Because autolock was mainly hated by flankers. Suddenly all those deflects and jumping around are not helping, and you are being melted.
To some players, even idea of having useful “no skill” hero is driving them crazy.
Because autolock was mainly hated by flankers. Suddenly all those deflects and jumping around are not helping, and you are being melted.
To some players, even idea of having useful “no skill” hero is driving them crazy.
I dont think when a ton of people are complaining they are fine
Balancing by mob rule… not a good idea.
By your own words then Sym 3.0 was a mistake because removing her primary was mob rule.
I’ve told you countless times, her autolock was not removed because of “crying gengu mains.” Stop spreading that lie.
Nope. Her primary was CHANGED due to the ease of use holding it back in terms of power.
Had nothing to do with mob rule and everything to do with sensible balance.
What was sensible about it? If it was easier to use before it was likely more effective in more hands and I don’t remember Sym outperforming other heroes. She still isn’t now but I’d think its arguable that an easier Hero would more often be more effective than a difficult one for more people.
Never said she did. The issue was that due to the ease of use it could not be buffed any further without removing the lock feature.
It was a poorly designed weapon as it required sym to be within murder distance of the entire cast. Extending the range or upping its damage profile while leaving auto lock in place would have been unfair.
I don’t recall a single Symmetra player asking for maasive beam buffs, because we knew her beam was not her main contribution to the team. The closest I’ve seen was asking for a very small buff for stage 1 and 2 damage, usually from 30-60 to 40-80.
The most requested buff we had were throwing turrets, and that’s one aspect of the rework everyone loved (the turret stash being halved is divisive, like everything else in the rework).
The dev team decided to move her from support to dps. A move like that required her primary to be functional within that role. The restrictions placed by ease of use were in conflict with that goal.
Once again the balance of a game or changes made to said are neither restricted nor bound to what its playerbase says it wants. They saw an issue with syms previous state and came up with a solution.
It was not halved. It was actually sped up. In the time it took to get six turrets of equal power it now only takes half that time. The turrets are double the strength they were before.
While I can’t say I brought up performance to call you on it but I wanted to illustrate that the character hasn’t had a net improvement if less people are good at her or at least that makes the most sense to me.
I am not arguing that her old beam was not a reason they couldn’t change her I am saying it wasn’t necessarily a bad design as it had the most people be effective on her. Could have just changed the turrets cause her old turrets were poorly designed and she’d be loads better.
If before she wasn;t balanced and her pick and win rates were skewed balancing her would level those out or should have I don’t think she is balanced just ye as those percentages have yet to improve to show signs of balance.
I think people can be good to great on Sym heck I do well on her but I imagine people would do more consistently better with her old gun
If you look only at damage numbers, it got a nerf from max 180 to max 150.
But just like the beam, focusing on the damage is looking at the wrong thing about the turrets. It’s main purpose is area denail, and having 6 turrets cover more area than 3.
Some players are fine having less turrets of they are individually stronger. Others miss the web of turrets you could build to make the enemy team check every corner before pushing (finding 6 turrets is a also harder than finding 3).
Thats why I call it divisive. The Symmetra community is split about the turret thing being a nerf, a wash, or a buff.
This game was doomed from the start. Geoff Goodman is the person behind the balance decisions…the guy who got fired from Hots.
After that change, I stopped playing Overwatch for a few months, long enough for the hype to die down I guess or until we got Ash.
I dislike 3.0 so much. Every time I see a 3.0 get POTG, I go, “Sentry kills…,” because that’s all it is. It’s never 3.0 actually doing anything but throwing sentry while dancing behind a wall, Orisa’s/Reinhardt’s Shield and tossing out weak rapid fire orbs that are constantly missing enemies. When I was a Sym 2.0, and got POTG, it was actual work. Even though Sym 2.0 had the lock on, we couldn’t just stand there brain dead, we had to dodge and stay in range with just 200hp.
I feel like I joined Overwatch too late. I only got to enjoy Sym 2.0 for just a short time, but thankfully I saved many gameplays of my proudest moments when people doubted my capability with her. Now I’m trying to become a Sombra main, let’s hope they don’t mess her up too.
I feel your pain so much. I have loved Symmetra from almost the very beginning, her style fit me like a glove, and I called her my wife because I just loved everything about her and I knew I could trust most Symmetras because I knew what she could do (Symmercy > Pharmercy any 2.0 day.)
When the rework hit, I kept trying and trying and trying but it just wasn’t the same even when I still got medals and potg. Potg though…god… I remember that for all of 2.0’s weaknesses and flaws, when I got potg I knew it and I knew that 80% of the time everyone was going to see me annihilate like a goddess of destruction and gladiator queen because it was all me. Now? It’s rare that I ever feel like that and it’s rarer that I manage to survive a potg or my turrets not do half the work.
I’m sorry you only got to spend a little time when Symmetra was in her prime, maybe with the next rework we will see some form of her return.
I love Symmetra, I always will, but I too have played more and more Sombra. I always considered myself a Symbra main but I feel less frustration (and more fun) and feel like I have more genuine impact with Sombra now. And now I play Symmetra out of love, loyalty, and the fact I just want to look good and show off my Symmetra fashion collection so whether win or lose at least I don’t look ugly lol.
In theory? Yes. In practice? No. Her old turrets if not stacked two at a time were not even a means of slowing an enemy down. Which is where the true value of her turrets are. Slowing the enemy down long enough to react and act on it.
Her new turrets are able to not only hold area’s against enemies but can actually be used to retake area’s or turn an area that was something you were attacking into something you are defending instead all because she can actively throw them.
If you look at the damage all the turrets collectively do then it seems like a big nerf. However when you consider you are deploying close to double the damage and slow in half the time then it becomes more then worth it.
I would argue no to this solely based on being able to throw turrets now verses placing them down within arms reach. Turrets can be in more places now and can be deployed at range to catch people off guard.
That’s plain math. If you have 6 spots that cover a 10m radius, you cover more area than 3 spots with the same 10m radius. This give you more room to use some turrets as alarms instead of requiring full focus like today.
As I said, this is very divisive. So I understand people who think the new turrets are better because of its mobility despite the stash nerf. But it cover less area, and give you less options to spread them out. That’s undeniable.
It cover’s more area effectively though is my point. 6 weak turrets doing nothing but being alarms is worse then 3 turrets actually providing opportunity’s for kill confirmation.