Petition for reverting Ball Grapple Change


You’d be surprised how far Cassidy’s flashbang, Sombra’s hack and Mei’s freeze can reach. That is besides the ranged abilities like Halt, Hook, Sleep Dart, Sigma Rock, Sym Turrets etc.


It should be based on top speed. If you’re in top speed for 5 seconds it will break. It also makes contextual sense, cable is malfunctioning due to tension. In short, cable has a resource meter that drains when using top speed and regenerates when not using it. Pretty simple and ends the issue with endless ball spin around object


Nah, already uninstalled, this game can’t be saved, enjoy your queues DPS players.


Get so tired of the blame the other players when a mechanic is egregiously over done… that being said I think 6 seconds is too short, maybe 12 seconds.

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One of the best nerfs ever.


Ball mains aren’t the “majority of the player base”, more like a small minority.

No reason to fully revert this change, which has rightfully addressed the terribly - designed, low skill - high reward Spin 2 Win play style.

The devs should be open to finding a middle ground the addresses the collateral damage of this change, though.


Agreed that it needs to be reverted - terrible decision to put it in.


They don’t need to revert the change, they just need to adjust it with something like what I suggested here so Spin2win is nerfed but other tricks aren’t


Leave the nerf in. But I will say that Ball players deserve a visual indicator on how much time they have left on the grapple. Makes it consistent with other timed abilities. I dunno how they made that nerf and didn’t think to add that.


This. It is just cheese. I know it affects some of his other stuff too but shouldn’t be an issue for anyone who is already maining him.

This is the only thing that needs change.

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I think ball players would get what they want if, as someone else suggested, the timer starts when ball takes any damage, including to his shields. Let him hang from places as long as he wants or swing round the Ilios windmill, but as soon as he takes damage, start the 6s countdown (I’d say 5s with this change - I assume 6s is a compromise because of the scenarios outside spin-to-win that ball players need longer).


-Signed: BLAZEnskin, who still wishes we had the power stance meme tech back.

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ball doesn’t need infinite spinning anywhere that’s just idiotic. imagine they’re holding the payload on overtime when the rest of your teammates who have stun abilities are recovering from spawn? This nerf was justified you guys were just used to that overpowered bs.

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Him being a stalling pick kind of held him back from his potential. Now he can be balanced more as an actual hero and less a stall pick.

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Nerfing the tank with the lowest or 2nd lowest win rates across all ranks.

Good job devs

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I’m not sure about this claiming the majority dislike it .
For example Master Ian Gamer did a poll on YouTube and Twitter , the question " What are your thoughts on the new 6 second grapple duration limit for Wrecking Ball? " : Good change or Bad change :
Twitter : 327 votes : 56% voted it’s a good change , 44% voted it’s bad change .
Youtube : 7K votes : 67% voted it’s a good change , 33% voted it’s a bad change .


The issue lies with the fact that bronze - gold players can’t aim well yet and a ball spinning takes about 250SR to master.

So no, it’s definitely their fault for not being amazing yet, but my 4 year old shouldnt be able to punish them with a click of a button.

This eliminates that aspect, all the while any skilled balled worth their salt would never do this because once you climb and people learn to aim you end up feeding

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This 100% a statement is on point. That being said, I think now returning some of his boop makes sense.