Another great question to sort out the good eggs from the bad eggs.
“OBVIOUSLY it’s person B. Not only is Person B throwing and sabotaging the game but Symmetra is doing work! And she’s the one who can let us bypass the dreaded Volskaya choke if everyone would stop treating her like dead weight to be ignored.” - Shantay, you stay
“It’s the Sym’s fault for making them throw. Sym is a troll pick and you’re asking for a loss. And they didn’t get a team kill in the first minute so they should have switched but didn’t. Report the Sym!” - Step onto a thousand legos as you’re teleported into the void
It is as simple as this, you can only control your own actions. It is not the Symmetra main’s fault that they have someone who lacked proper parenting on their team. So, if you want to pass the blame away from the toxic player, blame Blizzard’s report system that should have resolved this issue already had it actually served as a deterrent.
Person B is always at fault. Throwing is never excusable and always gets a report.
And simply picking a character never justifies hatred agains you. However, if you refuse to switch when it doesn’t fit the comp at all or just isn’t working, then you are also throwing. Note, that even in a case like this, giving up and throwing is not justified and should still be reported
Didn’t you make another thread about this same exact topic this morning
Anyway it’s pretty obvious it’s B, throwing is inexcusable regardless of the situation
I said before that while I will eternally seethe when someone insists on picking something that is not helping the team, but that’s no excuse for everyone else to just stop playing
No, I made a topic about people’s reactions to Symmetra in their competitive team. This is a topic that’s asking if people think Syms are at fault for making others throw, and not the actual throwers.
Similar in that they’re addressing player toxicity towards Sym players but they’re still different - hence the “another,” alluding to the other topic.
In other words, both are at fault? You leave the burden up to the discretion of someone who does not understand what the other player is doing. Do you know how many times my Widow “is not working” while I have all golds, 50 percent accuracy, a dozen headshots? Literally every time a toxic player opens their mouth. And you advocate for false reporting me? I wish Blizzard would just punish the real problem already. You people are so emboldened that you admit to breaking the rules because you understand that Blizzard could not possibly care less.
Person B for throwing, regardless, is obviously needing a report. However, is person A actually being a team player and therefore trying their best to help the team win? If they are getting countered with Symmetra and aren’t helping with getting any headway made for their own team then they are both bad teammates and not trying their absolute best to help their own team win the match.
Stepping on a single lego is worse,its same with glass. So person b should better step on a single piece of lego 1000 times.
And just for the record,person b is the bad guy,even attack torbs are better.