People Leaving Paris XD

It’s better than the moon base.

Again: Leaving is a symptom of a problem, not the problem itself. If you punish the symptom without addressing the problem, the symptom will simply change forms.

I don’t know what the answer is, but I know harsher punishments isn’t it. Just because you have an answer doesn’t mean that answer is a good one.

It’s the best one we have especially between the two of us if your answer is you don’t have one. So I know for sure my solution is better than yours because doing nothing has led to the amount of leavers we have in the first place.

You would probably want them to do things like improve maps, “try” to decrease toxicity, make roles more fun to play and more balanced etc. These are some of the things that cause leavers.

Guess what? There are way too many problems and way too many reasons why people leave. Dealing with all that stuff would take way too long, be way too messy, and still might end up being mildly to non successful. Should they try? Sure go ahead.

But only in addition to harsher penalties not in place of them. Because my solution is immediately testable and will produce instant results. Which is what we need right now because the leaver epidemic is destroying comp.

Again: Just because you have an answer doesn’t make that answer a good one.

You’re clinging to this idea that severe punishments are going to stop the bad behaviour because logic, but you’re totally ignoring that the vast majority of people don’t function based on logic. They function based on emotion.

Have you ever experienced a bad outcome resulting from doing something you felt was appropriate or correct or justified? How’d that work out for you?

I bet you’d feel pretty crappy about it. Maybe you’d want payback. Maybe you’d want to prove you can still do that thing, but this time you’ll be careful to avoid that punishment. Maybe you’d just go do something else instead, because screw that thing. That’s how people are. Harsh punishments are never going to give results that you can truly call positive.

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Lol dude I think everyone knows dipping on a match is a bannabke offense but if he feels like leaving for people to not have to play an honestly not so fun match then he can. If he gets banned it’s in him and he can just get a new account. I see where you are coming from with the “Oh this game is turning to garbage because people are always leaving if there is always a smurf” talk but like people are gonna do what they want. Ya it sucks when people quit on a match trust me I would know loosing 1000 Sr in a day due to leavers and throwers but it’s part of the game community and it wouldn’t be the game we love without all of the BS and toxicity. Sometimes you just gotta join it instead of fighting it. Much more fun that way.

I made a reaction thread to this one (and to many more that were in the same spirit).

Take a look and tell me if it’s ok that people were in majority against me and liked the posts of those who advocate for people leaving games on purpose.

My point is that our community is becoming problematic since bad manners and behaviors are tolerated and even approved while people like me that point out how wrong it is get insulted.

Tell me what we’re supposed to do with this…

simple solution punish leavers by making them fight in paris only!

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Good idea:

  • Pick 1 unpreferred map
    • Your selection becomes much less likely in the random map rotation.
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It’s basically exploit when it comes to winning in Competitive. Plus, imagine if people land on their “unpreferred” map by accident… Incoming salt on the forums for sure.

Let’s not give whiners more opportunities to flood us over with even more toxic threads…

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people that leave on 2cp maps are the heroes we don’t deserve

People leaving will get banned for the season at some point. Let them leave as long as it’s at the very start.

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I remember that post. I flagged it as trolling.

Thanks for your honesty and for being upfront when it comes to illustrating samples that are representative of the population that is becoming problematic within the Overwatch community.

To everyone else :

See, guys, this persone above is the perfect example of what’s wrong within our community. 2-3 years ago, this type of behaviour wouldn’t be condoned.

When people start to cheer players that leave games on purpose and start going against people that speak up by saying how harmful it is to do such a thing on a game, their post get flagged as trolling.

False reporting people that promote a good behaviour should also be reported as an offense and 141 likes to a post that is cheering negativity and celebrating toxicity shouldn’t exist.

I wonder what Blizzard is doing… In 2016-2017, it would be the other way around. Defending bad manners and people that ruin the game experience won’t do any good to the game in the long run.

I hope most of you understand where the issue lies now.

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Welcome to overwatch. The mute button is your friend. Time to stop living your delusion and start accepting reality.

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Overwatch wasn’t always like this and you’d know it if you were anywhere nearby the last 3 years that have passed. That’s my whole point : we can’t let the toxic people from our community take over.

We should call out toxic behaviors at all times.

It doesn’t do much when people throw, leave games on purpose and are vocal about nerfs, buffs and system changes (like role queue) most of the time. Remaining silent won’t do anything to counter it.

Going against those bad manners might, though.

You wouldn’t act so bold and confident if the game’s policy was as strict as it was before. Beware of that, devs might take action again soon.

Feel free to leave games on purpose when not liking a specific map and defend people like you while you still can, it might come to an end soon.

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Been here since the beginning, bucky. The introduction of comp was the intro of toxicity which has only increased over time.

Get used to it or get out.

I’m not your friend, keep that colloquial way of addressing to people for your your friends. Thanks

That’s exactly my point and analysis. We should find out why toxicity is increasing and a way of decreasing it. Instead of adding more and more restrictions to a game that is fine (such as role queue), maybe we should get more restrictions when it comes to people with bad manners. More penalties and bans, maybe.

I’ll do as I see fit. Once again, you’re no friend of mine and to put it bluntly, you’re nothing to me so keep your injunctions for yourself.

Choices are not so radical, especially on a game.

As a smart person has once said : “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

I’ll let you look it up.

All of you who do it should be suspended from comp. When you leave, you’re kicking 11 other people back to the end of their queues which is not cool.

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They do get suspended from comp lol have you not heard of t penalty, plus if you leave too many times you get banned. I just think if they leave at the beginning of the match they aren’t throwing and it doesn’t effect your Sr it only effects theirs, ya you have to wait in que again which sucks but you get literally no penalty if that person leaves :joy: why is it so hard for people to see that it really doesn’t effect you that much it’s kinda funny watching this go down.

I can live with it.

Better wait 10 more min in queue than playing 20min paris.

I already left many paris games.

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