People who say "It's Just QP"

“It’s just a game!”

Yeah, I’m sure you’ll be saying that when you’re banned :v: :rofl:


Well you can’t be banned for being bad, and it’s hard to prove someone is throwing.

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True, it was just a joke.

The people who say “It’s just QP”, should be playing QP Classic. QP is competitive light and should be played as such.

In seriousness tho, people DO need to practice characters they’re less familiar with, and QP is the perfect place to do this.


I have NO problem with this and I have stated that I do the same thing. I’m a Hammond main and I was absolutely dreadful with him when I started learning. But if I was feeding I would switch to a different hero the help more so that I wouldn’t hurt the experience of others.

What I’m asking is why making simple requests like “can we group up” are met with “it’s just QP”. Really??? You’re incapable of grouping up because “it’s QP”???

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I call people in sweats in qp cause when I’m in qp, i’m just trynna lay back and enjoy the game, then you have a tracer playing like she’s trying out for OWL.

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Cause its just QP, obviously

When you have 1000+ hours on Hanzo alone.
When you played comp for as long as you could remember
When you no longer play comp cause stupid role queue and queue times

You simply no longer care. Today Im diamond, tomorrow I will be gold. Who cares, I dont. And Im talking about comp lol

In QP it become worse - who cares x2

I think we need a new response instead of ‘its just qp’. Maybe ‘just practicing’ or ‘trying new sh*t’.

When people say that winning/losing in qp is meaningless, my response is … same with competitive(!). How does some relatively arbitrary ‘SR’ number that Bliz assigns you impact your life in any way, shape or form? Doesn’t help you score with the hot guy/girl down the hall, get the big raise, etc. Comp is no different than QP other than people are more stressed, more toxic, and have bigger egos :).

Caveat - those of you who are actually trying to become professional players /may/ need the SR number to further your life’s goal… but I gotta believe that is a very, very small subset of the general player base…

You have 11 other people committing 10, 20, 30 minutes of their time to a match, be it QP or comp., … give them some respect by at least trying in QP. I think that is all the OP is asking. I don’t care if you suck at the hero you are playing if you are actually TRYING. I care if you are playing Lucio and just wall-riding around the map doing nothing … you can do that in a private server or deathmatch server, where you aren’t part of a team.


Most people even if they are “it’s just qp” are trying to win and to think otherwise is naive.

It’s more of a rationalization as to why they lost pretending that they weren’t playing their best and that they could just flip a try hard switch and win every game.

They are protecting their ego, they arnt throwing.
These people have low self esteem and once you realize this you then realize they are just dealing with insecurities and just let them make themselves feel better because they don’t know how to deal with it properly.

Meanwhile you have people that are just angry in a loss.

Then the best players in the game take a loss as a growing experience and think about what THeY could have done better to have won the game.


“It’s just QP”

Should be

“It’s just a game”


I agree with this. Whenever I play like trash in QP and someone get’s mad at me for it, my response never has been “it’s just qp”, it’s usually “I know I’m trash I am just practicing this character”.

Using “It’s just QP” as an excuse instead of admitting your just practicing or that your not perfect ain’t cute y’all.

Now that said, QP is where I practice my less played characters so of course I’m not going to be as good with them as I am on my mains, however I always try my best to win even if I am practicing.


Dude chill, it’s just qp )

Because they are hopeless losers who try to justify the fact they are bad and don’t improve with an answer of the same level as their gameplay.
I guess whan they’re old and have done nothing in their life that they will say : it is quick life,that doesn’t matter…

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Absolutely Savage :rofl: :clap:

If someone is actively sandbagging and soft-throwing a game and then says that after someone asks them to stop you should report them for “Gameplay Sabotage” as it will be most likely that if they continue said behavior they will be reported by other players as well which will eventually lead to them getting suspended. For some reason players think that acceptable behavior in terms of official rules is different between comp and QP when it’s not. The only difference between these gamemodes is usually players’ expectations being lower in QP which allows more lenient gameplay due to the chance of being reported being lower. It’s just as simple as that

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Qp is pretty casual and relaxed compared to Comp. People aren’t expecting to get bossed around, told to switch or have their mistakes pointed out a lot in this mode.

You have no control over what 5 others are going to do and you should probably just stick to call-outs alone.

Why people think throwing in quick play is acceptable is beyond me.

You can practice heroes in QP as long as you are actually playing the game, that’s how QP works.


Ok but I already answered your question.

It’s literally just qp.

It’s remarkable that I answer your question and yet you want to push this discussion forward when I already did what you asked but whatever.

I said if you want to win, go to comp.
I said that the mindset is “Qp is a casual environment, let’s treat it that way”.

If you know these people exist in qp, why play it?

There’s just nothing else for me to answer.

So to me sucking in QP is okay, as long as you are trying. You can’t hit crap as Widow, but are trying then cool. My problem are people who purposefully die or troll on qp with the want to lose or tanks that Hog/Zarya against an obviously good Widow not because they don’t know how to play shield, but want their supports and dps to suffer. Then shout positioning when there’s nowhere you can hide while pushing the payload and she has the highground.

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If you are angry because you are “imperfect”, or because there exist people in the world who are better at [insert pastime here] than you are, that is not healthy. It’s fine to be spurred on to improve, it’s great to have the self-awareness to recognize your mistakes. But being angry about losing is apt to do more harm than good.

To the OP:

I like teamwork and I like flexing, so I personally am never bothered by a (respectful/chill) suggestion.

I imagine that people who get defensive / dismissive this early on in the exchange are sick of hyper-controlling or raging teammates, which may start with a simple callout and escalate to rage. Even if you never go there yourself, if the last four guys who said, “hey let’s group up” ended up completely blowing their top at this [blankety blank] team who can’t play worth a [bleep], then they probably hear your callout with an exasperated, “Here we go again”.

This is probably part of it, tbh. If you are noticeably agitated, people will be all the more likely to assume you’re one of those “my way or the highway” folks.

If you don’t do this already, remember that people are far more likely to consider a collaborative request than a correction. See: the difference between “Is anyone up for trying [strat/switch]?” and “We really don’t need a Sym here, please swap.” Even though neither is toxic, one is floating an idea and inviting opinions, the other is giving a directive.

If you’re coming across “intense”, and/or this person has an off-meta main, this is not surprising.

This person is a troll and can be reported. Throwing is not cool in any game mode.

Toxic people are gonna toxic.

“It’s just QP” does not justify throwing, trolling, or toxicity. All reportable.

“It’s just QP” might be used as shorthand for disagreeing with your callout or request.

“It’s just QP” is a perfectly acceptable response for people who are feeling attacked (whether that has anything to do with your delivery or it’s all in their projection). It’s an acceptable response for people who don’t know what meta means or what heroes or team comps that includes. It’s an acceptable response for people who know they are bad, and have opted out of comp because they know they are bad, and are tired of people informing them that they are bad even though they have opted out of comp.

QP is the catch-all casual mode. While I personally don’t mind friendly call outs and coordination, people are apt to bristle when they’re being told to play less casually.