Petra is too big

good to hear :smiley:

would this be a global change or do AFK timers already differ per map?

If Petra is the size it is, the player limit should be bumped up to 12


Really glad to hear. At least, make it so the inactivity timer doesn’t kick in. I really couldn’t find anyone

Extended time for AFK to kick in is all I ask, specially just this map. I’ve played a few games thus far and received zilch XP because of the AFK warning. Good to hear Blizz is on it.

Why not remove the AFK kick unless someone literally presses no buttons at all? If a player is pressing buttons, they’re playing the game and should not be kicked.

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Not sure if you were saying this as a joke, but if your cat does this it could mean that your cat is sick and needs antibiotics. Might want to check the litter box to see if there are any issues and monitor him/her, if the behavior continues it might be worth seeing the vet. If it’s a boy cat and there are other cats roaming in the area, though, it could be stress-related territorial marking. Cats are usually very particular about their toilet habits so if yours is acting up in a strange way, it could mean something bad is happening for them so it’s always best to be vigilant and keep a close eye on them.

we already visited the vet, he was indeed, ill.

as always?

20 charss

Oh geez I hope your kitty will be okay, best of wishes.

Afk warning ?? You have to be kidding me.

Thank you Mr. Bill, while you’re tweaking those numbers do you think there is a chance we could get an option to remove the inactivity timer in custom games? At the very least turn it off for private games

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The problem is the size of the map + the amount of players, not the afk timer.


Or you could make it so that after a certain amount of time, players get like 2 seconds of widow ult so that they can actually get direction on where to go instead of simply letting them wander around longer.

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Fix Sombra’s bugs please!


AFK timers just need to be adjusted in general. I got the AFK warning because I went a minute or two where i was missing every shot as Widowmaker. I’m not afk, Overwatch, just bad! Kick people who literally aren’t moving or pressing any buttons.


This can be fixed without having to adjust AFK timings or having to make the map smaller, which would result in countless hours of artists and designers working on the map going to waste.

One of the biggest problems in Comp DM is "Kill Stealing"; one player does 90% of the work, and then another comes along who delivers the final blow, getting full credit for the kill, leaving the first player with a measly assist which does not mean anything.

To solve both the issue of Petra being too big and the one regarding Kill Stealing, I propose that Every 2 assists count as 1 kill ; This will not only make players less frustrated whenever they do not get the final blow because they get something in return for their hard work, but also make matches go quicker.

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Or instead of increasing the timer, you could reduce the amount of “false afk-ing” by increasing the player count so that everyone could find players to fight on this gigantic map. Whatcha think, Bill?

Problem with this is Winston jumps in against 3 dudes zaps em all for 1 second then jumps away. He gets a kill and half of a kill for doing literally nothing for it.

Moira is another one who would win every game without really having to play very well.

The better idea, and one that I’ve been wondering since Quake 1 is do a score based on damage done. eg. Do 190 Damage to a Reaper but don’t get the kill and then do 10 Damage to Tracer and get a total of 200 points.

The other way is Percentage based eg. Do 90% damage to the Reaper and but don’t get the kill but you get a the credit of 1 Kill and then you do 10% damage to the Tracer and get nothing.

I spose 80 or 90% would be the threshold on this idea.

Downside to this one is players seeing a dude on no HP and just leaving him cause they know it won’t register as a kill.


Just had an AFK warning in the middle of a fight at Chateau Gillard as well


I spend so much time looking for enemies to kill, that I am almost kicked multiple times a match!

Although part of this may be because I never engage Bridgettes. No point. Just back away and find another path.