“Person A has chosen Sym in comp. Person B gives up and throws. Who is at fault?”

The thrower’s at fault, obviously. I never understood why people insta-tilt at someone’s hero pick. (Unless there’s like … no tanks or healers, and said person picked a tank or healer but got no back up. That’s frustrating, but not really hero-specific.)

Sadly, I feel Symmetra is probably the hero that needs to be in voice chat the most. There are some crazy cool things the team could accomplish with that teleporter. I feel like that ability alone makes voice coms so viable. However, I do defend players’ rights about choosing whether or not to deal with voice chat. So /shrug.

Anyway, @Kris, how are you doing with the new Sym? I’m not trying to be demeaning or sarcastic or anything. I just remember you were really upset when the changes were announced, and am legitimately curious how it’s going.

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