People Leaving Paris XD

Can i select the map ?
So why not leave it, I just hate CP maps, through bad experiences with “dps”.

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There are tons of games with no map voting just because you don’t pick the map does not mean you should leave when you get one that you don’t like.

And if you want to leave fine but the penalty should be much harsher for it that’s all.

I dont have to play it because you like it, most people hate paris for example.

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We are all free to pick maps, but some will never learn this.
Keep complaining instead of working together.

If you make the punishment too severe, the people who would’ve left the match will just throw to get it over faster.

Fix the map, then people will stop leaving.

This is the approach of a developer, but did it help with moonmap.
I still leave that one too. But I queue in 15 sec :wink:

I’d guess that’s because moonmap still kinda sucks. It’s definitely not as bad as it was at launch, but as I see it the core problems are still mostly there.

Every now and then someone creates a thread asking for people’s most hated maps. Paris and Horizon are at the top of the list every time.

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I don’t like paris either. But I never leave just because I got the map.

You don’t have to play any map leaving is always an option. My point is that blizzard allows it to be people’s first option due to their extremely weak leaver penalty.

A good penalty makes leaving the last option, reserved for things that actually warrant leaving such as real life issues that demand immediate attention. Not this weak bs disliking maps or teammates etc.

I don’t want get rid of those maps, but please I don’t want to play them. That’s all.
If you find 11 others, I support you, but please let me skip it! :slight_smile:

Same. I don’t think I’ve ever voluntarily quit a comp match, but I still groan internally whenever I hear that the upcoming map is horizon or paris.

Or, they will say to themselves well I’m not leaving anyway so I might as well try to win while I’m here.

It’s not like playing on paris puts any team at a disadvantage each side still attacks and defends so the chances of winning are still on average the same as they would be in any other game.

So if your chances of winning are the same and you are not going to leave then you are probably going to just try to win instead of wasting your time throwing and losing sr in the process.

Penalties are a joke, and it won’t help to change those too :wink:
To be honest, it does even make it worse :clown_face:
It’s like a slap in the face, while you leave to keep the peace.

They are a joke which is why people leave so often in the first place.

It will help for sure. If someone know that the next penalty they get is about to be for 24 hours are they really going to leave a match that takes 20 minutes to complete?

Think about the cost to benefit ratio in this situation would you still leave?

Not at all, I can explain it all about ip and hwid and account and such, but better not.

It won’t help :slight_smile:

You won’t get the ones you really want to get.

This isn’t a logic problem, it’s an emotion problem. It’s not going to go away just because the reality is that the map is fair to both sides.

Honestly? If I hated a map so bad that I would normally quit and eat an SR loss + suspension to avoid playing on it, but the punishment for doing so was so steep that it would literally block me out for my entire gaming session, I would just throw and get it over quickly so I can get back to having fun.

I don’t intentionally throw mind you, but this hypothetical situation might make me do it.

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Paris comp is a lot like having a bad headache for 20 minutes.

I will even leave this map in comp, specially since I have read how kind people respond when you do this.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say here.

You see often requests like, ip-ban, hwid-ban, account-ban.
You can all manipulate or change them, except account :slight_smile:

Ok and that’s your choice. But at least then it would actually be a dilemma worth thinking about not a carefree decision that you auto go to because you know the penalty will be nothing.

And you will have to face increasing consequences so leave enough times throughout the season (much less than required currently) and you’ll get weeklong monthlong or season long bans.

At some point either the behavior is corrected because the penalty is sufficiently harsh, or some people simply don’t care and get banned for the season. Either way the issue is addressed and resolved.