People who say "It's Just QP"

I never said this.

I said in my opening post that I want to win but I don’t treat QP like competitive where it’s win at all costs.

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What does being selfish in QP mean? Do I have to try as hard as I do in comp? So am I limited to only playing my best heroes? Am I forbidden from having funny encounters with an enemy where we say hi or do random emotes lol. I always thought QP was in the middle between comp and arcades in terms of tryharding and chilling.

Holy no, I’ve been letting enough attackers pass to play piano on paris already.

The problem is, when one do this, their team might not like it at all, and that’s a consensus 6 or even 12 people has to get in qp, do they wanna competition and a proper game, or they want a game where people goofing around.

You can’t abuse people for just performing poorly. In QP or Comp.

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Who said anything anywhere about abusing people?


I don’t even start it most times. Like If I have someone down to 1HP and they say hi I feel rude not being polite too before I kill them :rofl:

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I can only assume you aren’t super friendly to these people about their performance. Maybe you are getting these reactions because your criticism isn’t constructive.

The point is, if I don’t want to goof around w/ enemies, due to either mood or me making it person against certain people on enemy team, I won’t even blink before I take the kill blow.

And there can be situations when someone is goofing around in a 5 man tryhard team, and I won’t even be able to imagine how annoyed those 5 would feel.

Like I said, I’ve letting people live/pass multiple times, but that doesn’t make their teammates feel less “ugh” in their head should the goofing around not mesh well w/ the team.

So far, it’s been 50/50 in my experience on how their teammate receives that.

And there’s games where people are clearly under influence and plays like poop while not even goofing around intentionally, they are literally just bad compared to the game’s lvl and that’s imo more frustrating.

I have full respect of people who can switch at will between goofing mode and tryhard mode in a single game, but there are a lot others who can only fit in one, and the goofing ones are way more problematic when they find excuses (like in this post’s title) for their behaviour instead of admitting they cannot even try hard, especially when the goof crowd hurts the tryhard crowd more than reverse in those games.

Because it’s literally just qp.
Go to comp if you need to sweat. Otherwise, don’t take it out on people who are just playing for fun.

There’s no winning here. You play to win in qp you’re a sweaty tryhard (wtaf?) and if you’re even remotely goofing off you’re a thrower. I keep getting called sweaty just because I won like Jesus people.

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Please re-read my OP.


Everyone has their own definition of “it’s only QP”. I think there’s generally a fairly clear line that you can cross that everyone agrees on, but for some people that means you pick viable and non-countered heroes and others not. Some people think you should be in comms and others not. I think there’s common sense areas that, at least in theory, most people will concede to each other as in not always expect everyone else to conform to their ideals. Almost unanimously though people would agree that you shouldn’t be the only one having a dance party all match and that you should at least give some token effort.

That said, the people who throw, troll, and then say “it’s only QP” don’t believe that in actuality that’s a decent excuse. They just want to control your emotions for a sense of power that they lacked to begin with or that they feel you’re taking from them by highlighting their faults.


Ok, but my point still stands. It’s literally just quickplay. That’s all it is.

People are allowed to make mistakes.
Losing does not guarantee a totally bad experience.
It’s literally just qp.

Your point?

The mindset here is “We’re in a casual environment. Let’s treat it that way.”
You want to win? Comp.
I can’t really say anything else.

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If someone is raging out then it’s just qp is an appropriate response

If they are straight up throwing and say that then they are in the wrong. People are jerks in online gaming it happens

I never said anything about “sweating” or taking anything out on anyone or freaking out etc. It’s remarkable how people invent narratives on this forum.

People who say “it’s just QP” use this as an excuse for being bad.

I have seen people be just as bad in competitive.


Im not paid to play this game, i can do whatever i want. If im not paid to do it, idc how bad it turn out

They refuse to accept that QP is the only game mode that emulates an actual match and therefore the only game mode that can be used to learn and practice for comp.

They’ll typically throw back “find a disc community” or some such other nonesense as a rebuttal for QP being the place to learn to play properly.

Also, they have to have a way to excuse their apathy to your experience and their own ineptitude.


Usually they’re somewhat selfish. “Who cares about the other 5 people who have to work around by crap? I’m having fun!”


Im one of that guys that say “It’s just QP” but i dont talk too much with strangers in the game, is usually something we tell between us in a premade group about being loosing in QP. We think it is OK because QP is the place you go to learn a new character, or if you simply really like Genji but cannot kill anyone with him because you are too bad and just wanna play a ninja with a sword for a while, or if you wanna play sniper even when you cannot land a single shot. Sure that Winston is destroying you, but you are just there to play a ninja and a sniper, because otherwise you would have gone to the comp queue and not QP. Whenever someone is playing really bad or refusing to change, i just think he is training a new hero or playing a hero that he is bad at because that is one of the things you are supposed to do in QP, and that is perfectly fine.