People who say "It's Just QP"

Poor habits breed poor habits and yield bad results. Couldn’t agree more.

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This is generally true. You need to give practice your all if you expect the real thing to go well.

But the fault in your logic is assuming people are using Quick Play strictly for comp practice. Some people just want to relax, and others just straight up don’t care for competitive. You’re allowed to play without pouring every second of every match into raising your SR.


QP has no penalty for losing.
People are told constantly to go to QP to learn new heroes (especially one tricks like me)
QP is there to teach you how to be rewarded for bad play is only reason it’s there.

Because quickplay is just that quickplay.

If I want to practice a hero I’ve never used before I will do it in QP. It’s a mode that shoukdnt be taken seriously.

But then saying that comp is a joke now too.


I want achievements
That’s all

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“it’s just QP” is simply the 2020 version of “u mad bro?”

The phrase “it’s just qp” is such a weak mindset. You are ok with what happened, losing, imperfection of a craft. When you stop getting angry after losing, you’ve lost twice.


You see, I don’t like to ROFL stomp people in QP. Especially given I don’t play the game very often to go into comp.

When I play in my oldest account, I still get players from silver/gold mostly (i was 755 SR in season 9) which is roughly 1.8k SR below the comp.

I can go into full tryhard mode and spawncamp entire team on a hero like Genji/Doom. But will that be fine for you if you’re on the receiving end of it?
When I’m playing qp, I’m having fun with others. Not like we’re jumping off or anything like that. Just not taking it seriously because I’m not interested in ruining the game for others.

Especially when back in the day I’d get tons of smurfs coming to comp just to stomp.

I’m not going to change my approach whether you like it or not. If you want that hardcore of an experience, please find yourself 5 others to play in 6 stack in qp.

A ton of people have this mindset because it is Quick Play. People use qp to practice so many different heros that they normally wouldn’t play, or they use it as a warm up before playing comp. Some people (such as myself) have also let some of their friends try out playing on their accounts and just load them into qp. Comp is meant to be taken super seriously, because there is actual SR and competitive points on the line. Quick Play is where people go for sh**s and giggles.

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I don’t think people playing qp who say “its just qp” are trying to loose on purpose, they just are practicing and not really taking it super serious. sometimes people c9, sometimes there are aholes who just wont touch point no matter what. Though i do notice that most people will swap if they think it is necessary. At least i swap if i think its needed and i know that my friends will swap if they think its necessary.


I did answer already. Because it’s just QP…If you can’t accept the answer that’s your problem.

You might not see this but I will explain as much as possible.

These people already know that they are not playing optimally they are what is best described as ‘screwing around for the lolls’ and there is absolutely nothing with that because Quickplay mode is supposed to be for the non competitive people or for people who do like doing their best they just don’t like being ‘judged’ by a computer that can’t read your mind to know what you are doing to ‘appropriately’ score you.

Also the people who have a freaking meltdown are evil and crazy those who choose not to listen because they are screwing around are fine. Also the reason why they are ‘okay with losing’ is because nothing is actually ‘on the line’ when they play games they are completely secure people that are not trying to use a video game to justify their existence that is why they are ‘okay with losing’.

People who do ‘care too much about winning’ literally drive themselves insane that’s why when you pick an ‘off meta’ character they immediately start throwing that is why that stupid stuff happens.

So the people who are okay with losing are just focused on having fun and are completely secure that is why they are able to ‘screw around’ for the lols.

“It’s just QP” means “I wanna have fun” or “Stop being a sweaty”. Despite what you think, QP is a casual experience meant for fun.

It’s probably not the place to be calling people out as long as they are trying. I have great fun with the varied comps and crazy strategies. I don’t have any expectations that people choose the “right” heroes, just that they honestly try.


my view on this is that results don’t really matter in qp or any casual mode (to me). I only ever play qp to warm up so if someone asks me to swap heroes in qp ill probably just ignore them. there is nothing to lose/gain in qp.

Idk some people reserve that for arcade or customs.

They have provided many options for a $25 title (except a perma ranked open/classic). It’s up the individual to leverage the in-game features like workshops, arcades, and LFG.

Stacking up is the method of controlling some of the gameplay integrity with likeminded people. Whether it’s looking to sweat for non-comp wins (lul?) or play drunkenwatch.

My mindset is: if it’s a non-competitive game mode, you can deal with the derp, or leave.

I love playing Lucio in QP because I can do reddit style without being scared of losing SR. When I do it in QP I can be more chill and just enjoy using Lucio’s movement and playstyle. I still try to win though.


Why do you go into the main casual game mode and expect everyone to try hard and sweat when they might want to relax? Not all Arcade modes are fun to everyone, and sometimes people just want to jump into a game and just have fun.

No, the question to you is what makes it not ok to lose in QP? Losing in QP does nothing to your rank, it doesn’t detract from your Win rate, it does nothing negative to you outside of losing. It is a game mode to get in “quick” and just play, not get in quick and win.

You do know you can try to play and win, still lose, and then just move on, right?

If your way to answer a question I asked, “why do people have the mindset of it’s just QP” and your answer is “it’s just QP” forgive me if I have a hard time understanding you.

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2bh I don’t understand why after qp’s time investment get increased by role queue, people’s attitude towards it doesn’t change much, at least for a good amount of them.

The more time it takes for one to queue a mode, the more serious they should take it, it’s just natural investment and payoff, and yet it doesn’t happen.

Unless “it’s just qp” is just their excuse of, well, forcing others to enjoy a gamemode in the way they do and deems worthy? That basically in short spells “being selfish in a team game”.