People Leaving Paris XD

In this hypothetical, I’d just throw. I’d get away without a suspension at all and most likely take a smaller SR hit than I would’ve if I quit the match under today’s punishments. If the only map I ever threw on was Paris, I probably wouldn’t even get enough reports to get a warning.

There’s no dilemma there.

Just because they can circumvent the penalty does not mean that it shouldn’t be applied.

At least you’re adding extra steps and causing them more trouble which is far better than letting them off with a slap on the wrist.

And I’m sure not everyone knows how to do the things you talk about. And plus I play on console so probably even fewer people know how to avoid bans on ps4 and xbox if it can even be done on console.

well as more and more awaken to the fact that their shepherd is a crack head only out for their parents credit cards and out to hype big bank rolls into thinking that all the kids love this game so they gotta buy a team now or the price to join the league will go up, then we might actually see some improvement… as long as people dont really give a damn and don’t practice smart consumerism then we are doomed as a society to be given hyped up products that fail to deliver on a regular basis cause we accept it.

ignorant consumers are the reasons corporations will always fail.

Agree, but there is too much a chance of hurting the wrong players.

Why should people play something (paris) because I like it.

Ok and if you are to be believed about how many people hate paris chances are someone on the other team is throwing as well which evens it back up.

So this is still not a guaranteed loss simply turns into a winnable 5v5 which is a better result than having someone leave and end the whole game.

How can the wrong players be hurt? If you leave you get the penalty how is the wrong player getting hurt?

This is where the misconception is , I can’t give you some example, but there will be one.

Ending up with a 12 player community.

Because others need to do what they want.

If you can’t give me an example then why would I believe you? I doubt blizzard is randomly handing out leaver penalties to people who don’t actually leave a game.

If this happened there would be complaints about it everywhere and I’ve seen none, ever.

I don’t work for them so don’t expect a blue print.
Use your mind and expect you don’t know anything,
there is always a way to abuse some system.

Yea but if you’re going to make a random and clearly illogical claim like that it would make sense to have something that shows it to be true.

As it stands the evidence is in my favor because I have never experienced it and have never seen someone complain about this issue once. And even if it’s happened a few times by mistake it’s certainly not the pervasive problem that you seem to think it is.

Can you point to specific instances or posts people have made claiming that they were given a penalty without leaving? Even if these posts exist, how do we know they are not simply lying?

And also what would be blizzard’s reason for doing this? It would just piss people off and make them stop playing overwatch which means they make less money which makes it even less likely to be happening.

I don’t know how many people hate paris. I’ve had a few people in-game complain about it and I’ve seen what’s on this forum, but that’s it. I don’t think I’ve even been in a game where someone quit to avoid playing it. That said, I don’t like the map. I’d be perfectly happy to never play it again. I don’t want that to be the case, and I’d bet that blizzard doesn’t want that either.

I honestly don’t understand why you’re advocating for harsher penalties when fixing the map would be the best solution for everyone.

That’s not evidence, that’s bias.

And still you try to get an answer while I already told you.
I can’t give you some example, but there will be one.
Keep trying

It still the same, I leave paris, also in comp.
(What I never play, but people will be thankful)

Haha no you keep trying. You made something up out of nowhere there’s nothing for me to try. You are the one who is arguing against the common sense obvious approach not me.

You keep trying because apparently you got nothin.

And still you try to get an answer while I already told you.
I can’t give you some example, but there will be one.
Keep trying

It still the same, I leave paris, also in comp.
(What I never play, but people will be thankful)

Great so show me how unbiased you are go ahead and produce what I’m asking for.

Fixing the map would be fine for this particular problem, but I am concerned about the larger epidemic in comp of constant leavers for petty reasons such as this one. It is a plague and the cure for this plague is harsher penalties.

Ok what exactly should I keep trying to do in your opinion? Get a real answer out of you? That’s clearly not going to happen.

I’d hardly say it’s constant. Personally I get maybe one leaver every 10 comp games, most likely even less than that.

Harsher punishments are pretty much never the answer when the problem is not with just one person. Leaving games is a symptom of a problem, not the root of it.

I have more than one every ten and some people have reported crazy amounts of leavers within a certain span of matches it’s unacceptable.

And by the way 10% is constant when it comes to leavers even that is way too high for people to voluntarily leave a match because they don’t like something. One out of 10,000 would be a reasonable leaver ratio (not including dc or real life emergency).

Whatever solutions you may propose would probably take far longer to implement, be much more difficult to implement, and could potentially produce no results.

My solution is quick and simple and straightforward blizzard can do it easily in less than one day and it would be instantly effective in reducing the number of leavers.

Whatever they’ve done up to this point has not solved the issue and it’s only getting worse. Common sense tells us that it’s time to try something else. Harsher penalties are the most obvious and likely way to address this problem.