People should be allowed to avoid private profiles en masse

Oh, I have been looking at my own play increasingly. Yet another assumption may I add. However, there are some games where you could not have prevented the loss no matter what, and it was either a combination of reasons or one large reason ie: someone playing a hero that they are not at all comfortable with.

And I did, except youā€™re argued that the Mercyā€™s playing other than her are inherently doing wrong by their team, so we canā€™t win either way by that logic.

And why should I be forced to wait for a season to end to do this? Not that it matters since I was harassed for seasons on end after I stopped playing her because they decided they knew better.

ā€œJust stop being sensitiveā€ isnā€™t the issue when itā€™s aggressively players who need to learn to stop dictating the gameplay of others all the time. I can handle people criticising my gameplay, but being aggressive and confrontational isnā€™t accepted as part of the gameā€™s rules regardless.


Got a broad enough brush there?

Try this instead

People who demand everyone have public profiles are selfish in the extreme in that they all want to control not only their own character choice and subsequent actions, but that of all 5 other players as well

It is people who think like you do that are the very reason many us of choose to keep our profiles private


kinda the same reason the bank doesnā€™t ā€œjust believeā€ you when go apply for a mortgage?

Youā€™ve made the most ridiculous argument Iā€™ve ever heard. and donā€™t say buying a house and overwatch are different, because they are not. they only differ by severity, but are essentially the same thing.

200 replies to this post. I can only imagine the triggered one tricks responding to this

you dont get to decide that

you control you

ONLY you

I donā€™t control them of course, but I can tell when they are making a mistake. Those two things are completely separate.

yeah they are doing wrong if they play a hero without being at that level with hero.
Notice how I did not pick Dva up midseason. Know why? Because doing so would have been throwing. I played her as my placements first to earn the right to play her at the same level as Mercy. Logic is sound even if you choose to not acknowledge it.
It matters because comp is for winning. It is not for messing around because I suddenly felt the urge to play widow, torb, sym whatever.
Being sensitive seems to be the issue. If you want to play a new hero, start doing it for your next set of placements. When you reach the same sr as your main with the new hero you can play it elsewhere without concern for being a thrower.

I used to be extremely uncomfortable playing Sombra initially in comp, but sheā€™s also one of my best heroes. Youā€™re not able to assess everything for other players and thereā€™s no way youā€™re always right.

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Nah I just want people in comp who have the same goal as me. To win.

Did you have time on her outside of comp? Because I donā€™t just look in comp personally.

All heroes I play in comp I put extensive time into in quick play.

There you go. Personally I would have no problem with you playing Sombra.

How do you determine that youā€™re at that level with putting it to the test in comp? Quick play is only so indicative (Iā€™m 2300-2400 in comp, but my MMR is mid-high plat) and each player is different.

I play heroes I have the confidence to play, not on a whim, and the same can be said for other players too. Theyā€™re facing the same stakes as you, and you deciding their worth on a hero is the issue, because you donā€™t know their full story. If they decide they think they can handle it, thatā€™s up to them, youā€™re better off being positive and constructive instead of tearing them down.

Also your SR each season only flexes up to around 200 SR, so thereā€™s little use of waiting. Youā€™re going to place relatively close to where you were before as thatā€™s how the system seems to perform.

But the profiles arenā€™t giving you an accurate picture either. Itā€™s like applying for a mortgage based on one paystub from a job you had 3 years ago.

People have multiple profiles. People improve. People change mains. Maybe you put 250 hours into Mercy and then started learning McCree. You are 75 hours into McCree and havenā€™t looked back. Mabye you havenā€™t even played Mercy in 2 seasons at this point.

Thereā€™s a very high chance that youā€™ve misjudged someone based on their profile on multiple occasions. They know what they can play better than you can from looking at a few stats.

Okay, but they are literally different, inherently. If you are buying a house, you are the one actively trying to commit to something. If you are placed on a random team with strangers, you are not. You only committed to a game. Beyond that, they are not technically lying if you ask them who they play if they answer with who they intended to play. Like, nothing is going to change that fact and a profile does not necessarily debunk that claim either. They are not the same at all, you just want to justify your distrust with an unrelated example.

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Listen reasoning with private profile people is a waste as I have seen time and time again, this time is clearly no different. Stay selfish and proud of causing losses to people who play comp to win by deciding you suddenly have absolute confidence in a hero you have no experience within a competitive setting.

You have no proof that Iā€™ve ever thrown a game, so you can have your high ground if you wish, Iā€™m fine with us not agreeing. But you have no proof of what you claim so Iā€™m ending the conversation here.

You are just mad that you are not persuasive enough to sway the other side. And that is not entirely your fault, you just do not have the same experience as a lot of people who are tired of public profile people abusing the information, without understanding WHY we prefer private profiles, you could never hope to convince us otherwise. It does not particularly help when you ignore points of contention on top of that. But whatevs.

Interestingly the reason I can not have proof is that you choose to hide your profile :grinning:
Almost as if it allows people to throw and avoid getting caught