People Play Symmetra Wrong

Stop using only one of her attack abilities. Would you hook as Hog and not shoot or punch after? Most people would find that idiotic and would always follow through with their combo hits.

Symmetra is the same. Where her combo hits are landing the fully charged ball and then following it up with a laser beam.

Most people just use the laser beam or ball and think its enough. In certain scenarios yes but in most scenarios you should use both. The burst damage of a ball combined with the killing potential of the beam is all you need to kill most people.

Try it, get used to the combo, its truly a nice one two punch that she has. It barely gives people a chance to react due to the burst damage


exactly. too many people tunnel vision her primary both in gameplay and in discussing sym. she is legit balanced to not be running around w+m1’ing a lot nor is she meant to be for the majority portion of her gameplay.

if she was meant to be beaming with primary for most of her gameplay, she’d be a tank because that’s how much sustain a hero needs to do that with a lower ranged, sustain damage weapon whilst having minimal mobility.

I see too many people in other subreddits or on forums do this and this is exactly why sym gets nowhere close to good balance changes.

and it doesn’t help either that devs decided to randomly :put_litter_in_its_place: tp with infinite tp nerf which ultimately trashed sym in neutering her uptime.

and to clear something up: no I’m not saying she’s fine. she’s absolutely terrible rn. but people tunnel vision team tps and primary both in gameplay and in her discussions about improving her yet completely neglect the parts of her kit that she uses most and has more opportunities to use over the majority of the match: orbs and individual tp uses.


Really? This again? :pensive:


I really have never had a problem playing as Symmetra most of the time

However, she’s still inconsistent compared to other dps heroes. Proper usage of them still has her retaining this consistency issue among her dps peers. Her utility doesn’t make up for this, at least in the eyes of many

Usually i hit the orb, and then when i try to use beam, they kill me

so i just hit them with 2 orbs instead of doing that


Beam takes longer to reach better DPS than using fully charged orbs up close. Not only that, because the full orb does 120 dps you dont always have to fully charge it.

Two orbs has a faster time to kill so I always go for that instead. Its a bit more consistent if you kill them before they have much time to react


If the beam is at max power, then sure, otherwise… orb it. Better hope a Rein/Sigma/Orisa shield is nearby to boost that beam up for free.

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Its funny but usually they would have a shield in front or another person. So I would frequently shoot the ball and run up with the laser and get the kill and run back. It becomes a game of rock paper scissors with tanks where I either shoot my beam at their shields, run around them and shoot balls or lasers, or shoot balls from down town all day. I feel like utilizing the full kit is very needed to get her kills.

Whats annoying is that you have this intricate balance with Symmetra while most other heros have an I Win ultimate button (Genji nano blade, pharah, mccree, soldier, etc). But I do find alot of fun in using Syms kit

Geez no wonder lots of people stopped playing Sym. Totally not balance…

Assuming you caught the enemy by surprise, this combo would take 1.3s to kill a 200 HP target: 120 instantly from the orb, 1s for 60 damage on the beam, 0.3s to drain the last 20 HP.

Compare that with a Soldier or McCree catching an enemy unaware and being able to start with their burst damage (headshot on McCree, helix on Soldier). How long does it take for them to damage the enemy for the rest of their HP?

For comparison, if you charge a second orb, you would only need to charge it for around 0.7s to deal 80 damage and finish them off. That’s why you don’t follow up with a tickle beam after landing an orb, unless the target is a beefy tank barely out of reach to land a hit on you.

Yeah, that’s why this combo is terrible. Depending on the target, they even have enough time to turn around and kill you before your single-target pinpoint-accurate Winston tesla kill them.


Not really. Because distance of the ball and any objects in between you and the target are not always going to work. I agree in certain scenarios ball spamming is good. But in many others you can get the job done better by balling and lasering after. I think using the term terrible for the combo discredits your opinion.

Unfortunatly, 60 DPS following up on a 120 damage orb is…not all that great. When she had 140 orbs, you could Orb+Beam+Melee for some decent burst, but this is no longer possible.
Besides that: Symmetra is a 200 HP hero with a rather big hitbox. The beam is a melee range weapon. You’re usually better off staying in the back trying to land as many orbs as possible.
No matter how you play Symmetra, she is terrible and outclassed at everything she does!


Thats because you dont play with your team enough or play with bad teammates. You expect to solo any hero. Any little shred of chip damage from your team and that 60 dps is more than enough to get a kill.

If so many players are playing her “wrong” whose fault is it that they continue to do so? The players’? Or Blizzard’s?

This is the same problem that comes up with how Tanking is supposed to be and how Support is supposed to be done.

There are many Supports who don’t think they should make every effort to heal their team and there are many Tanks who won’t lead or many who think “off-tanks” as a concept exists in Overwatch.

In term of maximum damage you should secondary on a far target but the second it gets into your range, primary fire is the best damaing ability.
Level 2 does the same damage overtime and level 3 does more. Starting with beam the second you can will give you more time in level 3 A.K.A +60 damage per second. Don’t use secondary unless you’re almost out of ammo or the target is far from range.

Although this is better only against tanks considering how consistent you can be against them.
Against dps I agree with you. Secondary for burst and then quickly finish with primary and punch.

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I want to direct your attention to Hammond and Ashe. Both heros that were not widely used immediately as it took some skill and learning to use them effectively. But once more players used these heros their inherent strengths became clear and their purpose became evident. The right hero on the right hands is very powerful.

The problem is that people are not used to using her full kit. They are used to the old symmetra where you only run at people with a laser beam or the new symmetra where people think her laser beam is total trash. Its really not and I just want to inform people of the strengths of her kit.

Symmetra’s overall combat design hasn’t really changed in the past 4 years. Aside from re-tooling one ability and one ultimate, her combat operations remain largely the same as they have been since launch.

Further, the last re-tooling happened before Ashe and Wrecking Ball released, she’s not that complicated.

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people play torb wrong

not enough hammer

Can someone put that gif of Jamison laughing from spiderman here for me?

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