A Single Change for Symmetra 3.0

In light of the recent surge of threads discussing the current state of Symmetra (and one demonstrating the beauty of her old kit), I’ve brainstormed one single change for her current kit that would significantly improve all aspects of her playstyle.

Of all her current problems, I believe that her survivability is most in need of being addressed, and I believe that this simple change would achieve that without angering anyone.

Photon Barrier

  • Ultimate cost reduced by 33%, from 1500 to 1000.
  • Barrier cast time reduced to 1/60th of a second, but the placement animation is unaffected .

Call it a QoL change, if you will.

And on payload maps, her ult would be significantly more effective, since you would have 50% more of them.

Obviously, the hard part of making any changes to a hero is dealing with the community backlash, but I don’t think anyone would be against such a simple and elegant change to a character that desperately needs a defensive option.


I support this idea 100%

Sym needs something like this since they took away her personal photon barrier.

I still think it needs something else, but a great start.



I like this. With her new ult I really feel like an off tank, there are games where I am able to block large levels of damage with it. Being able to charge it quickly will allow me to fill this off tank role more consistently without actually makeing the ult itself that much better, which I don’t think It needs to be.


I would rather her just have an additional 50 shield health. 250 would make her primary fire easier to use without getting destroyed or punished for getting in range of being able to use it.

Another nice QoL change would be speeding up the cast time on the TP.

Neat suggestion though.

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Her ult is useless though, it’s really a waste since it’s an infinite barrier but you’re only using it to cover a small area. Personally, I’d want them to bring back old teleporter and sheild generator as her ult. At least those thing were effective (sheild gen helped low health characters like Tracer and Zen stay in the fight.) Taking away her barrier was the biggest mistake they could ever do in her rework (which imo she didn’t need one.) I’m really hoping blizzard will fix her.

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Mess is the best Blizzard… make huge barier Face palm sounds. Let’s imagine you’re on battlefield and from nowhere It’s being created huge never ending barier. Try to shot now. It’s still shooter game concept of this ultimate is stupid and basless. Regards to Geof Goodman.

That’s obviously something else that’s needed. It takes about two times longer than it should to cast the TP. But I think that with these changes, we can avoid actually addressing the real problem while simultaneously making Symm more fun to play and strictly better.