People who say "It's Just QP"

For some reason it seems like some people - and Blizzard - is quite fine with destroying the gameplay and fun for others,as long as the individual is having fun. Blizzard in particular seems completely fine with the state of quick play, and don’t care that for a lot of people,the game mode is the only one they’re playing.

The only QP mentality has been ever since competitive came along.

Given that this is an online game, I’m not at all surprised that people are so egocentric that they only consider their version of fun. It’s been a long time since there was any other mentality.

That’s not the question I asked. Thanks.


Then you’re just asking for misery

Quickplay is basically the equivalent of a pub, winning or losing doesn’t matter at all. About the only time it does is when you’re getting loot boxes.

If you wanna take the game that seriously that is precisely why competitive exists. If you only have fun while winning, then that is either a personal issue, or the game has a fundamental flaw in making losing duels, rounds, and matches a miserable experience.

I do firmly believe you can have fun while losing, but only if the game makes you feel rewarded for the time you’ve invested. That is a much bigger topic than this thread.


This is what I’m trying to understand. In a team game like this or Heroes of the Storm one person not trying, throwing, etc. ruins the experience of every single other person in the game.

I also don’t understand how anyone derives any “fun” from dying over and over, throwing, picking off meta heroes and providing nothing the list goes on. I’ve never had fun dying over and over and doing absolutely nothing all game.

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Sometimes its a legit response to those that might be a bit too serious in qp, and that could be said by a person who was genuinely trying to win but not go too hard like in comp

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You think making a single callout or request is taking things too seriously?

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Just play comp if you’re this obsessed with winning, you’re only setting yourself up for disappointment lol. In comp I put on my tryhard pants, enter voice, and try to communicate/combo with teammates. In QP I rarely enter voice, I try to 1v1/spawn camp more to troll and I do funny stuff like solo EMP a baby D.Va and t-bag her. I get guys like you sometimes yell at me for that and I always tell them…it’s just qp…


You clearly don’t get it my friend I’m sorry. I don’t think you’ve read or tried to understand a single post I’ve made.


You said this in your first post…

I’ve encountered many players like you. I get it…but you clearly don’t…


Well, again this part of a bigger issue with the game’s design, and an overemphasis on team work and everyone playing as if they were on some pro team.


You’re making up a fictional person to fit a narrative of what you think I am and you’re acting like it’s a certainty that I’m like this.

I’m a chill, calm, zen-like person. That doesn’t mean I can’t be competitive. Being competitive doesn’t mean you are screaming, angry, rude, toxic. I’m not any of these. Wanting to win doesn’t automatically make you a jerk and I’ve stated several times that winning isn’t my be all to end all yet you all keep acting like I did.

I asked why people respond so adversely to requests, callouts and you have yet to actually answer a question I’ve asked. So you’re either oblivious or you’re trying to get me riled up.


Nah I mean its not a bad response if its to someone who is going too hard on qp, but for those callouts or quick requests it isn’t

Because nothing is really on the line beyond my personal enjoyment. At that point, I think it’s better to just have fun with the game rather than obsessing over what word the end screen displays.


Go battle mercy or hammer torb and say “it’s just quick play,bro”

I have the same kind of problem with the waiting game deathmatches. People get angry that you kill them because they just want to walk around? Go into skirmish then. You literally chose to enter a “death” match?

Exactly. Everybody says that they don’t care about winning or losing because it’s just QP…until they get a team full of people that want to stay at the spawn point and emote each other or chain voicelines. Suddenly, Blizzard’s inbox is blowing up with “gameplay sabotage” reports.

as a matter of fact it really is just quick play bro

As a person who often says that, I don’t throw on purpose. I might be trying a new hero that I’m usually bad at or doing some strange, risky strategy. I use qp as an experimental/warm up ground so I usually don’t take it seriously. Especially since I don’t get punished by losing or rewarded by winning. The mode itself doesn’t take itself seriously. They sometimes throw me in a game with 60 seconds left.

So when I encounter someone who’s horrible and asks me to switch or leave or something like that (even when they’re not contributing to the fight by joining vc or conjuring a plan or anything), I tell them to chill. It’s not that serious here.


I still don’t get the whole “it’s just qp” argument…if you’re screwing around in QP, you might perform the same way in an actual comp match. That philosophy is used with any sport/game out there. You don’t practice your heart out in football during the week? Well, don’t expect to start on gameday. Same with basketball. Same with hockey. Same with every sport/game out there. Either perform your best 100% of the time or go play a sandbox game like The Sims.

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I see the modes as having different goals. Quick Play is just wanting to relax and play Overwatch where just pushing buttons and neat heroes are what you want to do. Competitive is where you go if you want to focus on improving and winning at Overwatch.

I understand wanting to win in QP but I don’t get when people get mad when I play heroes outside of my pool or when we are losing in general. Quick play it the epitome of “its only game, why do you heff to be mad”. i mostly play for warm-up, learn other heroes, or to try and get achievements

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