People hated Mass Rez because Mercy was invulnerable, now she rezzes a Tank in front of the enemy team

I never experienced mass-rez in overwatch before, but I have played a cheap copy of Overwatch and that game has mass-rez.

To me, mass-rez isn’t as powerful as you think it is. I mean, sure you can counter most ults in the game with a single push of a button. But mass-rez really depends on whether you got a good teammate or not in my opinion. Not to mention where they die as usually it is caused by bad positioning and mass-rez is basically a feeding ult in that type of situation.

To me it’s not that powerful and has a lot of counter plays. I mean they literally stood still when they are rezzed and the enemy team has all the good positions while my team has the bad ones.

Not to mention it’s only good if your teammates is actually can stand a chance against the enemy.

I prefer Valkyrie over mass-rez due to said reason. At least Valkyrie can be used for peeling when your team is in a bad position and it’s also very flexible while mass-rez has a very specific requirement and it only goes as really good or really bad ult, there’s no middle ground for it.


I totally agree with you here, reinhardts, reaper, dva ultimate are in the same category

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I’m fine with her rez, what’s pissing me off is that if she dies, the rez continues. If she’s pushed even a great distance away, the rez still finishes. I think that once her rez is at 50% or more, it’s going to finish no matter what happens to Mercy.

The problem was this:

  1. Your team rushes in. My team blows our ults decimating your team.
  2. Mercy flies in from her hiding place and pops her ult.
  3. Your team is now all back, using THEIR ults, while my team is now being destroyed.

Mass rez needed to go, imo.

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I’ve read the thread you linked, ages ago. It features a lot of cherry picking, and a lot of assumption. Plus your snark and overall attitude makes me less inclined to want to listen to you. Seriously, why so hostile?


There’s no projectile, but there is a very short cast time for the animation of Ana lifting her hand to “shoot” it, and the ability can be interrupted during that time.

Wrecking Ball’s Minefield has a similarly brief window between when he starts squeaking and when the mines actually pop out of him. Stunning him during that exact moment will prevent the mines from spawning at all.

The problem is Blizzard and the fact that they can’t make a reasonable and fun character kit design after 2-3 redesigns for multiple characters.

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Doom ult is blocked by shields and LoS or just walking to the outer rings to take less damage, or moving out of it completely to take no damage. So yes, there is counter play when his Q is pressed.

Sombra ult can be avoided by LoS and range and you can stun, CC, or kill her when she uses her Ult to stop it from activating.

Lol what? Reaper ult has TONS of counterplay. Firstly, you can stun or CC him to stop his ult, or flat out kill him to stop it. You can hack him out of it too. You can also eat it with DM or block it with shields. You can avoid it by going out of range or LoS, and most support ults can outheal it too. You really don’t know what counterplay is do you lol…

Um…no. Mcree ult has SO much counterplay it’s not even funny. He is slowed down even slower than current E rez, making him easily headshot or killed or stunned or hacked or CC’d to cancel his ult. His ult can also be eaten by Dva or blocked by shields, not to mention it LITERALLY has a charge up time before it works.

Mass rez was the literal OPPOSITE of Mcree ult. Mass rez was instant and invulnerable and fast, Mcree ult is slow and has a cast time and makes him extremely vulnerable. Why are you even comparing the two. Yikes.

That’s not mass rez specific counterplay, especially since you can’t kill the Mercy when she ults. Any hero can just “be killed” to stop them from ulting, that’s not a valid argument.

How is a Sombra going to hack a Mercy who is hiding under a bridge or behind a wall? If the Sombra tries to hack her Mercy can just pistol her and cancel the hack. Again, this isn’t Mass Rez specific counterplay because you could not hack Mercy DURING her rez.

…Ok this is when I know you must be trolling. Never thought I’d heard the day a Mercy main said that Mei’s ice wall was one of the main counters to mass rez. Double yikes.

How is B.O.B. going to kill Mercy when she can instantly press Q and revive her team and become invincible?

Except Mercy wasn’t usually standing right in the middle of the teamfight, she was off hiding somewhere or taking cover for short or long periods of time. Even now, good Mercy players abuse LoS and her beams still. It’s how Mercy is played, and was even worse when she had Mass Rez.

Ah, I see, typical “I hate pro players wahhhhh” whining.


Quite often in QP. When people play Mercy they can get away with almost anything.

Virtually never in comp. People aren’t that stupid.

This is just an Elo problem, much further up and she dies for being out of position.

You give the average player way to much credit

Define ‘average player’? Even in Gold, you couldn’t just “rez a Tank in front of the enemy team” very reliably.

Attempting it during Valk makes it much more likely to work, but assuming we’re talking about “boots-on-the-ground” Mercy here.

But it is NOT countered by any of those, just avoided.

Hummm, so you are facing her the whole time, otherwise you cannot CC, Stun, or kill her. Many times I see Sombra drop down from above, an no one can stop it.

IF and only IF you are facing where he drops down to.

Which is why I said, and I quote, " HIDING McCree- steps around corner after pressing ‘Q’, no counter play ."

You are talking about Mercy AFTER Invulnerability was added, a mistake many Mercy players agree with.

Funny, lets look at this video shall we:
(OH, and please note that the Enemy Mercy had pulled a Mass Rez to begin with, allowing her team to capture the point and win. It occurs at 2:54 to 3:08)

No, you Hack Mercy either before she gets to the point (E.G. In flight IF she is running back from Spawn, or like has been heavily exaggerated ‘Hiding’). You get behind enemy team (Isn’t Sombra a Flanker?) and target Mercy (who isn’t hiding) and Hack her. AN, since Sombra IS a flanker, why isn’t she finding that pesky Hiding Mercy in the first place?

Ummm, yeah. You are Mei, you see Mercy flying in, and throw up a wall in front of her. Nice insults by the way. :roll_eyes:

Once again with the Invincible, but OK say you are right. Mercy can NOT fly in to Rez her team if B.O.B. is out because that is a guaranteed Kill of Mercy.

THAT is not how GOOD Mercy players played her. That was Troll Mercy players who only used it for the SR abuse. Not every Mercy player played like this, and it probably would have mainly stopped if the removal of the SR abuse would have had longer than 1 week before the Rework went out. Check it out, that is exactly when SR abuse AND Rez from Spawn occurred. Let me guess, you watched tons of xQc streaming back then didn’t you?

Ah, I see you love insulting people who are trying to make a point :roll_eyes:

OH, and I notice that you left out 1 main counter play, SAVE 1 ULT to counter a Mass Rez. You know, Ult Economy.


I don’t see where the cherry-picking or assumptions are. Virtually everything mentioned is true.

I don’t know how you interpreted my tone as hostile. I’m amused and generally entertained.

If you think that’s aggressive, I wonder what you would think when I’m actually aggressive :smiley:

I’m just a straight-forward and direct individual.


At this point all I can do is point out that the videos featured in your choice of thread are very heavily edited and are closer to the typical “frag montage” style of video than anything else. Frag montages are rarely indicative of the typical gameplay in any situation so they should always be taken with a grain of salt.

I’m also gonna once again suggest you actually read the thread I linked, as what you’re supposed to understand from that was that a lot of people tend to claim something is “unhealthy” exceedingly arbitrarily. It’s an issue that goes beyond Mercy related threads, but is most common in said threads.

So just outright dismissing the thread just because you don’t like the way something is emphasized in it seems a bit ridiculous.


What I don’t like is how resurrect, such a powerful ability, is on a fixed 30 second cooldown and is immediately available at the beginning of a round. However, resurrect is still an issue and will remain an issue to other parts of Mercy’s kit which have to be nerfed or remain nerfed in some shape or form. She’s meant to be a highly mobile hero and yet this one ability hinders her mobility greatly, well, pretty much her entire kit becomes unusable (can’t heal, can’t damage boost, can’t even shoot her pistol) for a timeframe which feels like forever in fast paced gameplay. An ability with the longest cooldown in the entire game :rofl:.

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Again, there’s nothing even contentious about my argument. This is not even something we need to debate.

My proof is by virtue of Mass Rez no longer existing in this game. It’s not an opinion or something abstract, it’s a fact.

The Devs, the Pros, the overwhelming majority agreed Mass Rez was unhealthy for the game hence why it was removed. It promoted a gameplay and mechanic detrimental to the core design of the hero. Not to mention all the other problems clearly outlined by thread I provided.

This isn’t even something that needs to be debated. Mass Rez is gone.


Okaaaaay? That’s not even remotely my point. I’m not arguing for or against the return of Multi-Rez. I’m on about dismissive snark in response to an entirely valid point about calling something unhealthy and how that’s just as subjective as saying it’s unfun to play as.

Speaking of unfun, one of the reasons given for the removal, from the devs themselves if memory serves, was that Multi-Rez was “disheartening to play against.” That’s a pretty subjective reason. Dev-teams make choices like that all the time, as balancing any sort of game will never be an entirely objective thing.

Ultimtately, just read the thread already, because rehashing the entirety of it in this thread is just going to eat time nobody has.


You mean those who followed the pros or some popular streamers jumped on the bandwagon to whine that they wanted mass resurrect removed, resulting in a full blown failure of a rework instead of more tweaks. More than a year of megathreads with next to no engagement from anyone on the OW team, except perhaps mods, with many thousands of posts… which unfortunately due to the discussion being highly one sided the megathreads ended up becoming a pointless echo chamber. It was a poorly executed rework and remains as such, although it isn’t the only time a rework hasn’t been a massive success for the majority of players on any side of the fence. Honestly makes me wonder if that’s why they are reluctant to rework any other heroes at the moment, I can think of a few who could honestly do with one to perhaps see some light of day in Overwatch.

Now that many found her not as fun to play as (or we could also say, disheartening), the other side who lobbied for Mercy to end up getting a rework no longer care and just cite somewhat meaningless statistics such as win rate and/or pick rate only. It’s no wonder many have either moved on to another game or at the very least another hero such as Widowmaker or Ana (for example).


And I just explained to you how it’s clearly not “subjective”.

One of many.

I mean the overwhelming majority with the exception of some very vocal, toxic minority of players that were finally deconstructed after they raided the forum and their leader was revealed for what she is.