People still complaining about Brigitte?

People complaining about most of heroes.
It depends on what they see mostly in match or watching OWL.

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Honestly it may be that she is still OP to DPS players, I think Baptiste fixed her for supports but DPS still had an uphill battle against her and Tanks have had her fixed since shields started blocking bash.

Even then if DPS players aren’t still facing problems with brig then the lacking response to community outcry over her strength means that a lot of people want to see her removed because of how many matches felt like an unwinnable battle against her.

Kind of a lesson in releasing heros that are under powered at first then tweeking them up rather than releasing OP heros because it will make the community resent the heroes existence.

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On that subject, while I do think that EA has fit the “evil corporation” label on a number of occasions, I…uh…actually like certain Nickelback songs. :flushed:


I did think it was ironic that I was getting this from an ASHE, though. I mean, her ult is like D.Va’s in that it can either clear everybody off of a point or kill the people who don’t clear out very fast…except with Self-Destruct, as soon as the MEKA has blown up it’s safe to come back, whereas with BOB, he stays in place for several seconds and keeps everybody in hiding for the duration before FINALLY flying (?) away.

Ashe in general is fine, but her ult? That is OP, I would say.

No more than Reinhardt kills. There are differences (she basically has lifesteal, her footsteps aren’t as noisy so enemies are less likely to hear her approaching, her shield is weaker, etc), but what they both have in common is “If you are playing a ranged hero, you want to stay away from this person.”

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Lol, Ashe needs to git gud

i play brig because of people like you.

i could do better and more with any other healer, sure, but the salt from your tears sustains me.

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tbh, i think bob as a * i click so you have to hide or die * is very annoying, but not op just as frustrating as mei’s ult.
anyway, ashe should kill brig yet i can get how frustrating is losing to brig just because she got close to her.

The issue with Brig is that she can do too many things, too well, too reliably. Also to be clear, I used to defend Brig and think she was just overtuned. Blizzard hasn’t balanced her effectively.

Her barrier is 500, rechargeable, moveable, hideable, and a fairly small target to hit/focus. Winston’s barrier is 600, large, stationary/only deploys where you are (unless vertically falling), and easy to burn, on a 13s CD. Winston is a pure tank. Brig is an off healer. Would we say this is fair? If so, why?

I’m glad she can mangle a Tracer or Genji who gets too close to your Ana or w/e. I’m less glad she can 1v1 and often win against a ton of the cast in her current state. I’d be fine if they lowered one of either her barrier health, self-heal, or damage. Or, if they went the Sym route and moved her out of the support category while adjusting her healing.

brigitte put this game on life support for a year and is one of the easiest cheesiest heroes in OW.

She will always be hated because she symbolizes everything that is wrong with Overwatch as a game.


I don’t mostly care what people say about Brigitte. I’m mostly those kind of players who would play Ganondorf in smash bros ultimate, Phlog in TF2, and think blue shells are a great idea in Mario Kart. Brigitte is a pretty great character to just disrespect players who are bad at positioning and I’m mostly a big fan of melee characters.

I’ve gone from complaining about her being stupidly broken, to complaining about having her on my team.

Although, I still hate when she’s on the opposing team when I play Tracer.

Of course people are still complaining about her. She’s a horribly designed and super annoying m1 bot, and one of the most hated characters in the entire history of gaming. She singlehandedly ruined the entire game for thousands of people.

People are never going to stop complaining about her, so you may as well get used to it.

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Pyro with a phlog and Uber Medic pocket from TF2 would beg to differ. As well other hated characters in video games

I did say one of…

The fact remains that people are not going to stop hating her as long as she exists.


It is not about that though, in OW animation cancels are a no go, they will get patched out, unless you’re genji in which case “but… I NEEdz those to be viable” with the most overloaded kit ever ^^

So yeah, if you want animation cancels, be happy with the few that are left on a few heroes such as winston, but they are by no means guaranteed to stay in.

That is true. They ain’t going to change their mind about Brigitte anytime soon if they keep complaining about her kit or start saying other stuff to show their hate against Brigitte.

I suppose the only issue with Brigitte at this point is she feels incredibly easy to get value out of and such. Its rather powerful that you have a shield since it denies most long range attempts to KO you. The health pack denies low HP deaths providing an edge in a long fight after a 1v1 where cooldowns were used. The knockback and shieldbash as surprising stall mechanics where you cancel aggression, then whip them away as you back up putting much space between to reset.

That very passive and anti-aggression type play can go surprisingly far. Its always amazing to me how I can swap off Reinhardt for a team and provide better value as Brigitte than Reinhardt in the face of dive characters or really any tank other than Roadhog.

It goes way beyond her kit or how balanced she is now. She’s become a symbol of everything that is wrong with Overwatch and Blizzard’s stewardship of the game.

They could nerf her to the ground and she will still be hated.

She will ALWAYS be hated.

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Neither of those heroes is so easy to play as her. Also they dont have CC+250hp+Shield

It is pretty sad tho that’s a possibility. I actually enjoy playing Brigitte since she’s basically a mini Reinhardt support hybrid. It would be cool if they rework her kit, but keep her shield and swings.

Release Brig was so powerful she literally did propel players spamming her into higher ranks. You could find people in GM games who just magically skyrocketed in rank once they started playing her exclusively, and pretty clearly were completely brain-dead compared to the rest of the players.