asked for a Mercy pocket. Even enjoyed fighting against the odds against multiple hitscans or, apart from Echo, characters that don’t stay on the ground. Just had to get creative.

Leading shots was also more enjoyable. Sure, flicking and just hitting the guys with rockets is easier now, but there was so much more satisfaction in reading an enemy, throwing it off of where he is by like 25 degrees, and watching him run right where you thought he would and smack face-first into 120 damage 0.4 seconds later.

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Can someone pin this thread? Needs immediate dev attention.

so could i- course, not possible anymore but sure you win some you lose some

she does- some characters are simply built to fail against her former design, only through the pharah’s own incompetence- likely a switch specifically to counter smth that was razing them previously- could you really get anything done

the “team coordination” argument applies to literally anything and isn’t a reasonable expectation amongst 5 completely random players anyway

the upper echelon of symmetra mains can aim a right mouse bodyshot, this doesn’t mean the rest of them can- you didn’t require a pocket to do well, pharah’s job is complete upon pressing the select button and forcing a team scramble-

-but the old design disproportionately benefited from one because, again, 99% of any odd pharahs’ gameplay was hugging the skybox

if you are so insistent on pharah’s ability to stay in the skybox w/a mercy pocket not being the reason ppl played her, why are you so concerned abt a neuter that only limits her ability to do that?

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concession accepted, sorry you have to play within a mile radius of the rest of us now

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Personally, none of this has changed at all. You can still skybox out in the open against projectile heroes and short range heroes. Rein, Winston, Brig, Mercy, LW, Junk, Mei, etc. were all amazingly easy to abuse on Pharah. Still are easy to abuse. You have so much fuel and with half dmg and self heal, its even easier to abuse these heroes. You do it from terrain rather than over open pits.

However, at some point hitscan will always come out against you if you are actually a big enough threat, so you have to learn to play around hitscan. From that point on you would never be playing high in the sky ever.

The prime strategy was dive bombing players. Which was more difficult with only concussion blast to get in close range to reliably 2 tap them.

Now, Pharah has all of the tools she needs to kill hitscan by dive bombing.

  • Self heal regen.
  • -2sec concussion blast which now does damage.
  • Another horizontal dash.
  • Rocket jump does half damage.
  • Self heal passive to never require another support near you. By the time you get a 75hp pack and start attacking again with all cooldowns back you are near full health.
  • DPS passive to cut through some minor healing focus to achieve a better 3HKO.

The recent alec interview on top 3 highest WR was a little surprise, but Pharah felt like a huge winner after first patch.

Something tells me you’re not a Pharah one-trick. How many thousands of hours do you have playing Pharah? My guess is below 1000. Please stop trying to convince us these changes are good ones if that is indeed the case.

It’s literally always been this way.

I hope Pharah finds her identity again. Has she tried making sure her shirt isn’t on backwards?


She has. It’s not her shirt though, its mostly her fuel pack.

She knows where her identity is, she just needs the devs to return it to her.

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