“People just need time to figure out Sym”

Also brigs Armour stacking

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Me before the rework: “at least Symm can’t get any worse. Literally, the only way from here is up.”

Blizzard:”hold my beer.”


<3 this ^

I’m pretty sure Brutal is referring to the (perceived*) practice of Sym 2.0 players a) choosing Sym overwhelmingly for defense and b) switching off Sym after losing point A. If you won the defense, it counted as a win for Sym. If you lost the defense but won the match, it counted as a win for some other hero. Thus artificially inflating her win percentage.

*I say perceived because I didn’t operate that way myself, nor did I observe it much. I don’t have any reason to suspect that the perception was false, but just mentioning that it was a perception and not an empirically proven fact.

I think it gets a bit more complicated than that; I think I’ll put up a thread specifically on that topic of inflated win rates re: Sym.


Yeah, Brigitte was released in a very OP state, just like how Ashe is right now. But that is argument for another thread.

That’s their way of saying “People need to learn how to use her teleporter for more than just self-transporting.”

We also could stack shield gen on Brigs armor for about a month. That was just starting to catch on and then they deleted sym.


This means that she is purely situational .

They have been tweaking her slightly here and there, longer primary, less charge time per tier. The next buff or two might be what finally puts her in a great place. Patience. I don’t think the devs enjoyed having to rework her twice, they are trying to get her right.

This sounds like an extremely roundabout way of saying, “Effectively using LMB”

Seriously, you have the tools in this game to get better at hitscan. Use them.

Go play some deathmatch. Go as far as you need to on this list, but above all practice.

Step 1 Moira
Step 2 Zarya/Symm LMB
Step 3 S76/Bastion (recon)
Step 4 McCree
Step 5 Ashe (scope)/Ana (scope)
Stop 6 Widowmaker

Me, personally, I’m only efficiently on step 3, it’s about as far as I want to go. You have the tools, go practice.

You refuse to get mechanically better. Okay, still more stuff you can learn to do with Symm 3.0 and get value. Work on teleporter placement and communication. Work on turret placement. Work on more effective area denial with Secondary Fire. Work on eating barriers safely. Work on best ways to communicate and use ult, or time ult as a counter ult. There are a ton of strategic things you can learn and do with Symm 3.0.


lol her turrets are broken and op sombra is broken and op and for some reason people dont play them i think its the stigma and the shizzle that is built around these two chars

I honestly think Sym is a lost cause, they have no idea what to do to her. I personally think 2.0 was the best iteration of her and 3.0’s rework wasn’t necessary. However, no matter what the devs do to her one side will still want 2.0 back and the other wants 3.0 to stay.

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Actually, Hanzos Sonic Arrow has a visual indication on the arrow in flight. You can see the sonar waves. Once it’s planted you hear a “schwing noise.” It also has a new continuous audio cue that is an unholy ringing that needs to be changed to something better. I’m surprised you haven’t noticed it.

It is quite simple.

Her pickrate is influenced by several factors.

  1. When a character has been branded a troll pick as long as Sym has been it takes a LONG time to shake off that reputation. Many people still thinks she is a troll simply because they are use to that being true.

  2. Sym’s rework was introduced shortly after Brig was released. Brig has defined the meta ever since her release. Sym just does not work in a meta where bypassing shields and one shots are more favorable. Doomfist, Widow, and hanzo were the hero’s of choice for a long time and are only now falling out of meta again.

  3. Quite honestly, it is not just a matter of Sym players getting used to how she works. As many just have refused to change their habits. I still see Sym’s try to do flanks to burn the backline when that is no longer her role. I still see people use her primary within 7m’s despite it not having those restrictions any more. It is not simply a matter of getting use to new sym. It is a matter of FORGETTING old sym. Which my impression of sym players in general is that most are not willing to do so.

  4. Sym is also a character that not only requires the player using her to know what she is doing but also requires her team to know what she is doing. Considering how most sym players I encounter are quiet and do not communicate due to a latent fear of toxic behavior towards them it is much harder for other players to learn HOW to work with her. This has prolonged the learning process on all fronts.

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I think this current version is pretty good and she has actually seen play in contenders with bastion.

I do think this is the highest skill cap and most creative version of her and I do think we will see her in OWL this season

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Only way to solve this issue is reverting Sym to 2.0, then making Echo use Sym3 kit as it is. Or vice versa, I want Sym to stay on 2.0 for respect to her older players, but I can live with another hero using the kit as it was.

Both versions are different enough that they can coexist as different heroes. Blizzard can balance them separately from there.

They should have done to Sym/Torb the same thing they did to Junkrat and Hanzo: Make them OP on purpose, then later tune them down to reasonable levels.

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Save that Junkrat was never OP and Hanzo still is overtuned. I prefer a hero get slow adjustments upwards.

Hitting them with a huge synringe of buff juice is just not healthy for the game. I personally think Sym is perfectly fine where she is. Many people just seem to gravitate to whatever is “OP” at the moment.

Perception of balance is more powerful than balance itself.

hehe a lot of people want the quicker cast time of teleport too soo the devs will probably make her orbs shoot faster instead!

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Don’t be silly. We will instead get TP health increased to 400.