People hated Mass Rez because Mercy was invulnerable, now she rezzes a Tank in front of the enemy team

Be honest, absolutely honest. How many times have you seen this in both QP and Comp?

And when will we be honest and admit Mercy’s rez is not the real problem here?


You can shoot mercy while she rezzes

Back then you couldn’t


how many times have I seen it?

A few times

How many times have I done it?

Countless :sunglasses:


Mercy 1.0 disagrees with you.


I don’t understand the point this thread is trying to make.


My favorite is when she flies through the enemy team and rez’s behind them and no one bothers to turn around to stop her from rezing.

No one there to protect her. Still manages to pull off rez.


Thank you. Worst part is even when I’m the Healer I am the one making the most effort to kill her while the Tanks and DPS are in dreamland.


Dont get me wrong, i do it too as Zen, but again im busy doing other things. But theres times as Mercy i just stand there like ??? Hello? Do you want me to rez? Okay.

Also want to point out, i dont expect rein to turn around hes doing good things up there, but, Zarya, dps plz…stop having the awareness of a wet paper towel.


Why is your team not focusing Mercy when she attempts to rez?
When I play Road Hog, it’s like a free kill if she doesn’t get bubbled or DM’d. Either way, she still doesn’t get the rez.


It doesn’t happen often now, but when that does, it’s fine. Because I know I had the means to stop it since it has a cast time and she is vulnerable. I don’t get upset or mad. It stinks, but oh well - that was us being dumb, that was Mercy being smart, etc.

Back then? It was a game of hide and seek, and I was the seeker. That was significantly less healthy. Found her and she used resurrect? Already done and you can’t do anything to stop it when she presses Q.

Her resurrect is not the problem anymore.


I’ve seen Hogs miss the shot or hook and DPS unless it’s Reaper who can 1 shot not do it.

Well I have 60% hook accuracy this season, I’m not going to miss a Mercy who is standing still trying to rez.

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Until I see it proven otherwise, I genuinely believe that during rez, Mercy’s hitbox shrinks and she therefore takes reduced damage.


That’s not how arguments work, the burden of proof is on you.


Er…as both someone who frequently plays as and against Mercy, I can tell you that I do NOT think that’s the case at all.


There are 3 situations i find myself in when i play mercy… and honestly it boils down to the enemy and my teammates…

Situation A) My team are potatoes and the enemy are gm pros (not really), they focus me first, the genji blades and dives me ‘always’ with a nano, the rein shatters and makes sure i’m the first to die or first to be charged… and my team can’t turn around to shoot the moira slurping me like a slushie as i’m trying to keep my rein alive…

Situation B) My team are a godsend and the enemy are potatoes… the reverse of situation A, i’m able to rez for free it seems, my zarya always bubbles me as i’m running or saving someone, my rein lifts his shield after shattering someone to keep me safe while the dps do their thing…

Situation C) Everyone is balanced, the enemy team know i’m a threat and treat me as such, my team know i’m important and do their best to help me out and i in turn keep them alive and killing…

In all honesty i still believe she was changed cause genjis and zaryas didn’t like that their ults would go to waist cause they didn’t stop to think for 2 seconds before unleashing hell to thin “Where’s the mercy on the enemy team?” and send ‘someone’ to look around for mercy before, during, or right after hell is unleashed…

then again i’m a season 1 mercy main what do i know that goes on in the mind of jeff kaplan


I don’t know what we’re arguing or what this thread is even about. I’m just voicing my interpretation of rez.


Mercy’s rez was def the problem before. Maybe she rezzes a tank in front of the enemy team without repercussions because your team is bad. Also, Mercy’s ability to rez used to be a huge problem. Man advantage is literally what wins games, and since mercy could easily even it up, it made her overpowered. I’m having trouble understanding what you are trying to prove. Are you one of those revert mercy fools?

If funny how you call me “one of those Mercy fools” yet you’re repeating yourself “Mercy’s rez was a problem.” without giving any reasoning TWICE. Tell me, before you wrote this comment do you wind up the saying “Mercy’s rez was a problem” in your head several times?

The only advantage in Overwatch that wins games is everyone using their ult at once. Mercy’s rez would negate this if she survived. “ThAts UnFuN!”


Yes, i see it all the time and more often than not the mercy gets killed. I do it myself often as well and i die. What exactly is the point of this thread?

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