“People just need time to figure out Sym”

How on earth can you in one post say her lock on was bad but then turn around and praise turret bombing? Lock on made Symmetra a formidable enough opponent that enemies had to respect her space or have enough stones to kill her in it. Turret bombs on the other hand are not only automated (quite literally out of Symmetra’s hands) and “low skill,” but they should not be used as a prime example for Symmetra’s power and balance. A Symmetra who was in a good place would not need turret bombs; turret bombs would be the signifier of the Noob Symmetra.

No other hero has their power as a damage dealer diluted and divested from their main weapon like Symmetra. Not even Torbjorn, who actually has a really underrated gun.


damn the broken wow mentality “you think you do but you don’t” , leaked into overwatch one way or another apparently :slight_smile:

This statement assumes that her primary weapon is where her main power should be. Something that I do not think is true.

Sym’s power is not diluted. It is just refocused on an aspect of the game many people have forgotten. Teamwork.

To many people have confused and conflated the power of a hero with the ability to act independently. Which is simply not the case.

Sym’s kit is VERY powerful (I believe it is the most powerful) when utilized by her team to its full potentials

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Pretty much what really offends me though is Blizzard has shown they have the ability to react quickly to a problem. Mercy actually got nerfed before she went live off the PTR. But most problems are simply ignored.

It really seems like doing too much dmg, especially for non DPS/Meta hero’s is a sin that has to be corrected instantly. Being so weak they have almost a 0% pick rate like Bastion is okay though. That needs a cautious “wait and see approach” to every little change.

They had that attitude from the very start. See: Sombra. It’s been over a year and “you just don’t know how to play Sombra” still gets tossed around anytime anyone asks for someone to buff her. All thanks to Jeff (who, along with Geoff, would ironic declare that they themselves have no idea on how to play Sombra and have been balancing her with a dartboard back in July).

Ok I kinda think the same think that people need to adapt new sym, because if you watched A_Seagull or Kephrii you’ll know that people make good use of her if they know how to play around her. The amount of possibilities with sym is more than you think and she’s actually a carry hero in the right hands (yes, I got carried my sym mains a few times cries in widow main)

Im liking Sym she just needs a couple buffs/QoL changes.

Such as turrets working during flight. Alternatively being unable to be destroyed in flight. They are easily destroyed in crossfire and just any aoe. A doomfist passing in front of you a D.Va charhing in a hamster diving you from above a flying ape landing on you. A D.Va r ecalling her mech. A genji dashing into them (they cant even get a tick in sometimes.

Orbs aoe should be bigger. Her piercing orbs were better aoe.

Smaller orbs accelerating faster, which would help finish off far players. Big orbs stay the same but smaller orbs are faster. And reduced cd for smalker orbs.

Faster Teleporter cast time/ ult cast time.

I have usef these things gotten headshot and they spawn a little to late. Same when ulting with zarya… They take too long to spawn not to mention they share Reapers teleportation interactions make it weird to teleport on higher surfaces such as in the chinese map or hanamura sometimes (those window panels in the skyscraper map have weird interactions with the destructable fences). If that was smootjed out the ability would be better.

Primary feels really underwheling at lvl 3 especially when the target is getting healed. If Symmetra could crit she would be more fun. More potential damage if you can land headshiots imo. Wouldnt need to buff numbers shooting a laser at someones head should do more damage then shooting at there feet.

no. You want the game to be balanced around HOW YOU want it to be balanced or HOW YOU see the character. That’s how “Reper should be a tank buster” ideas are born.
If Devs listen the crowd, they’ll make a mess of a game, instead they should deside the key roles that certain character should fit and balance them depending on how they fit their role.
If they are mostly outclassed by other heroes - buff, if otherwise, outclasses other heroes and fit role that shouldn’t fit - nerf. Not “it’s not meta, buff plez”.

They are a 3.0 contrarian shill

Even then, most of the team can’t use it.

It has limited range, and isn’t going to set up in the middle of the grav.

Who can use it is based on where in the grav they are, and where in the Grav Sym was when she used it.

Setup time as you pointed out is ALSO a problem

Considering how easy Turret Bombs are to deal with, using them effectively takes skill by itself. They are the reason people shouldn’t act like she doesn’t still have some form of lock on, because she does, and it’s fine due to the risk/reward factor.

She has always been like this. It isn’t new. Torbs gun, while still inconsistent, is still understandably better that Syms because his turret is worse and far less lethal than Syms turrets, meaning her gun is inconsistent on its own.

And you’re incorrect. The signifier of a good Sym is one that can kill without the turrets despite her guns limitations. Smart turret play is a thing she has to do now as well, and turret bombs are a part of that. She’s an area denial hero. Turrets are her thing.

Auto aim to aim is not a slight increase in difficulty - If you cannot aim the character just got 100% harder to play than she was before

If only Blizzard would do this, this would stop the “war” going on between Sym mains.

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That’s absolutely not true. Hanzo was a troll pick for several seasons. Once he lost his scatter and gained Storm Arrows, Lunge, and a faster projectile, he immediately saw regular play. Doomfist was considered a troll pick, but once they fixed a bunch of the bugs that straddled him, he immediately saw regular play. Same thing happened with Mei when they allowed her M2 to hit multiple targets, and the same thing happened with Zenyatta when they buffed his ultimate and orb speed.

As a former Symmetra player (2.0), I will never truly play her as one of my mains again until she gets one of the two back:

Lock-On Beam


Photon Barrier as an E-Ability. (The one from Symmetra 2.0)

The only real problem with Symmetra that people don’t realize is her Primary Fire is useless unless you have an enemy Reinhardt/Orisa Shield that you can charge it up on. She doesn’t have enough survivability up-close to even charge her beam to make it useful, which is why I would like to have her old Photon Barrier as an E-Ability (still keeping her BIG shield as the ultimate), or if they don’t bring back her old E-Ability, she needs her Lock-On beam.

The only thing keeping Symmetra somewhat viable right now are the lucky plays she can make with teleporting her turrets, and the occasional time you land a few Orbs on people who weren’t paying attention, but that’s honestly not enough.


It’s actually even more interesting than that.

You see, in 2018 OWL, they were expecting stage 4 (scheduled to start on May 16th) to run on patch 1.23, which was the one with the reworked Hanzo (Storm Arrow, Lunge). Expecting that, all teams started scrimming with one of their players becoming a Hanzo specialist, and working strategies around Hanzo and stuff.

However, they found out a bug that would affect all escort maps in case of a forced pause, thus, forcing the stage to be played on patch 1.22, with the old Hanzo that we all collectively agreed that was a troll pick and worthless of a party slot. But since all teams were working so hard around Hanzo, they started using Hanzo anyway. He was one of the top DPS picks of stage 4, and key to many teamfights, even outside of DragonBall combo.

And he did that without needing a rework, at the first opportunity the pro players just decided to utilize him in the team.

Pair that with the perception that during the height of dive, Reinhardt was considered too weak and “desperately need buffs”, but now six months later after receiving a grand total of zero buffs, and is seem by the community as “too powerful” and “mandatory in every team”. And then you notice how people simply mirror pros without understanding how the game they play are different from the game we all play, and how efficiency within a coordinated team is different from efficiency in a team of 6 wild cats running in 7 different directions.

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Because his rework made him overpowered and even after nerfs he is still overtuned.

Not to mention the meta following his rework favored single shots that were largely uneffected by armor.

Two different characters with two very different circumstances.

We need some justice towards Mercy, Symmetra, and Bastion players!


Justice is blind. Mercy, Sym and Bastion or fine.

I like how people still bring up her auto lock as if she was able to just run up to you and latch her beam on you. Also symmetra 2.0 had such a SMALL player base, if she was barely played why is there all this hate if you didnt play against her? I swear people only see the phrase “autolock” and just started sweating and slamming their keyboards