People hated Mass Rez because Mercy was invulnerable, now she rezzes a Tank in front of the enemy team

No, you didn’t. You explained something in relation to Multi-Rez. I’m talking about a thread that talks about the entire idea of calling something unhealthy or otherwise.

The people who protested/“raided” the forums were exclusively the fanbase of Aria. And the only thing Aria was “revealed” as was someone who has the misfortune of being quick to anger and tends to stay angry for a long time. Anyone else who were/are expressing similar opinions did/do so largely by coincidence and assuming they’re all organized as one and trying to dump misinformation into any thread that so much as mentions Mercy is…baffling.


Didn’t like the Exploitation and letting teammates die so that they could be Rezed at full health, and “Hide and Rez” (which many people think was overblown).

Guess you didn’t read the old threads about Mercy in the previous Forums (before we came to this one where Down-Voting was removed). Thousands of Up-Voting for return to Mass Rez. Thousands of Down-Voting, for people like you, saying that Mass Rez was evil.

True, I am not True0Neutral, but after 2 years of hearing the same thing from people like you, and people showing you the other side of the story and getting that (in a nut shell) Everyone Hated Mass Rez when that was never the case…


Yeah, the Mega-Threads because ALL other Mercy threads were being directed to it (For and against Mass Rez). Unlike on this “New and Improved” forum where Mercy threads were closed then thrown into the Mega-Threads, or flat out deleted and Mercy posters banned from posting. UNLESS, in this new forum, where people are badmouthing Mass Rez, those tend to stay (an many times Mercy posters are banned from posting). Sooo much less Biased now than back then…
9 or 11 (depending on how one counts) Mega-Threads, over 100,000 posts with ideas on how to make Mass Rez better. Seems like a majority of people liked Mercy 1.0 a lot more than Mercy 2.whatever we are at now (17 Nerfs post Rework).

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My only issue is the poor target priority in plat when it comes to a mercy.

I mean… you get a Kill… What do you think will now happen?

A) Mercy runs back to spawn to say Sorry to the teammate that died.
B) Mercy waits until you leave the corpse and makes a Rezz attempt?

But yeah… it’s plat so, they aren’t Grandmaster / pro’s

imho it’s good counterable, and she’s at high risk while doing it.
if the full team protects her during rezz, the team deserves Mercy Alive.

Hate to tell you this, but that happens below Plat a lot as well. Most Mercy’s will try to wait out a camped body and pull a Rez while the enemy’s back is turned. And actually succeed in many cases.

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But this is interactiv gameplay mechanics. It’s actually great.

You can punish the poor awareness and get high value out of it.
But it can also be baited or punished.


I coined the term “Sniper Bait” the first time I played the PTR after the Rez Nerf. VERY easily punished back then, especially from snipers. My teammates said that it looked painful when a Widowmaker shot me when I attempted a Rez in the open.
But now, just like on a certain sea bird’s streams, Mercy is being ignored and can pull Rezes off that shouldn’t happen to a coordinated team.

I love to see mercy spinning like crazy during rezz to avoid these sniper shots.

Looks sad if she gets shot, but seems to work sometimes.


Yeah, Hide and Rez was unhealthy mechanic. Glad to see it gone.

Billions, Trillions :smiley:

After 2 years of saying the same wrong thing, you people need to give it a rest. Mercy is perfectly viable, balanced and fine. She has impact and she is fun. Mass Rez was an unhealthy mechanic that isn’t coming back. Give it a rest.


You can CC her now though, which completely stops the rezz. :thinking:

It’s so funny how people love talking about mass rez when someone is not talking about mass rez. Anyway…

Bad news for you then. Valk existed before mass rez and it got removed. Stationary rez existed long ago and got removed too because it created huge problems that are now back in the game. Same with trash 50 hp/s healing.

This must be a bluff. Okay… I guess you interviewed them all. As far as I’m concerned when you asked randomly in random games, there was a consensus about the opposite. People missed mass rez. Then you had the megathreads, 11 huge clusters of different threads where you could see a huge disbalance in favour of mass rez. I’m sorry, but even Blizz admitted they only took feedback from 1% of the community. Is that really the “overwhelming majority”??? That sounds as crazy as me claiming myself as the new God Emperor of the Human Kind and assuring that I will create space marins to conquer the galaxy xDDD.

Poor little guy… The truth is, it’s still in game and real. In fact, there are videos of people picking a character on attack at maps like Gibraltar, waiting anyone to die (Widow for example), going back to respawn, switching to Mercy and rezzing from a hidden place where nobody can hit them, and repeating all the times they need. The exploit continues to be real, it has only changed its form.

Guess what? People are not calling for mass rez to come back already. They come for a good design to come. You can make up a bad design so it’s “balanced” and “fun” to play (mostly to play against, to play as seems more like a dull and unexciting chore), but it will forever a bad design. People are complaining about their character not being fun anymore nor interesting nor good design. Yes, somepeople still talk about mass rez because there was and still is a lot of bad blood about it, but that’s it, nobody is saying “bring mass rez back right now”. I guess you need to open your mind a bit because it seems you are still living in the past. Complaints changed. World goes on.


Read the thread then.

Balance is an ever changing commodity. Your point is empty.

And when you combine all the posts, it was no more than 20 people probably.

I’m not a guy, if the name doesn’t give it away.

The mechanic is different and it actually has counters now.

Exactly. Stop making pointless complaints. Mercy is viable and one of the most balanced characters currently in the game. She is also fun and impactful. Time to move on.


Mass rez is in the title of this thread.

Mercy is not required to remain stationary while performing rez.

The Mercy player can opt to have her remain stationary while performing rez, but I wouldnt recommend it under most circumstances

I know of no problems in the game created by single rez

Personally, I dont see anything about Mercy’s healing as being reasonably described as trash.

The unwanted/undesirable behavior described by the devs in some detail when the change was released disappeared from the game when mass rez was removed from the game

Sadly, many folks are indeed still calling for Mercy to be reverted or reworked in some fashion which would then include a version of mass rez.

There’s even hash tags and discords all about this single concept, as well as mass-rez focused threads.

There are many individuals working solely on mass rez in the workshop

I would say the revert/rework/massrez folks can be reasonably described as such

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I don’t quite follow where you’re going here. I was talking about pre-rework, some popular streamers and professional players were being vocal about Mercy and no doubt many of their followers then joined regardless of thinking objectively or not. There could’ve been more changes made to Mercy without resorting to what should’ve been a last resort (reworking a hero), but this wasn’t really done. If you’re referring to those unhappy with Mercy’s current state as a vocal, toxic, minority of players then factually we don’t actually know how many dislike current Mercy. However, I can say from my observations of the many megathreads and various other social media that it appears it’s by far a ‘toxic, vocal, minority’, as you seem to refer to it as.

Quite right!


What exactly are you confused about? The Devs, the Pros and the overwhelming majority of the community didn’t like Mass Rez for legitimate reasons, being an unhealthy mechanic.

The moment the raid was destroyed and their leader banned together with her followers, the constant spam on the forums stopped. We still see occasional thread or two like these ones but nothing like the constant spam the forums were exposed to. The forums are a minority in the context of the whole community and even on the forums (filled predominantly with support mains), the reverts weren’t a serious force but just a loud minority that was a spamming echo chamber. The raid getting destroyed is probably one of the best spring cleaning, the forums have ever had.


Interesting how stats weren’t being cited consistently back then, it was ‘disheartening to play against’. However, doesn’t matter how many complain about how she’s a bit disheartening to play as at the moment as the response can often be as simple as someone citing win rate and/or pick rate as if they mean whether a hero is precisely perfect or not (sadly they don’t paint a full picture). Many appear to find current Mercy disheartening to play as, and there’s not as much discussion now because very likely many have given up trying to appeal for some improvements. That’s the spring cleaning, not just the coincidental raid done by a minority of those unhappy with the current situation.

Honestly, two sides shouldn’t be fighting each other over some either claiming they find Mercy is fun or such, with some on the other side saying the opposite. We should be trying to get something that’s reasonably mutually acceptable to many on both sides of the fence. However, given many have appeared to give up the best option is to either pick another hero such as Ana (despite whether she’s a little too strong atm or not), Widowmaker, or some other hero that the player now finds more engaging. The other option is to play another game, which personally I’ve done but still stick around on the forum in hope one day the rework and balancing process won’t feel so random.


One of many reasons given. I love it when you guys keep bringing this up like it’s the only reason ever for Mass Rez to be removed.


I didn’t say it was the only reason, but it was a top reason. Don’t presume. Where in my post did I say it was the only reason? Read. My paragraph isn’t pointless, if it wasn’t a reason then it would be pointless, your lack of logic astounds me :laughing:.

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So if it’s not the only reason, your entire paragraph is pointless.


You mean efforts like this?