People Leaving Paris XD

People leaving the game*

faster than anyone can say “2 2 2 IS GREAT!!1”

Wow, I didn’t know you were able to talk to every single player!
What a thing you did!

First i thought paris is terrible but with time I changed my opinion a little. After loosing and then winning plenty on this map i rate it average. Now lunar station or whatever this insult to humanity is called is a whole different story. That map is so bad that it hurts. Even worse, it feels like every third map I play is this abomination. Calling it awful is an understatement. Even winning feels bad and not enjoyable.

I leave it too when I see it pop up providing there is still a count down so I can leave without penalty. Its a nice map graphically and aesthetically but it’s awful to play as most of agree with.

Groups over 4 can just trolls with surrender and just win the vote all the time.

This is a different type of leaver tho, it doesn’t damage anyone in the game, noone loses sr. If anything it’s blizzard’s fault for making a map or gamemode people don’t enjoy and don’t wanna be forced to play cuz at the end of the day we open the game to have fun.

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Of course it does. This actually damages 11 people instead of just 5 because the match ENDS. So people who were just waiting in q for 10+ minutes too bad time to do it again.

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Have you thought about that most of those players actually prefer to queue again rather playing the map?

You don’t know that for a fact and you can’t just assume that to be a fact.

I personally would not rather q again.

All we know for sure is that 11 other people are kicked backed to matchmaking and some of them may have waited a long time just to go back to waiting.

If the leaver penalty is so soft that people would rather leave then play the game for whatever reason, then the penalty is ineffective and must be increased dramatically. This is common sense.


I’m fine with Paris in general play. It’s deathmatch where I have a problem with the map. It’s too open, too small, low high ground with no cover, it sucks there. In general play (QP and Comp), I have no problem with it.

It’s far too long to walk between both points.

For point A, the defenders cannot get back to contest in time, and for point B the attackers cannot push without blowing ults, and the reinforcements time is just as long as defenders with A.

HLC at least had crucial issues addressed, as well as not being the size that Paris is.

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Conversely, if something in a game that people play for fun is so bad at being fun that a significant number of people will voluntarily give up a chunk of the work they’ve done to climb the ranks while at the same time risking suspensions or bans to avoid it, then that thing is beyond awful at its job and must be adjusted as a matter of priority. This is common sense.

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Speak for yourself, I love Horizon Lunar Colony.

People jumped on a bandwagon when it first came out and refuse to back down. They’re basically the same kind of people who jumped on the #deletebrig bandwagon. The only problem I have with the map is that it’s a deathmatch map. I’ve never gotten top 4 on that map in DM. Normal play is perfectly fine.

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man i dont know a lot of people i see in game and in this very own thread dont seem to like paris either
maybe stop assuming everyone likes your map like you do?
also, spawn b should be in the little house near the garden, not so far away

It’s just a problem with firts and second point

firts point: because of high ground for defenders and low and small ground for attackers

second point: is because that the defenders spawn point is just too close to the point, mobility heroes can just get on point within a sec and contest long enough constant for their team to get back.

Ok so what’s the excuse when someone feels like leaving just because they lost round one on x map? Or they feel like leaving because they got mad at someone on the team?

My point is simply that the leaver penalty is too weak because people clearly aren’t afraid of it at all and are willing to leave over very minor things. Whether the reason is paris or something else it doesn’t matter because the result is the same: they leave.

And the solution needs to be the same: punish these people severely.

We’re not talking about those cases here, we’re talking about people leaving because they don’t want to play on Paris.

The reasons people leave matches are extremely important, because if you don’t try to address them but still enforce harsh penalties, people will just quit the game and find something that doesn’t punish them for not wanting to waste their time.

I would argue even if the penalty was twice as strong it would barely improve anything. Because the people that leave games are on smurf accounts and they don’t care about anything. The penalty on main accounts is actually pretty good and I don’t remember the last time I saw someone leave a game on purpose with a silver portrait or above. But those types of leaves is not even the point discussed in this post. Paris and probably assault in general just need to be reworked. And people going so far to lose sr to not play it just shows how unfun it is

Blizzard should improve paris, but even if they don’t people should not be leaving matches just because of the map they got.

Big deal it shows up once out of every x number of games on average it’s not like paris is played 50% of the matches. If you get it just deal with it or deal with severe punishment let’s find out how much people really hate paris.

Are they willing to take an hour ban as a first penalty which then goes to five and then 24? If so ok that’s on them that’s their choice. But at least then the penalty will be adequate and we know there were real consequences for it.