People Leaving Paris XD

Been here since the beginning, bucky. The introduction of comp was the intro of toxicity which has only increased over time.

Get used to it or get out.

I’m not your friend, keep that colloquial way of addressing to people for your your friends. Thanks

That’s exactly my point and analysis. We should find out why toxicity is increasing and a way of decreasing it. Instead of adding more and more restrictions to a game that is fine (such as role queue), maybe we should get more restrictions when it comes to people with bad manners. More penalties and bans, maybe.

I’ll do as I see fit. Once again, you’re no friend of mine and to put it bluntly, you’re nothing to me so keep your injunctions for yourself.

Choices are not so radical, especially on a game.

As a smart person has once said : “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

I’ll let you look it up.

All of you who do it should be suspended from comp. When you leave, you’re kicking 11 other people back to the end of their queues which is not cool.

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They do get suspended from comp lol have you not heard of t penalty, plus if you leave too many times you get banned. I just think if they leave at the beginning of the match they aren’t throwing and it doesn’t effect your Sr it only effects theirs, ya you have to wait in que again which sucks but you get literally no penalty if that person leaves :joy: why is it so hard for people to see that it really doesn’t effect you that much it’s kinda funny watching this go down.

I can live with it.

Better wait 10 more min in queue than playing 20min paris.

I already left many paris games.

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You wont get banned that fast.

Leave one game … 10min penalty… play 5 games without leaving and you are fine.

Because I like Paris.

I play Wrecking ball on Point A and go high-left, completely bypassing the choke. My entire goal is to get the enemy team off of the high-ground by rolling onto the point so that one or two of them have to come and deal with me while I shoot them all in the back from the point.

I dealt with it. It’s what you’re supposed to do.

Why should they change an otherwise balanced map just because you think you’re more special than me?

I leave on that map too and I typically get whispers from both teams afterwards thanking me.

I don’t know if this was asked already (not going to read 180+ posts), but what’s so bad about Paris to warrant leavers?

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