here’s the bolded outright statement (AGAIN) of how they expected players to be able to somehow get sym into 10m of the enemy and live there for >4s to charge and utilise her primary despite the lack of tools in her kit to do so.
having an ability less capable of adapting to the situation IS OBJECTIVELY more restrictive. having the ability not change in how it’s placed nor it’s interacted with legit does not change what it can be used for. they outright contradicted themselves.
weapon has low effective range (yes including orbs; and I’ve said this to you multiple times, no her turrets aren’t significant enough in her gameplay to make her considered to have longer range in that you don’t dynamically will turrets to immediately be in los and range and shoot enemies like a weapon would to say sym plays further away to be effective)
legit where’s the sustain? at best it’s her wall which is an ult (infrequent) and her shield regen (no tools to actually utilise it)
when her only mobility is on such a high down time to the point that you play like it’s not there most of the time, she has low mobility
her burst is combining primarily combining tp with orbs and tp is on a really high down time so, yeah she lacks access to burst
please explain the unhelpful (and often detrimental) changes she’s gotten then and what her design is (and if you say she’s supposed to be some sort of extremely passive and static hero, please explain how that’s not an inherently poor design in a game environment where everything is heading in a dynamic direction)?
see her hero stats that period, what was meta, and contemplate on why and how that happened. see patch notes to see how they weren’t changed in that period (aside from bugs about them going inside the map).
the quoted value wasn’t even 40%~70% it was like 20~40% and they weren’t even clear on whether it was sym or zarya because they mentioned them together
they blatantly said the cause was primary and they nerfed primary to adjust/compensate. so again, if wall and turrets were fine before for ~2yrs across so many metas, why does that 1 meta, where sym was blatantly propped up, signal the need to nerf them at the base level and why does that 1 meta signal the need to net nerf sym globally rather than redistributing that power elsewhere in her kit?
the point of the rework was to make sym more viable in more areas and to make her more flexible i.e. make her less narrow in niche and make her more dynamic. if that’s not making her more common to play, then please read the definition of niche.
reminder of what’s being argued here:
so what, you’re saying sym doesn’t need to move to get in los or get in effective range at all and just needs to sit on point with her turrets, etc. and wait there until the enemy arrives? again, the notion of “going out to grab and/or create opportunities is more efficient and valuable than waiting for opportunities to come to you” applies irrespective of hero, role, niche, etc.
so game direction and game environment is completely irrelevant to determination of whether a hero design is good or viable. coool. turn based hero when?
torb can move his turret around more and isn’t so reliant on turrets to be able to get opportunities to contribute (his primary is like a projectile version of mccree’s primary).
but that’s beside the point, because combining what you said with the fact that we had tp on a higher cast frequency for over a year basically shows that she’s not meant to be anchored down heavily.
the uncertainty of whether to put sym in a support or damage role despite the fact that they setup OW to have really healbotty supports and despite the fact that they’ve been reworking the hero to switch between the 2 roles, is very telling that they don’t.