People hated Mass Rez because Mercy was invulnerable, now she rezzes a Tank in front of the enemy team

I agree. Let’s nerf EMP

The top reason was the desire on the part of the devs to eliminate a certain unwanted/undesirable behavior from the game

Are we still on about mass resurrection here?

Look, it encouraged counter-intuitive play. You can say you didn’t need to hide + res, and that’s fine, but you were playing Mercy sub-optimally if you did not hide + res at least sometimes.

That’s the problem.

As a Mercy player I love not having mass resurrection because I get less people hunting me down and killing me. Killing Mercy first in a teamfight used to be the win condition and it sucked lol! Now I am still hunted down of course, but it doesn’t have the same zeal as it did before


clarification: said leader and said followers are still here, with said leader (now former leader) returning rather recently

She using an alt account? Isn’t that against the rules? Circumventing a ban? (I think she has been banned on multiple accounts already)

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not my call, none of my business…just letting you know

Guess we are gonna expect another influx of Mercy thread spams. Hope Undertone and crew (haven’t seen him recently) are ready for another fight. I’ve seen you in a lot of such threads so I guess you should be able to take up the mantle if he has went to greener or better places (wouldn’t blame him) :smiley:

I will do my part also in de-mystifying myths and legends :smiley:

Undertone changed jobs and apparently the new job doesnt afford him the time/opportunity to be on the forums much

Quest is no longer here

There are still others, tho

In what dimension can you rez in front of the enemy team without getting insta stunned?

Ah, I see. Well now, it shall be up to us to valiantly defend the forums from the raids soon to come until the heroes return :smiley:

The dimension I live and play in, though I can’t say as I know its name versus other dimensions

I think i’m in the 53rd dimension, so it’s no that one…

It is certainly possible that in the version of the game run in other dimensions, Mercy gets auto-stunned when performing rez

I’d probably be playing a different character if I lived in such a dimension

she lacked an e before so it was likely that fact that was reinforcing that play style instead of staying in the mid fight.

lots of easy ways to go about fixing the few issues 1.0 had back then.


as I see it, there was only one way to fix the severe problems mass rez created, and that was to remove mass rez

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You can kill the target or prevent them from doing anything.

True but person i said that to was thinking about stoping ana before she use it…

far more ways to fix things than to just destroy them.


I just want a good workshop code for Mass Rez Xbox :sob::sob:

I don’t see that there was any other way in this particular case

Feel free to describe alternatives that one feels may have fixed the problem…I know of none, personally